
Ideas to support dying friend?

Ideas to support dying friend?

Lilly Created Jul 1, 2024 22:06

My best friend is sick right & progressing fast. Docs are struggling to fix her. She’s in hi spirits emotionally but struggles so much physically that she doesn’t want me supporting in person anymore. Any ideas how to support from afar? I text a lot and she says she doesn’t need anything but I feel bad. I’m more sad she’s dying than she is but I want to help


This topic has 6 comments


Jul 1, 2024 22:51

Sometimes the best way to help is to let go, meaning try not to make it about you. Love her from afar and let her know that and be there 'till the end in any capacity. Be there for her family, and make sure you are present, that's all anyone can ask. I lost a really good friend suddenly, it was sad, I made sure I was there to show my respects.

In any event, I feel for you and hope the best for you throughout this process. Alex.


Jul 2, 2024 03:00

I don’t rly know how to love her from afar other than texts and that doesn’t feel like enough to me. Thnx!


Jul 2, 2024 03:16

The best I can say is just keep supporting, be there for her no matter what. As for my personal opinion, keep doing things with her that she enjoys and keep giving her fun things to look forward to. When faced with bleak outcomes, we need positive things to keep us moving forward.


Jul 2, 2024 05:01

I have lost numerous friends in the last 20 years. I have been in your situation and the way I would handle it is to continue visiting and when the person protests, say that you don't believe that supporting them from afar is supporting them at all and they will just have to get used to you loving them in person. At least that is how I handled it. They might disagree at first, but eventually they will come to understand that you are only looking out for them and trying to be as authentic as possible. I had one friend who had died of hepatitis C and had developed cirrhosis of the liver and I visited with him every day except for one, and that was the day that he died. I still haven't forgiven myself for that. I ended up being called over to the facility to identify his body anyway, as he had me listed as his next of kin. I wish both you and your friend the very best, and I'm sorry. What you're going through is very difficult . S


Jul 3, 2024 01:40

Doing what you can to convey what you feel in the truest way you know how. Treating each moment as precious as the last. Each word and each letter that is sent from the farthest reaches of the heart. Showing this person their life matters it mattered then and it will be something you will always carry with you. Feeling almost indebted to the fact that this person entered your life showing that a true connection in this life is worth more than any action could provide. It’s not about what we can do but the honesty and true nature of love that is felt from a bond such as this should allow them to feel the warmth necessary to know this life is capable of providing a sense sublime appreciation to another’s very heartbeat simply by being present in a time when your paths crossed and shall be cherished far beyond this life

Mike the mechanic

Jul 3, 2024 14:35

I would recommend the happy tablets like promethazine and zopoclone and a real favourite I used to get to chill me out and make me happy is lorazipam. Live laugh love and at a more personal level, let them do what they want doctors sometimes say optimistic things...there are end of life specialists that can basically try to grant a dying wish.

Sometimes sweets like good ice cream are a good idea.


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