
All Girl Band

All Girl Band

Blenderhead2 Created Jul 3, 2024 19:00

How many girls out there ever think about being in an all girl band? No matter how old you are. If so, what kind of style/sub-genre?


This topic has 5 comments


Jul 3, 2024 20:41

Had one when I was 15-16.


With a "Z" cause we were punk.

I played bass. Very poorly.

Mike the mechanic

Jul 3, 2024 20:48

Does anyone remember Kitty?

They were f**king awesome...


Jul 3, 2024 22:31


Yeah they had some great songs in the late 90s.


Jul 4, 2024 10:43

I'd be in a band with girls, boys doesn't matter.

Metal, dark wave, new wave, maybe punk. Punks tend to get away with playing unstructured music. 🤭

3yrs of singing lessons, but i only had the guts to sing with, an ex of 9ys garage band at practice. I'd usually sing all the iron maiden songs, that was early 2000s.

Throne of Bear

Jul 4, 2024 11:06

Ive been listening to allot of republica recently. It keeps coming up as recomended tunes on my spotify. Quite enjoying them


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