
To anarchy and beyond. Discuss.

To anarchy and beyond. Discuss.

Mike the mechanic Created Jul 1, 2024 00:48

If you look at plebs, peons, serfs, peasents and then the proletariat, it just keeps going my way.

Less countries have despots every century.

I think the world and humanity are naturally progressing towards a system of less and less government.

Even with nukes, lasers, biometrics and AI. I believe it's inevitable. Government will be rendered impotent.

Government is Greek for govern (to control) and ment (the mind) govern-ment (to control the mind) human nature is geared up to reject that s**t.


This topic has 22 comments


Jul 1, 2024 04:07

Not much coherent here to work with so I’m going to pass.


Jul 1, 2024 06:55

^ i wasn't even going to bother with this much.

Ranger Pariah

Jul 1, 2024 16:07

On one hand I respect the old punk mindset of rejecting control. I really do. I felt that I had to pay some speech to this as I am the group Libertarian. Which is, the belief in as little government, if none if possible.

What makes the OP think that people at large are progressing towards a system of less government? How do we have less Nukes? We have more AI now more than ever.

*note to original poster, I was completely hammered when replying* So, can you match me in this hammerd-ness?

*In fact, I almost never commit altscene while being sober*


Jul 1, 2024 18:23

Yeah I don’t see civilization moving towards less government either. And I seriously question this notion that anarchy is the default mode of thought or function for humanity. Sure seems like communities with strong leaders arose pretty early on in the human experience. Doesn’t strike me as artificially or arbitrarily imposed upon us by an outside force.


Jul 1, 2024 18:47

Seems more like more government, often there are remarks of moving towards 1984.


Jul 2, 2024 05:23

Ah yes cause it's Greek. You know the Germanic tribes had their own government, whenever there's a full moon out they would gather at night for "The Thing" to settle tribal disputes, no matter what happens there would always be a government. Anarchy leads to aligarchy.

Truly deep down what the default thought or function for humanity is fascism. Ideas of communism and fascism all work great with close friends and like minded people, but as soon as you get another person who thinks differently within your tribe, then there will be others to over throw your idea of utopia, and how else to deal with Interlopers than force them to exile or execution for going against you and your friends' idea who started the community.

I mean just look at the American civil war, confederation vs union. South wanted states to be individual from each other. Like let's say Michigan wanted slaves, California didn't, Michigan would be a slave state, California would be a free state. Wisconsin wants to be pro abortion, new York anti. Each state separate from each other, like anarchy in a way, or an aligarchy. The union however wants a giant government to tell each state how it should be ran, but we elect governors, mayors who we want to try to fight against big government.

So with the cheers and banging drums of anarchy, just remember, America and every country was anarchy, it wasn't till a small group in a small tribe became dominant and formed an aligarchy.


Jul 2, 2024 05:46

Ankther perfect example of anarchy is the game Rust and Ark.
Both games it's anarchy, do whatever you want build whatever you want, kill whoever you want. But then evolves an aligarchy. The "alpha" clan of the servers with their "fascist/Communist" ideals. Then smaller confederations of lesser tribes. Grubs, naked, door campers, roof campers. Why complain about any of them when it's all apart of anarchy.

Those of you who are all for anarchy only do so when it benefits your fascist ideals of it, but when the tables turn for a different anarch group, you cry and shout at them, calling them oppressors and fascists. I mean who are you to call them that, especially when there is no rules in anarchy to say they can't oppress you or enslave you or take your land.

Mike the mechanic

Jul 3, 2024 19:23

I don't think you or tg3 peipl

Mike the mechanic

Jul 3, 2024 19:24

I don't think you or the people you describe understand anarchy. It's a peaceful philosophy.

Mike the mechanic

Jul 3, 2024 19:25

I think thevwo

Mike the mechanic

Jul 3, 2024 20:36

I think the world needs to wake up and smell the coffee about aggression in this prisoners dilemma of nuclear blackmail. The doomsday clock is at 100 seconds to midnight and we are KILLING this planet faster than they can admit. If we don't turn a new leaf we won't be here long.

Mike the mechanic

Jul 3, 2024 20:42

We actually need to do good things that most of our mothers would approve of. Help each other. Stuff like that. How we get there? That's an interesting question I seek an answer to. The war in Ukraine seems something of a Spanish revolution of the 21st century. Hopefully the resistance to Russian government by the people of ukraine, and it is to a fascist, imperialist foe, will yield enlightenment on how to DE ESCALATE without losing the fight for self governance. That would be a big step forward for the survival if humanity and Earth.


Jul 3, 2024 21:02

noun: anarchy
a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority or other controlling systems.
the organization of society on the basis of voluntary cooperation, without political institutions or hierarchical government; anarchism.

If we go with the second definition then we can definitely say that anarchy leads to aligarchy/fascism. If it's VOLUNTARY that means like minded people come together and then create whatever rules they would want, going back to my statements about the game Rust. Cause why would you VOLUNTEER to do something not apart of your ideals. Also this relates as well to the civil war with the CONFEDERATION of states.

Definition 1 then would definitely allow for a small/big group to come in and do whatever they want, since there is no authority to stop it. Like what if a group of slavers came in and started enslaving your little peaceful anarch area. Your tribe is too small to fend them off, so you'll need a confederation of smaller tribes to now beat back the aligarch one, thus ending your reign of anarchy. But let's say you did win against the slavers, how would you stop from more slavers/people against your idea of freedom from coming back. Would you impose a government of a sort or would you dissolve your confederation and have the possibility of the whole thing starting over.

Also about the world needing to wake up about us killing the planet, most first world European countries have EPA like associations to help cut down on pollution. Go to tiananmen square or Dubai about us killing this planet. Just look out for tanks or sharia.

Mike the mechanic

Jul 3, 2024 21:38

I meant humanity killing the planet. All humans.

Mike the mechanic

Jul 3, 2024 21:43

As for the need to organise under government the anarchosyndicalists in the Spanish civil war had that problem and united under a socialist government to fight the fascists but the republicans of that war were said to have been "behaving like sons of Spain but puppets of Stalin." By one J Hernandez who was there.

These are very open ended questions. If you want to know more about what answers have been learned by Noam Chomsky read his book "on anarchism" it's a great read.

Mike the mechanic

Jul 3, 2024 21:44

* behaving. Not like sons of Spain but puppets of Stalin"

Ranger Pariah

Jul 4, 2024 11:42

Me thinks the OP is broken. Me thinks the OP needs a factory recall.

Ranger Pariah

Jul 4, 2024 11:48

@DSBM99. I am very versed in the play of Rust. You are absolutely correct in that ebb and flow. Things go from tribal, to clan run, to a revolution, then back to tribal.

Neon Bright Star ⭐

Jul 5, 2024 17:23

Anarchy doesn't work. Nature does not like a vacuum, if there is no power structure in place from a legal standpoint then people will rise to power by other means. Also for anarchy to be peaceful you agreed upon codes of conduct (even if not written laws) which is in fact not anarchy. Either I am free to do whatever with no imposed laws (like raping, murder, and pillaging like a pirate) or I am to be peaceful regardless of what I want which is in fact me following a law of the land.

Mike the mechanic

Jul 5, 2024 19:26

Be peaceful.

Mike the mechanic

Jul 5, 2024 19:27

Otherwise thecworksvgets blown up.

Mike the mechanic

Jul 5, 2024 19:27

I dint even acknowledge some of the ignorance on this thread...


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