
UK General Election

UK General Election

Throne of Bear Created Jul 5, 2024 09:37

Well its all over and it appears the conservatives have taken a battering. Their vote seemed to be split by the new reform party headed by Farage standing on an anti immigration stance and they have lost loads of seats including some big hitters like former primeminster liz truss and the chancellor of the exchequer.

The liberal democrats have managed to get allot of protest votes and are now the the third biggest party again after being in the doldrums since their coaltion days with the conservatives under david cameron.

In scotland the Scottish national party have also been battered with a combination of a feeling of getting the tories out, scandals at the top level(and more arrests incoming) and policies on gender self identification playing a part with labour now again being the biggest party in Scotland.

Labour now have a huge mandate and no one really knows what they will do with it. Their tactic during the election was to not fall over or say anything controversial and it will be a home run after 14 years of the tories in power.

On paper the UK has went to the left while other parts of europe (france and germany most noteably) seem to be swinging to the right.


This topic has 9 comments


Jul 5, 2024 16:32

Definitely not the result I would’ve expected as an ignorant outsider who’s only heard about the swings toward right wing authoritarianism happening in other parts of Europe. I guess one of my questions would be, how durable is this result? Is it indicative of a genuinely strong and long lasting movement toward the left or is it a temporary reaction that will soon be corrected for?

Throne of Bear

Jul 5, 2024 19:07

I think the result is more about change tbh. The tories have been in power a long time so people got sick of them and they have had plenty of scandals. I expect labour will have a honeymoon period and we will see what they do. The same thing happened in 97 after the torys had been in since 79 and labour won a landslide under tony blair. Keir Starmer didnt really say much on policy sbd he isnt really charismatic, it was a case of dont trip up and its a sure thing.

The tories vote was split so they really need to get their core support onside again before they can challenge. The right still has a large support but split between reform(a new party that got 5m votes) and the torys/conservatives.

Mr Beelzeebubbles

Jul 11, 2024 17:50

I think the sheer incompetence of the inbred chinless Etonian t**ts that were running the country just got too much for even the billionaire owned media to cover up.

All the next lot have to do is be mildly less corrupt and bulls**t-ridden and I'll be a happy boy.

Operation Irony.

Jul 11, 2024 21:37

I think that Labour have a big enough majority to adopt more radical politics, but whether or not they will, I don't know.

Mr Beelzeebubbles

Jul 12, 2024 11:33

Can we just shift the Overton Window away from its current position of 'all economic problems can be fixed by giving rich people more money', please?


Jul 12, 2024 11:37

But if we give money to the poor, how will the economics trickle down to the poor?


Jul 12, 2024 13:28

It’ll trickle down to the roots of the poor so they can grow big and strong! Hey it works with trees, why not a guy standing on a street corner in one place all day?


Jul 12, 2024 15:01

Thrones, have you listened to Ziehan’s take on this? He’s basically saying the UK voted itself into economic exile with Brexit and are in danger of becoming a total economic nonentity.

Throne of Bear

Jul 12, 2024 15:24

I listened to his most recent one, and he also did one a while agk saying something similar.

Our disaster of economics really started with Thatcher we moved away from an industrial society totally to a service based one(the biggest industry being financial service). She did however get us into the biggest market in the world while doing that.

Thatcher was dogmatic and wanted to crush the unions more than anything to the point where everything was ran into the ground and sold off. In the mean time although the EU was good we were limited on what industries we could support that might be strategically important to the country and profitable. That economic strategy has not changed since Thatcher

Now after relying soley on a services based economy we have voted to leave the biggest market in the world.

I agree its a state, but its salvagable but it needs some bold economy policies and a long term strategy. He doesnt seem to have much hope for Germany either. He watched his video on Scotland and I didnt agree with all of it, he was right about monetary union but he was wrong to say Scotland doesnt have some decent sized industries. The problem we have is we need to diversify.

The UK needs to figure out what it can offer to the world, I dont really know what that is. In the end though its just a small island off the coast of europe that was made rich by a royal navy then an industrial revolution which is all long gone


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