
Saw someone...

Saw someone...

Theeoldways37 Created Jul 3, 2024 21:54

I used to know today. She was always smart and money conscious. She looked good still, she told me she has been working as a prostitute having about 5 men a day with 1 day of. I wasn't shocked or judgmental she is earning and put her kids through uni. And then I thought to myself if I wasn't so concerned about disease I would do it, I would have no qualms about it. What are your opinions on prostitution, are you for or against it.


This topic has 53 comments


Jul 3, 2024 22:16

100% legalize it everywhere.

Keep it clean and safe, The Netherlands got it right, a few other policies as well.


Jul 3, 2024 22:33

“Selling is legal, fücking is legal, why isn’t selling fücking legal? Why should it be illegal to sell something that it’s perfectly legal to give away?” ~ George Carlin


Jul 4, 2024 10:05

If prostitution is the rental of the body.
Then marriage is the sale.

Can't remember who said this.

Legal, regulated. I have no problem with it.

Ranger Pariah

Jul 4, 2024 12:04

Here in the US, Nevada brothels have had a good template for safety of both workers and clients. The reason of why this template not working outside of Nevada seems to be the typical interpolitical bvlls**t of "Oi! That way of living doesn't work with how I view my state/religious views or whatever!" In my viewpoint, that is part of why I am proud to be American. If you don't like how something is done in one commonwealth/state, you could.....move to another state that is better to your liking and political views.

@insidious in the ideal situation(least in the west), marriage has more to do with the liking of two people wanting each other outside of the body. Least speaking from a western point of view which I was raised in.


Jul 4, 2024 12:09

I don't think it's great, generally speaking, because I believe that true love is better for people than transactionality...

That being said, I think it should be legalized and kept safe and clean. I'll admit to resorting to it in my past. At least a prostitute has enough integrity to be honest that it's transactional, unlike a bunch of gold-digging manipulative c**ts. What I did didn't manipulate and hurt anyone. I just did a transaction for simple s*x.

That was not my preferred lifestyle, even at the time, but people suck so much, and I couldn't find true love, so instead of settling for a s**tty relationship to have a warm body and/or "playing"/hurting someone, I simply paid to suck some pussy. Whatever. There are far worse things that are legal.


Jul 4, 2024 12:14

I'm speaking to theoldways, I'm not really interested in anyone's opinion on my thoughts or quotes. That's just your opinion, not fact. I'm from the West. All people view marriage differently. No one person is the same. & I'll quote what I like.

Ranger Pariah

Jul 4, 2024 12:34

Agreed. Everything I currently believe now is currently my opinion. Yet, cannot that be said of everyone her? Theoldways, maybe you are talking about paleolithic stuff? Why we find ourselves here from the beginning to end? How we began and how we got here currently? How did we go from using old Futhark characters to now modernized English characters? Let's figure this out together? Why are3 men and women at such odds today? Hell, I'd like to understand that as well. Let's figure it out together. Yea? Are you willing?
But are you not willing to talk of this matter based upon your quote? "I'm not really interested in anyone's opinion on my thoughts or quotes."


Jul 4, 2024 12:58

Ranger, theoldways is the OP, yes she gave an opinion, about prostition & I gave my opinion to her. I did just give my opinion on prostition. I dont know ^^^^ what those other topics you listed have to do with this topic specifically. Maybe you should open your own forum post about those topics,so you can have the same people comment on them.

Anyway theeoldways, Japan has a lot of high ranking working women, that don't have time for relationships so they rent a lot of male escorts. Male escorting is huge in Japan. Just to give you a different dynamic & culture differences. I've watched lots of documentaries on s*x & s*x workers. It's pretty interesting.


Jul 4, 2024 13:16

2nd message I dont care that much about marriage Ranger. I care for love, both don't necessarily go hand in hand. The quote is just interesting because it makes you question how you & others view marriage, but I feel everyone's different depending on there perception & values.


Jul 4, 2024 13:37

3rd message 🤭 the quote also, makes you think about your relationship with your own body, & viewing it as funtional as a rental, opposed to a long-term occupied. It's intirely upto the person how they want to use there own body.

Theeoldways Europe has one of the biggest s*x workers union too. I believe it's in the UK. If your serious about that kind of work, you could probably ring them for advice. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Jul 4, 2024 15:17

If prostitution was based on quality, I would have no problem. However, prostitution must be on a totally voluntary basis.

Then again, can't we think of a different term than "prostitution", if in fact it was legal?

Rock god 😎

Jul 4, 2024 23:08

It seems to work in Netherlands 🇳🇱 and Germany 🇩🇪 and other places in Europe so some young women put themselves trough college this way


Jul 5, 2024 10:17

To me it just seems like a job like any orher


Jul 5, 2024 10:19


Throne of Bear

Jul 5, 2024 11:43

I dont think theres an easy solution to it. Either way you are at risk of encouraging gangs and people trafficking.

But regulating it, looking after the women involved and making it safer for them seems on the face of it to be the best option


Jul 5, 2024 13:18

I agree it is a job/work theeoldways. They're providing a service.
I think for instance, if you worked in a well run, or regulated brothel. You would be pretty safe.


Jul 5, 2024 16:26

Rock God, I thought college was relatively much cheaper in Europe than in North America. Hard to imagine many women resorting to prostitution to pay for it, but I guess anything is possible.

I think my philosophy on prostitution is that it’s something that is definitely going to happen anyway regardless of legality. Unlike other things the law seeks to curtail, like rape and murder which will also happen regardless of legality, prostitution seems to be fairly benign and might be a net social good. The law should concede defeat and instead find ways to make it as safe as possible for all parties involved instead of moralizing and nannying.

Neon Bright Star ⭐

Jul 5, 2024 17:16

I think it should be legal but confined to legitimate, above board brothels. Where I am from its largely decriminalized but not regulated. Many s*x workers are street walkers who are being pimped out/trafficked. I think that should be illegal. One, because basically naked women (they're often in thongs and pasties) walking public streets in broad daylight is not a good environment for children to be exposed to, and those women are often being forced into it which is not ok.


Jul 6, 2024 01:48

Prostitution is legal & regulated here in Australia with many brothels, it has been for decades now, at least in my state. Since early 90s.

Funny story a guy I dated in my early 20s & his mother a nurse, went to a brothel open to the public, this was meant to relax any concerns about them being in the neighbourhood & getting a inside peak to see how things worked & addressing health etc.. I think it's a great idea, and probably helps prevent ignorance. Some of my friends thought it was weird a son ( boyfriend at the time) and mother went together. I actually thought maybe, but I also thought it was kind of progressive and responsible. That was 20 years ago, now.


Jul 6, 2024 01:59

It should be legal, but it is also disgusting. Just because something should be legal doesn't mean it's moral. It's clearly a repulsive thing and if your moral compass doesn't show that, than your moral compass is broken. "Oh it's the oldest job in history?" then why do most people men and women find it disgusting then? Would any of you be happy if your daughter wanted to grow up to be a hooker? I would hope the answer is no to that.

It is unsafe medically, emotionally and physically. It damages a womans brain... if you don't know this? Go do some research, even breaking past a certain amount of sexual partners for women ruins a specific chemical their brain releases during s*x to bond with their partner, it encourages gangs and pimps, it encourages drug habits because of the mental trauma. So again, i think it should be allowed to do because of freedoms BUT it is clearly not a good thing and does have a lot of negatives. And reading some of the crap i've read on this forum is hilarious.

A lot of you need to understand the difference between a "should" and an "ought"


Jul 6, 2024 02:21

Once again lexi poo a lot of that is your opinion & perception. Maybe tied to your chosen beliefs. Most people that find something disgusting, that usually indicates some personal trauma surrounding that topic.

We have a political party here formerly called the s*x party, the female leader, is a former s*x worker. She wrote a book called s*x, drugs & electrol roll.

As for the damage a women's brains, no that's other people's s**t attitudes to prostitution & s*x workers that does that. Bonding with future love interests, yes I've heard that theory a long time ago, but it's a theory like any other.

Above ^^ I mentioned men s*x workers. Interesting some people choose to ignore that & does men sleeping with multiple women, prostitution or not, "disgusting", does it ruin there chance to bond with a love later?

I don't think it's disgusting at all. It's the oldest profession in the world & still exists for a reason & its never going away. 🙂

Pimps, gangs etc... sounds more like a prevalent thing in America, where it's probably illegal, make it legal & regulated, perhaps there would be less of that. You need to put support plans in place though. I'm not going to even start with America. On these subjects, to much work needs to be done with government & peoples attitudes, the government needs to put money into programs & things etc..


Jul 6, 2024 02:29

2nd message, yep if I had a daughter & I knew she worked in a legal, regulated place & I had lots of safety discussions with her etc... it's her choice. I definitely wouldn't shame anyone for doing a job.

I'm pretty sure some of my past office, & hospitality jobs have had more exportation, bad bosses, injuries sustained. Bullying. Most of us have bosses, no matter what industry where in, perhaps where prostitutes too, of a kind. Using our labour. 🤷🏻‍♀️ we all got to live, eat, etc..


Jul 6, 2024 04:26

3rd message morals usually have a place in religion. Religion also, usually says dont judge. A major one that I find most religious people forge

I rather say I'm ethical. I have ethics. Therefore the notion that s*x has anything to do with goodness is ridiculous. You can be an excellent person & have s*x with lots of people. It's interesting you only addressed women in your statement. Perhaps women's bodies have to be controlled by men to you, so you shame & show disgust & call & hide it behind a word called "morals". I actually find your disgust, judgement & shaming. "Ethically" disgusting.


Jul 6, 2024 04:31

For 1. I'm not religious.

2. it doesn't say you can't judge in religion,

3. If you're the type of person who pretends that there is no difference between sleeping with 5 people or 5 thousand people, than your logic and ethics is flawed and grounded in nothing.

4. Making something legal doesn't stop the illegal version of it, look at drugs... Gangs and crime still comes from drugs so that disproves what you said.

5. You metioning other bad things doesn't make the original thing okay.


Jul 6, 2024 04:35

Oh and 6, i mentioned women, because 99.999999999999999999 percent of s*x workers and especially hookers ARE WOMEN. You can't control your emotions and you're assuming a lot of things.


Jul 6, 2024 04:48

Oh and finally 7. I said IT SHOULD be legal. So clearly i'm trying to control nobody. The only shaming language here is you pretending like i care if someone is a hooker or not. People like you have this funny thing where you pretend there is no negatives from something so you don't feel guilty about it.

You also have completely lied about the "bonding" aspect. It is quite literally proven scientifically that the more people you sleep with ruins the pair bonding chemical you release during s*x... this is true for MEN and WOMEN but it's more severe in women. This is non debatable and if you can't be bothered to research this, then maybe you shouldn't be throwing opinions at people if you don't care enough to look into it.

Another thing, guess which category of women are most vulnerable to acts of sexual violence.... i'll give you a hint, "it's hookers" believe it or not the more random men you let into your bedroom the more likely you are to be assaulted. So you can live in delusion all you want and pretend there people who disagree just want to control women, i'll live in reality where i realise that being a hooker is just not a healthy choice for people, AND I'M ALL FOR PEOPLE HAVING THE RIGHT TO DO IT but i won't pretend that it's a good thing.


Jul 6, 2024 04:53

I bet you were brought up in a traditional household then. You don't need to be religious, even inter generational routes in religion. Perhaps your father, in particular your mother shamed you for s*x or p**n use etc...

2. Thou shall not judge. Lol

3. Based on what exactly ? Logic, Flawed? your not being specific enough. No, no, no ethics is
different then morals.

5. What bad things? Lol

Wow where did you get the 99.999999 percentage from?

Emotions, you'd be stupid not to have some emotions involved in your opinion otherwise you'd be a psychopath. Lol yes I assume because your not being direct & clear enough, your making swooping statements. Lol

Like everyone finds it " disgusting" do you know everyone? Did you do a pole with everyone?

Emotions, "disgust" is an emotion you should dig deeper & ask why your feeling that. & projecting that on to others?


Jul 6, 2024 04:57

You see this is the problem with someone like you, you hear things and do half assed research, here is the quote,

Bible Gateway Matthew 7 :: NIV. "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?

That is not a commandment in the Bible, an explanation so you understand, it's basically saying you will be judged in the same way you judge others. It literally does not say "Thou shall not judge".... you have heard somebody say that, and believed it without looking into it yourself.


Jul 6, 2024 04:59

And here ladies and gentleman, you have seen the dishonesty pour out of her, She is saying where did i get 99.9 percent from. What do you think it is, 98%? 96,9%. How many women/gay guys do you think of paying for escorts? "it's not many" Pretending to not understand my point isn't gonna help you here.


Jul 6, 2024 05:03

I'm just tackling all your ridiculous points. You make silly comments like "men trying to control women" when almost every single woman i have spoke to about this topic also say they think it's disgusting. Are those women trying to control women also?

Truth is you are politically charged on this subject. All your responses have shown this.


Jul 6, 2024 05:07

Lol okay, you clearly didn't read comments further up, with my interest in s*x worker documentaries. I do plenty of research l, not really on religion though, that sounds like more your area of expertise.

Yes and I think your projecting you're stuff on to others, how ironic. As wrote above. People only really hold a mirror up to our own s**t & issues.

If you find it disgusting, don't visit prostitutes or s*x workers, only have s*x with one person or not at all. That's your prerogative, but don't say " everyone is disgusted by it" your not me, your not everyone.


Jul 6, 2024 05:08

Also btw, google says that 95% of prostitutes are female. If that means anything to you.


Jul 6, 2024 05:09

Most people are disgusted by it. That is a fact.


Jul 6, 2024 05:10

You pretend that anybody who disagrees with you has some ulterior motive or deep seated reason to be against it. When in reality, it's probably the other way around.

I have named multiple factual reasons of some of the negatives of it that have nothing to do with disgust.


Jul 6, 2024 05:14

Once again my points are ridiculous, thats your opinion.

The women you spoke to are in your friends group for a reason, you attract like minded people, so your opinion won't really be challenged. Yes women can have a part to play with sexuallyvrepresding other men & women. As mentioned above did your mother shame you about s*x or p**n use or your body? This probably is societal. Not a man & woman problem. Both s*x are repressed, oppressed sexually.

Yep my opinion everything is political, life is political, from the food you eat, to the air you breathe, the water you drink, the house you live in, or don't live in. Everything is tied to politics.


Jul 6, 2024 05:17

Here is some more numbers that a little research is showing,

Apparently anywhere from 40 to 85% of prostitutes have substance abuse issues.

Anywhere from 65 to 85% has a pimp.

Over 20% of sexually transmitted infection.

I guess these numbers mean nothing right.


Jul 6, 2024 05:19

Sorry but you're just wrong, you want to pretend that s*x work is okay and there are no negatives.

And to finally answer your ridiculous reaching point, No s*x was not shamed in my household.

You have to be honest, realise that being a hooker is not consequence free and people are allowed to notice that some bad comes from it.


Jul 6, 2024 05:21

No I don't think that at all actually, swooping statements again, instead of asking questions. I dont think you have ulterior motive, I think you haven't challenged yourself enough about your own guilt & shame around s*x, you sometimes need to be self reflective to realise why you form the opinions you do, you mentioned the word "disgust" further up. You still haven't been specific about what disgusts you? Specifically, maybe don't use prostitutes yourself then, & have one sexual partner for life or none then. Pretty simple.


Jul 6, 2024 05:21

As i said before, some people have this bad habit "which you have" Where you pretend there is no negatives because you personally are okay with it.

But i will not ignore the bad s**t that comes along with it. I won't pretend it doesn't exist.


Jul 6, 2024 05:24

If you are so ignorant, that the fact that substance abuse and sexual infections is not disgusting to most people... then how do you have the balls to talk publicly.... Disgust is a nature... it has a biological function..... most people have a disgust response to protect yourself from harmful things.

There is a reason most people have a disgust response from f**king an animal, from sticking their d**k into a pile of s**t. From tasting poison berries. Sorry... you're out of your depth here.


Jul 6, 2024 05:29

"I'm just wrong." in your eyes. Your opinion again. You like using absolutes. Lol I didn't say there weren't negatives. You need to read the things I've written.

Okay not religious, not in a traditional household, or raised to feel ashamed about s*x, wow! Really progressive household then, I guess, perfect family. Lol I don't think your disgust comes from no where.

Hooker do you mean on the street prostitution specifically? I havent commented on hooker's then, just safe, legal, regulated brothels. Actually I have commented on hookers. I said legalise it, & regulate it, so it's less likely. So your profile says your in the UK, what pimps & gang members do you experience there?


Jul 6, 2024 05:36

There are pimps and gang members in the UK... lmao what are you talking about?

Also even in countries where prostitution is legal those prostitutes have higher rates of drug abuse and sexual infections still.

And I'm saying you're wrong. Because you are wrong. What you think is wrong. I just explained to you that disgust is a biological function. Someone like you who doesn't look into this stuff clearly thinks that disgust is only a social thing "which it is not" I tried to help you understand this by saying the "sticking d**k in s**t" analogy... nobody trained me to find that disgusting, disgust is a natural response to things. So yes, on certain topics i can speak in absolutes when you keep saying things that are factually wrong.

No matter how many times you are trying to force this wrong guess of yours.. "i have not been trained or swayed or socially engineerd to find it disgusting" I have looked at the facts. I know it has very negative outcomes. That's it. Sorry to burst your "only tradtional households are against this" theory.


Jul 6, 2024 05:44

Substance abuse, stereotypes lol that's a people problem in general, you don't have to be a prostitute to be an alcoholic, weed dependant, pain medication dependant, etc, etc. Thats just a general people issue. Prostitutes in Australia in brothels, get tested monthly & use protection, they also examine there sexual partners, there's also auto immune drugs now that protect from more serious things like HIV etc HIV is actually very low in Australia if not non existed.

Some of my friends think I'm weird because everytime I take a sexual partner I make them go to a doctor get tested, then get print outs of there results to show me. I do the same for them.

I do wonder if your a bit sheltered now lexi poo, & you watch to many Hollywood programs with stereotypes.


Jul 6, 2024 05:45

I'm not going to continue this because we are going around in circles at this point, but the truth is, you have been offended by the word disgust, and it's made you try to force all of these incorrect assumptions about me, instead of realising that i'm a human with my own opinions. That's the bottom line.

I tried to give factual reasons for my opinions to dispel any of your politically charged assumptions, such as, "sti rates" "substance abuse" "sexual violence" "chemical brain functions"..

But alas you are too polically charged to accept that somebody can have an honest opinion on something.


Jul 6, 2024 05:46

See, now i'm sheltered when she knows nothing about my life. Sorry you're deluded. I'm out.

Ranger Pariah

Jul 6, 2024 05:53

Are father (lexi poo) and mother (insidious) getting a divorce because of me?


Jul 6, 2024 06:00

Ranger, the irony is, she is mad because she thinks I'm being "judgey" when almost all of her responses have been making random judgements and assumptions about why i think what i think "which she is totally incorrect about btw" It's actually funny as hell.


Jul 6, 2024 06:01

Omg your wrong & what are you talking about lmao more. Lol

Nahh I'm not going to debate like that, don't see any point engaging with you. You have things set in your mind, & your not willing to be vulnerable at all. Too proud to ego driven.

I don't know where your getting your statistics from?

I never said there aren't negatives in certain places with such job choices, or that people can't be held against therecwill, etc... that's a people, government problem, not exclusively a prostitution problem.

You can look at s*x in both a fun pleasurable way & a disgusting way, everyone can put themselves in those places. French Kissing someone's mouth is disgusting when you think about, but a ot still do it & enjoy it. Lol

Anyway not talking to you directly anymore lexi poo, your not really wanting to take on anything I've said on board. Just want to be right, at least I'm willing to admitt, yes there can be problems, & yes we can all look at s*x in a disgusting way & pleasurable way. Most of us will keep doing though.


Jul 6, 2024 06:10

Ranger 🤣

Oh lexi is pulling out the, she's mad & angry. Nope not at all. Your entitled to your opinion, & I am of mine. I actually don't think either of us are wrong, the truth is probably somewhere in between. I'm just sick of people painting the stereotype version of prostitution & s*x work. Not all people in the industry have it bad, not all people think it's disgusting, some do go into voluntarily & by choice & see it like any other job.


Jul 6, 2024 06:33

Oh & whomever has hacked my account, your proving my point about immaturity, passive aggressive much. Maybe i was right. Lol


Jul 6, 2024 06:58

Yay, a new moralizing douche to watch spin his wheels for 2 weeks before he gets bored and leaves.


Jul 6, 2024 08:04

I think lexi made some good points Grumman, it's ashame we butt heads. I'm happy to hear anyone out, & I get passionate about what I'm saying. Perhaps there's a little anger there, I'd say more frustration is a better word, I usually need time to decompress. i don't hold on to it like a grudge. Anyway I can't see Lexi's comments anymore, so I've probably been blocked. Hehe


Jul 6, 2024 08:06

Angry, mad woman.

Bark! Growl, hiss!


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