
Learning to let go in my own way

Learning to let go in my own way

SixMajin Created Jul 4, 2024 00:46

So back before this site I was friends with a very awesome person back on VampireFreaks, hours upon hours of talk's, making dumb jokes at each other but there were also times of serious topics and conversations about our lives mentally and physically, honestly with the way I go about my life I'm still surprised I'm still here able to write this to you all,

Back on topic though before the site went down to become a clothing site we talked about meeting up and finally getting to hang out together so we exchanged numbers, emails and social's, sadly 3 days prior to the shut down of the site he just vanished, no messages, deleted all social media accounts , it frightened me terribly because the last talk we had was how bad he was doing mentally and well I feared for the worst,

I still have no idea whatever happened to him after the past couple of years, I think about him from time to time, hell I even tried finding him on other sites but to no avail, for me I guess this rant is just to say this to him,

"You were my friend, kind of like the brother I always wanted in life, though we never met in life you definitely changed mine for the better, I don't know where you are but if you're out there I hope you're living your best life and enjoying whatever it is you may be doing, but if something awful happened to you then know I keep you alive in my heart and I'll do what I can to keep your spirit strong within me, thank you for the endless hours of fun my brother"


This topic has 3 comments

Ranger Pariah

Jul 4, 2024 12:47

I hope that you find him brother.


Jul 5, 2024 17:09

Tough to never get closure at least. Not knowing can be very painful.


Jul 5, 2024 19:27

Not knowing and a lack of closure can be tough, but you're doing the right thing in no longer searching and allowing the memories to be fond and enjoyable.
You exchanged energy and that's worth celebrating...


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