
Grumman sucks

Grumman sucks

Grumman Created Jun 28, 2024 15:31

It’s true, we all know it. Have some fun and roast me, I’ve got big shoulders, I can take it 😤

And if you say anything nice about me in this space, fück you 🖕🏻


This topic has 14 comments

Throne of Bear

Jun 28, 2024 15:33

Sucks what?


Jun 28, 2024 15:33

At everything.


Jun 28, 2024 15:34

And wieners. Sucks wieners at everything.

Throne of Bear

Jun 28, 2024 15:36

*Smirks immaturely

Neon Bright Star ⭐

Jun 28, 2024 16:12

Your beard is mid

Neon Bright Star ⭐

Jun 28, 2024 16:15

I'm reminded of Raz's old thread where we were to give each other back-handed compliments


Jun 28, 2024 18:33

Well it seems I definitely suck at inspiring anyone to openly insult me. I mean, fück, there are several people here who must genuinely despise me, I figured.


Jun 28, 2024 19:28

Grumman's an angry old pr**k!

Throne of Bear

Jun 28, 2024 19:41

You are a s**t goalie

There I said it


Jun 28, 2024 20:03

Lol, yeah that’s no joke too. I gave up 8 for the second consecutive game on Wednesday night. I am completely washed 😂


Jun 29, 2024 01:39

OH I'M FREAKING GRU! i'm the intellectual supreme and well spoken AND an arsehole to make my intelligence all the more noticeable! I won't EVER make sure you KNOW i'm' an arsehole because if "I" didn't mention it you'd not EVEN know.
i'll debate you as i debate myself "mass" and then make it look like it was you who was wrong even though i'm using my right hand.
Oh you know top GUN do you!?!? name me a single person from the movie and don't mention how i'm a maverick... I can use BANTER in a sentence and know its not just a small chicken!

Should i go on? i should? OHHHHH well roast me people, because i can roast myself better than you in the mirror while i point out how i'm incorrect and make my self feel bad for arguing with my awesome!


Jun 29, 2024 02:34

Now THAT’S what I’m fückin talking about! 😂


Jun 29, 2024 02:40

i like to think people KNOW it takes a little finesse to ROAST rather than simply insult someone. i've heard this one talk and i KNOW he's not a "total" idiot... But gods damn it Patrick Gruman calm down... I know he'll get that one Must admit i'm to scared to throw my OWN name in the pot. o_o


Jun 29, 2024 10:15

I think he's a marvellous bloke, I don't care what all the others say about him...anyway those two nuns recovered in the end...even though they needed several months of therapy and counselling


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