


insidious Created Jun 25, 2024 05:34



This topic has 15 comments

Ranger Pariah

Jun 25, 2024 12:02

I am actually happy. I think that this was a F up by the powers that be. Thank you for actually having the balls to say this.


Jun 25, 2024 12:14

Ranger Pariah thanks for commenting. I was starting to wonder why people weren't, & if I went a little to far, asking about this. Yes I think his release is great news too. 🙂


Jun 25, 2024 14:55

I feel like a solid few people would simply have.... no idea about this topic?

I think its sad that whistle blowing here in aus has become a "jailable" offense. Friendly jordies has some solid coverage on many of these topics.


Jun 25, 2024 20:21

Malkieaveilian, really that's a big shame. I've pretty much been following Julian before 2010 & wikileaks.

Yep, I think his got a lot of supporters though. Regardless.


Jun 26, 2024 00:40

the fact he might be dead already becuse the cia guy threanted get him killed if that really happens then well know who really cause all these problems.


Jun 26, 2024 06:07

Yeah right. I have heard about CIA getting involved at different points, & Australia's, kind of equivalent. ASIO.


Jun 26, 2024 07:48

I'm excited tbh but wish I saved my bitcoin wallet file from way back when I got them to donate to wikileaks


Jun 26, 2024 11:13

Waterlugi, bitcoin. Lol I don't really know a lot about how bitcoin works. I'm guessing it's like investing in shares. It's okay I don't think I want to know lol no offence to you, but that stuff personaly puts me to sleep.


Jun 26, 2024 19:49

^ Aha, @ Broken Sleeper. Being said, know your audience!

Juilian Assange is SOOO 2012. This here is a site filled with the clinically designated ADHD (also available in SD),so, the replies may be minimal.

How about that Evan Gershkovich? Shaved his head I see.

Oh wait, does anyone on here know my boy Evan even?
Even Evan.
Not to be confused with his brother, Even Stephen.

Yeah, I got nothin....


Jun 27, 2024 01:13

Not a fan of Assange. Obviously his record is complicated but I don’t think he’s half the free speech, anti-censorship hero he thinks he is. His meddling and fückery in the 2016 US election arguably helped usher in the Trump administration. His apparent preference for Trump over “warhawk” Hilary Clinton was idiotic and misguided. Oh, and he’s a suspected sēx offender in Sweden, if we’re believing all women now. Whatever trouble he’s in, I usually only hope it gets worse and worse for him. I tend to hold similar views of Manning and Snowden as well. If that makes me a bootlicker, sue me.


Jun 27, 2024 03:51

I'm slightly amused as i'm at work, tv playing his return down to the minute... at 7PM he'll arrive on a private jet because the US was like, no flying commercial for you buddy.. Me: uh huh. It was about to be 7pm as they said it..

I mean glad he's free? the whole thing sounded like an utter s**t show. But again our gov just LOVE roasting whistle blowers of any sort.


Jun 27, 2024 13:36

Haha I highly doubt Assange had anything to do with trump getting in. I'm pretty sure majority of Australians dislike Trump very much, that's putting it politely.

As for rape "allegations" funely enough they were dropped. Seems like two women that were so called assaulted by him, don't freely go over to his house two days later to have a friendly BBQ. These allegations came out after, he exposed the war crimes too, spelt like frame up to me, smelt like where going to get you for St least this, Assange. That's what that smelt like.


Jun 27, 2024 13:48

Haha sorry psycopatrish didn't know freedom fighters came in trends/fashion/seasons. 🤪🤭

No I don't know who Evan Gershkovich is. I'll look him up, thanks for the suggestion. 🙂


Jun 29, 2024 02:35


Mike the mechanic

Jul 1, 2024 00:11

I know people who met Assange. We used to have the same occupational therapist, Sophie.

Pamela Anderson visited him in Bellmarsh.

People say he's a nice guy.


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