
Biden supporters

Biden supporters

Throne of Bear Created Jun 28, 2024 15:10

I know this subject comes up allot.....and I thought I would throw a greenade in and so it again🤣

In all seriousness I seen a few clips from the debate last night and it looked worrying to say the least. Theres talk about him being replaced and some democrats concerned about his performance. So you think he will be replaced? And by who? Are the clips not really representative of the whole debate?


This topic has 25 comments

Neon Bright Star ⭐

Jun 28, 2024 15:13

As Vamp's alter ego I wanted to add....

f**k you!

Throne of Bear

Jun 28, 2024 15:14



Jun 28, 2024 15:17

A few thoughts.

The debates and their outcomes are meaningless. People usually have their minds made up prior to them and almost no one has their mind changed by them (the Nixon / Kennedy debate of 1960 being a notable exception, but it was the first to be televised). Biden will certainly not be replaced this far along, especially because the Democrats don’t have anyone with wide enough appeal to credibly challenge Trump. I didn’t watch the debate, haven’t watched one since 2012, they’re pointless. The format is ridiculous and no one can distill everything they want or need to say into sound bites, nor should they have to. But since the American public is mostly uneducated and sees politics as a team sport, this is the product.

Bottom line: don’t read too much into it.

Throne of Bear

Jun 28, 2024 15:22

I sort of agree the debates themselves dont actually change peoples minds it's probably people already interested in politics that are watching..however I think the headlines afterwards might impact the undecideds to an extent. In the UK the sun newspaper had an enormous impact on how the election went here with their headlines and reporting of events. Biden looks to me to be protrayed as a bumbling old man after last night and I think that could influence allot of people. Albeit maybe I have a different outlook across the pond.


Jun 28, 2024 15:28

Ah yes, but let’s consider the possible motives behind how the media covers this. If you’re the “liberal” media, and much of it does lean Left, perhaps it behooves you to portray the situation as more dire in order to stimulate more people to vote. The more people who vote, the more likely it is that a Democrat will win, usually. They certainly can’t benefit by saying everything is perfectly fine and Trump ISN’T a threat.

Throne of Bear

Jun 28, 2024 15:38

I think we know the right wing media would potray him that way. But the reaction of the left and of the democrat officials is the worrying part.

I didnt really think of the whole mobilise the left vote strategy though


Jun 28, 2024 15:40

The spin I’ve heard is that his preppers were bad and gave him a stupid strategy. The Dems always do this in debates though, they wonk out about policy and put everyone to sleep. Nothing new there.


Jun 28, 2024 16:01

Everyone is panicking. Biden was a bit lackluster, either way he will wipe the floor with Trump. Trump is a bombastic idiot.


Jun 28, 2024 17:57

He is cooked and definitely done for.

However i fully endorse Joseph R Biden as the legitimate Democratic candidate for President as he has the mandate to be on the ballot come November

Then he can take full ownership for the all the s**t he has some the last 4 years and experience the bitter taste of defeat


Jun 28, 2024 17:58

*All the s**t he is responsible for over the last 4 years


Jun 28, 2024 18:30

People much smarter and more well informed than you are picking Biden and for it to not be close. The undecideds, who don’t answer pollsters, are highly unlikely to vote for a criminal. But you can feel free to since that’s clearly the type of person you look up to.


Jun 28, 2024 20:21

Anybody is better than Biden including RFK jnr

I notice that the butthurt Biden supporters have literally mocked Kennedy over the worm revelation and then questioned his cognitive abilities, literally ignoring their own guys senility. So those now insulting my intelligence for not backing Biden is laughable as who wants a kid sniffing, shuffling, senile clown in the WH.


Jun 28, 2024 20:42

Not just your intelligence, sir, but also your fake values. You’re correct to point out that Biden’s hair sniffing thing is weird, but to then turn around and support the man who literally told the world that he would fück his own daughter if she was not his daughter is what’s called being a hypocrite. You have been brainwashed into a cult of personality and can’t see the many, many faults in your leader. By contrast, most of the people who will end up voting for Biden (and it will once again be a many millions majority since the only thing that truly “owns the libs” is the electoral college) recognize his faults and lament that he’s the only viable alternative to a convicted felon who refuses to disavow political violence in the event that he loses (again).


Jun 28, 2024 23:21

People who actually like Trump for his personality are a different kind of f**ked up.

Neon Bright Star ⭐

Jun 29, 2024 01:21

Real talk; forget party lines, a convicted felon is not a better option than Biden. A convicted felon is not a better option than anyone to be the leader of a country.


Jun 29, 2024 01:28

Its simply hard to watch in general, its like a distraction "i'm in the deep state" honestly i can't even think of how it will go, look at when trump WAS elected, everyone was 0_0 huh?! but honestly i have no clue what is happening with it all. i honestly hope some solid changes are made, and that our very corrupt world can work its self out?


Jun 29, 2024 22:08

What’s crazy is that both parties have had so long to develop an alternative to this shït show and have just sat on their hands and let everything continue to unravel with these two (differently) unstable characters. As an independent and unaffiliated voter, I’m especially disappointed in the Republicans, because the further and further the Democrats descend into Woke madness, the more and more likely I will be to vote for a SANE candidate on the opposite side. They have yet to provide one, and the guy they HAVE anointed is completely unacceptable.


Jun 29, 2024 22:33

I tried to watch it but wasn't really interested. Biden may not have demita but his age dose affect him. My bf should me a clip of him needing help down the stairs.

Honestly I've thought about voting this year but I don't know if I will. I'm 32 and never voted in my life... There's been times in the past I wanted to vote for Trump because he genuinely seems for the people. But then again we are a Democrat Republic so he might represent his voters but doesn't mean everything he signs in will pass that I know of.


Jun 30, 2024 00:14

@Flyxglitter: You thought about voting for Trump?


Jun 30, 2024 01:10

The fact that trump was found guilty on all chargss and should be facing long jail time, but can and is still running for president shows how upside down the US is. You bunch of wackos.


Jun 30, 2024 01:18

Yeah one would think that would be totally disqualifying. Nothing is disqualifying for this guy though, in the eyes of his followers. It is indeed crazy.


Jun 30, 2024 01:36

We are a bunch of wackos, haha.


Jun 30, 2024 03:18

Flyxglitter, can I ask why you have abstained from voting up to this point? No judgment, just curious.


Jun 30, 2024 19:54

Project 2025 is a manifesto of facism that seeks to invoke Christian Nationalism into American society while simultaneously dismantling laws to prevent discrimination on all grounds and equates homosexuality and transgender people to having a mental disorder and immediately remove them from the military let alone remove leaders who are accredited scientists from government and replace them with people who have managerial expertise not a scientific background that would compromise public health. Running with the idea that climate change is a hoax and that we need to frack the arctic. Just complete lunacy. Trump is the figurehead of this so no he won nothing.


Jun 30, 2024 23:24

Grumman, politics isn't my strongest point so I tend to hesitate until I miss the opportunity to vote. And for the last couple of elections we didn't have the best candidates. And then there's so much a president can do before needing approval of Congress and senators.


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