
Evolutionist Vs creationist

Evolutionist Vs creationist

Flyxglitter Created Jun 28, 2024 11:45

Do you believe in Evolution or creation? And if you don't mind discussing, Why do you believe in Evolution or creation.

*Please try to keep topic respectful, this could be a great discussion*


This topic has 21 comments

Ranger Pariah

Jun 28, 2024 12:42

I believe in both.


Jun 28, 2024 12:51



Jun 28, 2024 13:13

Oh you asked why? Why not? Jk 🤭

Lots of reasons. I don't believe in the existence of God. I dont believe things are predestined by some kind of deity. I determine the outcome of majority of my life. Religious organisations are kind of a mess. They discriminate against sexuality, what you do in the bedroom, sexual shame, it's used as strategy for war, its sexist, it's sometimes racist. It's out of touch. It's not science. I'm sure there's more... lol

Evolution because it makes more sense to me, science, I feel related to animals chimps, bonobos, but a more civilised animal. Like im a ape that drives a car. Oh oh oh 🙊🚗🚘

Evolution, big bang. Made of stardust.

To make things a little more complicated I am spiritual, but my spirituality is more like a primitive belief, that I am part of earth & nature & the universe, humanity, other living & it is part of me, but not in a hippie dippy way or psychic way or anything haha just very basic & simple. It's kind of spiritual, but maybe a basic philosophical understanding, inter -connectedness.

Hopefully that makes sense.

Neon Bright Star ⭐

Jun 28, 2024 13:49

Evolution is real. You can see it on a small scale with dog breeding, which is a human guided evolution. Pugs are evolutionarily stupid by nature's standpoint, but we're created through constant selection for flat faces in dog breeding. Evolution on a large natural scale is just trait selection over time


Jun 28, 2024 13:56

Neon pugs, flat faces, flat squished in noses, means loud snoring, like as loud as a chain saw, Cute when your awake, not cute when your also trying to sleep lol 🤣

Throne of Bear

Jun 28, 2024 13:59

Evolution, I think its been largely proven now and even admitted by the church?

I havn't been convinced of creationlist views.


Jun 28, 2024 14:41

Is there a third option?

Throne of Bear

Jun 28, 2024 14:44

Duck fat


Jun 28, 2024 14:48

I was given to understand that the debate was between evolution and intelligent design, which seem genuinely incompatible. Conversely, evolution and creation are compatible if you take the Big Bang to have been a divine command and not a random natural occurrence. It’s impossible to know at this point how and why the universe began, but since I don’t see anything much divine in the rest of the natural world, I don’t personally see any reason to ascribe divine intentions to the initial moment when everything sprang into existence either. I remain both agnostic and atheist, agnostic because I don’t know if a deity exists, but also atheist because I don’t believe one does.

Throne of Bear

Jun 28, 2024 14:52

^^ Pretty much the same tbh Gru. In honesty though I dont spend allot of time thinking about it either. But its obviously something human beings have and do spend much of their brain power on dedicating their lives in allot of circumstances to it via either science of joining the clergy etc or even going to church on a sunday

I'm quite content accepting we don't really know and if we find out and i'm around then great.


Jun 28, 2024 18:40

I think evolution is the best explanation of the evidence we see in speciation and the fossil record. Perhaps creation is AN explanation, but it certainly feels like one that requires a lot of belief in things that can’t be proven in order to work.

Neon Bright Star ⭐

Jun 28, 2024 19:13

One can believe that a higher power "programmed life to have the capacity to evolve and adapt as the world changes. I do not think evolution is incompatible with faith. I do not think it's a zero sum game.


Jun 28, 2024 20:19

The duck billed platypus - made from left over parts or a product of super adaptability?


Jun 28, 2024 20:48

Neon, that is a good point. I personally don’t see the point in inserting a supernatural element where it doesn’t seem to be necessary though.


Jun 28, 2024 22:40

To me, evolution is highly likely...and intelligent design is pretty much a guarantee.

I believe in the idea of souls. I believe that gods like the bible "God" are either mythological constructs, or reflect some kind of other beings like ETs rather than the prime creative force of the universe. Or a mixture of both.

I believe that the idea of the universe being a random accident is absurd. That idea is actually projection...projection of human ignorance on nature. For one, if life is finite rather than eternal, than it basically never would have existed at all. What would be the point in that? And what I'll say next about order/patterns shows that there is probably a point. That's a large philosophical concept and hard to explain. Some people will get it, others will scratch their heads.

There is an order and structure inherent in the universe. Look at the experiments where sound waves create geometric patterns in sand. Observe how crystals grow in geometric shapes. How Earth has a self-sustaining ecosystem. The geometry of nature. Life is not random. There is a code and order to things.

Science itself is beginning to find out what occultists and philosophers already expected: That consciousness begets energy, and energy begets matter. Consciousness is more than a product of chemical interactions and electrical signals in the brain. It looks like that from a physical point of view, because there is a reciprocation paradox. A chicken or egg thing, I guess you could say. Quantum science will begin making breakthroughs in understanding consciousness. I believe that people who have a strictly materialistic worldview and believe that life is a random accident will eventually be looked at as dogmatic, and their attempts to explain the nature of life and reality with outdated, materialist dogmas will basically be seen as the cognitive equivalent of trying to watch YouTube on a rotary phone.


Jun 29, 2024 02:37

I have some things to say about all that but no time at the moment. Be back later.


Jun 29, 2024 06:44

For sure. I'm very opinionated, but I welcome authentic and sincere differences of opinion.


Jun 29, 2024 11:39

Don't forget to reply to Darkhouse Gru. I'm interested in your thoughts about it ..

Mercurius Mesmerize

Jun 29, 2024 21:28

There's always patterns if you look for them, and when someone is in belief of something there is no altering their conviction. We can theorize all we like if you want to play just for fun... but no one will ever know what it's all really about. None of it matters, because we don't matter.


Jun 29, 2024 22:01

I think people who trust science about these things are not as dogmatic as you might assume. For one thing, science is not a belief system, it’s a method for finding answers. Most people who base their views on this method are completely open to their views being challenged by new evidence. Until that new evidence arrives, however, they can’t be blamed for going along with what the current consensus is. And certainly they can’t be expected to insert supernatural causes that can’t be tested into the calculus to arrive at a predetermined conclusion. That isn’t following the method. Of course many scientists do hypothesize and some of these hypotheses sound every bit as weird and nonsensical as some religious myths do, but they’re ultimately at least subject to testing. I think if you want to believe in supernatural things, that’s fine, but you aren’t doing so on the basis of the scientific method, you’re doing it on the basis of philosophy or theology, which both have different standards of proof.

I personally don’t see any reason why it’s necessary to believe in souls or deities. There are naturalistic explanations for hard-to-explain mental and physical phenomena that don’t require the intervention of supernatural powers. They may be complicated to nonexperts, but that doesn’t make them invalid.

Basically, nonbelievers in this kind of supernatural theory of existence are content with sometimes not knowing the answer to difficult questions. People who believe in deities sometimes are as well, but it’s usually because they defer to a higher wisdom or somesuch that supposedly holds everything together but will either always remain mysterious or is actually not meant for humans to know. It just doesn’t seem necessary to take this extra step, in my view.


Jun 30, 2024 16:15

God has many names true or false definitely that created different types of people


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