
Out of Place

Out of Place

ZIP Created Sep 28, 2024 10:24

I am finally in my senior year of college, and have made friends who accept me for who I am! We are quite the strange bunch, but I still feel out of place. Context: I go to a very conservative all men's college where everyone wears polos and khaki pants, so when I showed up as a freshman dressing how I typically do I got a lot of stairs and derogatory comments about my piercings and battle jackets. I don't fit the bill for the kind of people who go here. I am used to staring and I don't let it bother me, but I find myself reflecting on what makes me who I am. I don't fit in and I found the other people at school who also don't fit in and made friends that way, so why am I still bothered by what others think and say? Any insight is helpful.


This topic has 9 comments

Daddy Gru

Sep 28, 2024 18:01

No idea. Maybe you aren’t actually bothered by it. Otherwise you would change the way you look to fit in more.

Mercurius Mesmerize

Sep 28, 2024 20:14

It's sometimes said to be an emotional response, as in you may have a heightened sense of emotion levels drawing you to a prefered state of harmony, rather than there being low level lingering hostility coming from beyond your control. It's like a fly buzzing around, that you wish you could silence.

Unfortunately giving less shìts isn't something that you can just click into position. You should perhaps find piece of mind in knowing you wont be at college forever, and greatness is rarely created by fitting in. We are trapped in enough boxes, don't let yourself become trapped in another.

Neon Bright Star ⭐

Oct 1, 2024 00:43

Hey Zip. I checked your page for your age because it's relevant to this. You care because you're young, and you don't fit in because your peers are young. I don't say this to be condescending, but just from being where you are now to where I am now. As you and your peers get older superficial boundaries start to lessen. Yes some people will still look at you funny, but you'll find that many of those khaki guys will be down to be friends. I'm alt, most my social circle is *not* alt. I'm also in my 30s as is my social circle, give or take (some in 20s, some in 40s). As you age the desire and insecurity about being "cool" starts to fade, because older folks are no longer the defining generation of what's cool and popular anymore so it doesn't matter. Millennials still be out here with side parts and skinny jeans while gen z has declared it uncool. We just don't care what y'all think of us, we're old and we like what we like.

Sorry long ramble, but you care because you're still at an age where you and your peers have set standards for what is in or not. So you're going to care because your gen is the defining generation...for now. In ten years gen alpha will mock your styles and think you're lame, and you'll be welcomed into the club with all the out-dated millennials and gen x who all used to be cool at one point, and you'll realize none of that s**t mattered, because it's basically over grown teenagers judging you, and you're so above caring what kids think. You'll feel at peace with yourself and your style and your social circle will be more varied.


Oct 1, 2024 02:49

Grow the f up, already, haha.

No, just kidding, we all feel out of place at one time or another. Heck, I feel out of place here but, I still venture on to this great and ever enlightening site. In the end, you'll be alright, just look out for yourself and the people who care about and genuinely like you, no matter how they dress or look.

How's that for cornball?


Oct 2, 2024 07:15

I appreciate it. I guess I'm a bit immature and still thinking like a highschooler. I should just block it all out and continue to do what I do best.... push boundaries. I should worry about what I do have rather than what I don't.


Oct 2, 2024 12:24

That's the spirit! 😉 Although, it can't hurt always wanting more, my friend.


Oct 2, 2024 16:47

Nice finish school and try to get a career about it .

Mr Nightnews

Oct 2, 2024 21:08

Emotional dysregulation is a stress response, you may need to get some support to develop strategies to counter the stress and any toxic people in your new environment.

Personally I used to cope in my last postgrad by finding a loud rock bar or alt club and having a few beers and s*xy company on thursday nights! By which time I had just about had enough of a week of f u c kwits and complex IT assignments! This put me in a better mood for dealing with it all on fridays when probably still half cut and hungover, I didnt hold back what I thought, at a few classes and seminars lol.

Put another way, beer , loud music, a hanging out group, and therapeutic advice may help..



Oct 3, 2024 16:35

If you're feeling out of place even amongst your friends whom accept you, it probably just means you're incredibly unique and maybe just a bit too self aware of it.

Youre amazing just as you are. I say stay true to yourself no matter how rough it may seem, you'll be happier for it in the end.



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