
Obscure kids tv

Obscure kids tv

Mjauw Created Aug 22, 2024 08:15

Describe some obscure wierd stuff you saw on tv as a child but has forgotten the name of and now it feels like a fever dream.
Who knows, perhaps any other commenter can shed light on what that media was called

I remember a show of marionette dolls that in one episode played out the life of what I think is Mozart and it was very tragic and dramatic but it was on kids tv....
The dolls were beautiful and probably very old or at least made in a traditional sense so not dolls normally used for kids shows.


This topic has 17 comments


Aug 22, 2024 11:17

Oh I also remember another marionette dolls show but there was a woman in a white 1910s style dress who played out different known fairy tales with the dolls in an old house but it was the original versions of the stories aka much more gruesome and dark than the kids friendly versions hahah like the original Cinderella where the sisters chop of their feet to fit the shoes

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Neon Bright Star ⭐

Aug 23, 2024 19:42

Ok so I have this vivid memory of some show where there was like a dragon wandering through pipes and there's like some scary dude in black dancing around in the pipe (representing pollution or something) chasing the dragon and I have no idea wtf that is from or if that was a fever dream.


Aug 23, 2024 21:29

Oh wow, what era was this from? Approximately?
And it's very specific how you remember the symbolism haha


Aug 23, 2024 21:29

I remember a show but it got hijacked and the hacker played a clip of some scary clown looking guy lol.


Aug 23, 2024 21:50


Wait wtf was that part of the show or did you seriously experience a tv broadcast troll !?!?!
Sounds freaky at non the less

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Neon Bright Star ⭐

Aug 23, 2024 23:56

@Mjauw I was a child in the 90s so... 90s lol

I guess I don't know for certain it was pollution, it's just how my brain thinks of it lmao


Aug 23, 2024 23:59

I think it was a legit hijacking, It was pretty common i think and its not to hard to do really if you know your way around cables and a laptop


Aug 24, 2024 03:09

I didn't really watch it much, but I feel like Captain N fits the title nicely. It's supposed to be a multi-dimensional referential show to Nintendo games, but it was made in the 90s I think so it's probably pretty weird with how the characters are depicted lol


Aug 24, 2024 04:50

A horror movie where the guy fills their mouths with coins or marbles or something before slitting their throats, never been able to find it my google-fu is too weak.

Off topic since some of the comments are about cartoons, listen to the first 30 seconds of Gitane Demones incendiary lover then listen to the theme song for the cartoon C.O.P.S ... I can't be the only one.


Aug 24, 2024 08:05

Oddly enough that sound familiar.
Will let you know if I find it haha


Aug 25, 2024 21:04

Oh one more!

A Disney short film about a couple on a winter Holliday and the girl gets stuck on the ice and it cracks and the boy tries to save her by grabbing her glove but it unravels into yarn but he does eventually succeed and then the ending scene is of the couple in photo frames.
And the whole film has dramatic classic music And a choir singing.


Aug 27, 2024 21:56

These kids were like in a park solving mysterious or some s**t and there was a purple slime that would seep into people or something and took control of people of the town . There was a weird green frog like puppet but I'm pretty sure it was like an agent of the antagonist because of how f**king ugly it was. I remember a girl screaming towards a black kid getting too close to the pond at the park before being taken over and then a to be continued. Idk the show to know what happens next or what was happening and nobody knows the show but everyone says the powers rangers first movie and I get why people make the connection but the slime was ..... different ?


Aug 27, 2024 21:57

So im like typing blind outside


Aug 28, 2024 23:40

Bro you're thinking of ghostwriter! I loved that show in elementary school, being from Brooklyn it was amazing to see it shot on location


Aug 28, 2024 23:45

A public local channel here in New York used to have a Christian kids show with a mime called " mimey" , it was really strange. The host looked like the lady from lamb chops with a group of kids, I used to watch it to laugh at how weird it was.


Aug 29, 2024 17:50

Woohoo @blenderhead2 comes here and solves a potential mystery


Aug 29, 2024 22:30

Wolfboy20, was it the famous Max Headroom incident? You could youtube that easily. A bunch of people have done videos on that TV hijack incident, and others. I bet you could find the clip you're talking about fairly easily. I've watched youtube videos that go over a bunch of TV hijacking's.


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