

39 - Straight

Auckland, New Zealand

Mar 31, 2024 00:24

I can be a little sullen and withdrawn until someone rattles my cage or I otherwise find my footing and get started on a topic I'm passionate about.
I have a rather bitter and snide sense of humour, sometimes blunt or dry, often dark and regularly British, so it can take a bit of getting used to but I strongly believe humour is an underlying foundation to any lasting friendship or relationship.
If you can't laugh at yourself and each other, the world around you and the stupidity of others then you're on your way to misery when you hit the hard points of life.

I've only recently started going out and socialising again (dark 80's, goth night etc) after a long period of semi self-imposed isolation, I cut away the dead thread of my social circle some years ago and have elected until now to only retain a few close reliable and trustworthy friends.

But times change and as my career has developed and I am no longer burning as much social energy in my role or in my HEMA classes I find myself drawn once more into the social rotation of the scene and I suppose my social "tribe" so I suppose putting myself on the meat market with tools like this and instagram etc is an extension of that as a way of meeting people and possibly making friends etc.

Maybe you can teach an old Goth new tricks...

If you've read this far and are legitimately interesting in chatting or meeting up at dark 80s or goth night etc I suggest using instagram with the tag dark_dapper_or_deranged



Age: 30 / straight

New Zealand


Age: 21 / straight

New Zealand


Age: 28 / straight

New Zealand