
How much do you drink/smoke/do drugs?

How much do you drink/smoke/do drugs?

Throne off the scent Created Sep 2, 2024 12:27

I have often wondered what people from different countries have down as a normal amount. Yesterday for example I went out to watch football/soccer and had around 10 pints of beer and then had 2 ciders when I got in. I would consider this normal for me and my mates in Scotland and probably a quiet one if anything. Where I think we are binge drinkers we would go 3/4 weeks without another drink I hear people talking about having booze on a daily basis but probably drink less than me overal in a week if I go out. I don't get bad hangovers but I defo would be healthier without it I think and have considered giving it up a times. But then I genuinlly think I would lose something fun in my life. Would it then be better to change from binge drinking to a more moderated but more often drinking style?

There theres the stoners, weed gives me headaches so I dont do it but I know guys who every night have 1 or 2 joints. Do people feel this is healthier than drinking?


This topic has 32 comments


Sep 2, 2024 13:39

You forgot s*x and m****rbation


Sep 2, 2024 14:00

I think the younger generations in Melbourne, Victoria are becoming less of a drinking culture, & if anything more into weed & shrooms. If they do, do anything.

I haven't had recreational drugs in about 10yrs, or drank in 8yrs. I was a binge drinker too, but I had terrible hangovers. I have some health problems, so im better off, without any of it. I save so much more money too. My boyfriend still likes a beer, but he limits his drinking now, because I don't like being around it, & he knows his health would be better for it.

Now, I think people that drink beer, there breath smells like rotten lettuce. Lol

Throne off the scent

Sep 2, 2024 14:27

I didn't Anthony. Just not interested🤣🤣

Sounds like we were kinda similar Peripatetic. I have noticed a shift in drinking habbits here too in the younger generation. Pubs and clubs etc here are really struggling.


Sep 2, 2024 15:01

I still go to pubs & clubs, buy tickets, support live music. I drink soft drinks at the pub, & pay for a meal. I support in other ways. 🙂


Sep 2, 2024 15:40

I vape only during the work week.
My "weed" vapes are supposedly delta-9's.

However, the effects are reminiscent of CBD
oil, so It just helps me mellow out when I need it.

The breakroom isn't for me, so I typically take
both of my 15's and lunch on the side of the building,
which is where I vape & put in my earbuds.

Now, I rarely drink. (I don't like liquor.)
but when I do, my choice(s) are:
Twisted Tea, Bold Rock Hard Cider,
Lipton Hard Iced Tea, Corona/Modelo beer,
(Not preferred, as I'm not a 'beer guy'.)
or any other non-carbonated alchoholic drink.

Not a fan of carbonated drinks, either. I also avoid
drinks with sugar too, honestly. It just feels unnecessary imo.


Sep 2, 2024 15:48

@Narc I want to get off sugar and carbonated stuff all together too. So bad for you. I only usually drink it at shows. Otherwise it's water, tea, coffee, green tea.

Caffeine would be nice to kick too. Lol

Throne off the scent

Sep 2, 2024 16:18

Yeah Sugar is a huge thing. My GF was recently diagnosed with diabetes so we are both cutting down on sugar. I have cut out fizzy drinks completly and becoming nore concious about the things I eat on a daily basis


Sep 2, 2024 16:51

Sorry to hear that thrones.

I hear you, my mother is pre-diabetic, even all the fake sugar substitutes, they were trying to market to us for diabetes years ago, apparently spike your blood sugar as well. Or there cancerous. Seems you have to cut it out all together. It's hidden in so many foods, so addictive. I think a lot of us would have to go back to basics, to be healthier.

Mercurius Mesmerize

Sep 2, 2024 18:16

I haven't alcoholied in years since I decided it wasn't worth losing the following day dealing with the aftermath, and have no interest in anything other. I haven't had a fizzy drink in even longer since they're just teeth rot.


Sep 3, 2024 00:00

I used to smoke habitually, 2-3 joints a day - was nearly impossible to maintain a healthy diet and excercise while doing so. Quitting the smoke went a long way to getting my life in order. Never been much for drinking, as I've got older even less so, although I do miss the occasional Rum


Sep 3, 2024 02:44

So i speak to a LOT of my co workers and most of them "younger sorts" each time i mention what ya doing on the weekend or what's going on, they mention their second and in some cases third jobs.... Drinking? no... drugs? NO partying NooooOoOo...
They might be fibbing? But i don't think so? I swear with everything costing a fortune, they don't have time to have fun?

I used to be a bit of a prolific stoner, but that was due to having so much awful crap going on, i did have a short, i'm a become an alcho stage after burning out at work.. I do like a nice chill pill sometimes, but that is only cause insomnia is a bitch.


Sep 3, 2024 03:12

Smoking weed, daily. Drinking and other drugs, almost never anymore.

Daddy Gru

Sep 3, 2024 19:55

Weed just makes me sleepy, and as a narcoleptic, I don’t need a drug for that.

I have a ton of liquor in my house, probably 60-70 bottles of different liqueurs, spirits, aromatic and fortified wines, et cetera. I like dinking around with mixology and making a c**ktail or two a couple nights a week. Obviously that’s not happening now with the baby here. And since we live in the craft beer mecca that is the state of Colorado, we usually have some on hand. I also drink when I play golf or hockey too. There are probably weeks this summer where I have had at least one drink every day, but I don’t consider it a problem. I haven’t had a drink since the weekend before last and I’m completely fine, even despite the sleep deprivation, stress, and frustrations of early parenthood.


Sep 4, 2024 01:53

Farking hell that sounds a bit hawt honestly. All that last part though is literally normal i just got a baby and now my world is upside down though so... you're doing fine?


Sep 4, 2024 04:56

i like the weed gummies which have


Sep 4, 2024 11:52

Have to get cloves smuggled in since NZ banned their sale due to nicotine or tar level or some nonsense, their not illegal but we also don't have an import license, so sometimes they are located and destroyed

I don't smoke other cigarettes only cloves and generally only at gigs and parties... Nothing like one after a good wine or decent whisky... plus goth points... Most the time I don't get the full experience from the sugar paper because I smoke through a cigarette holder looking as stuck up as I can while trying to avoid melting/burning my gloves.

I also have snuff for when I'm my eighteenth century outfits and when we do a gentleman's day out with petanque and absinthe on the beach I'll break out the cigars.

Alcohol I spent my teens and early 20s abusing the stuff pretty heavily so have developed something of an alcohol snobbery as I've aged.

These days I drink less often and can usually maintain some composure by drinking the more expensive and refined alcohols, so a decent aged whisky, aged tequila, dutch square gin etc the joys of a home bar.... when I'm not imbibing my home brewed mead etc.

Gigs on the other hand I'll stick to wine to keep me off the whisky so my belligerent argumentative side stays passive while in public.

Other substances I'd rather not discuss on a discoverable forum...

Daddy Gru

Sep 4, 2024 17:39

The booze snobbery is what provoked me to build up my own home bar as well. Now it’s quality over quantity, especially since so few places in town can make a classic cöcktail without completely fücking it up.


Sep 4, 2024 18:07

After joining this site, I do all three, haha. 😉


Sep 4, 2024 19:23

Personally, I'd say smoking 1-2 joints a night is likely less harmful than having several beers. However, having a beer per night is likely similar


Sep 7, 2024 06:30

I think if you're not making bad choices, and your health isn't in the s**tter because of it, enjoy yourself a while longer, especially if you haven't the capability to pull back when necessary, maybe even forever at some point, or really limit it to not even getting drunk. I have family that drank hard, worked hard, but as they got older yhey just stopped. When they were drinkers it wasn't an everyday thing though. I have hardcore alcoholics in my family too, some died from it, some got sober and lived decades sober before passing. American standards for what constitutes an alcoholic are so weak. My first drink of the day contains more that what they consider a week of drinking should be. Been sober well over 4 years now, but eh.

There's always the option to chill for a bit and sew how you feel. You might find yourself trying new things, ot just being generally happier. The science behind it is fascinating. Fair warning daily hard drinkers shouldn't go cold turkey, also, those happy effects of abstinence might take a while to kick in, depending on the person and their lifestyle.


Sep 7, 2024 06:31



Sep 7, 2024 14:39

Most likely went to a hookers club


Sep 7, 2024 14:39

Most likely went to a hookers club


Sep 8, 2024 01:02

Haven't drank since I was fourteen and haven't drugged or smoked since sixteen. Best choice ever


Sep 8, 2024 01:04

I still vape daily. But drinking, ehh.... I do a couple of times a month. Last time was a little over a week ago


Sep 10, 2024 16:39

I am a very sober person.
Don't do anything like this and only eat very little sugar. Also don't smoke.
I have tried a couple of things but Personally I find that being intoxicated in any way actually just makes me less party. And I like to keep high octane energy when I'm out dancing and i like to feel well in my daily life.
So.... drugs or alcohol has never been interesting to me.


Sep 10, 2024 22:03

You a narc? @ Thrones


Sep 11, 2024 02:36

Thrones is the FBI in disguise


Sep 11, 2024 03:03

I don't partake in the alcohol department, but i am an ex-heroin addict with almost 3 years clean. Having said that, my gf and i do like to explore the realms opened by psychedelics like dmt & lsd, but our favorite at the moment is xtc. I used to partake in hard drugs like coke and meth but that went out the door just after the H. It seems that fentynal is the most common drug of choice in West Virginia and its killing people very rapidly out here. I am happy to be clear of that scene, but i still hear the cluster of horror stories every day from people, news, etc..

Throne off the scent

Sep 12, 2024 22:21

I can confirm I am not the feds.

Daddy Gru

Sep 13, 2024 04:44

And we can always count on the feds to tell us whether or not they’re the feds, well and truly.

Neon Bright Star ⭐

Sep 13, 2024 14:46

@throne a fed WOULD say that.... Sus


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