
One world religion

One world religion

Flyxglitter Created Aug 30, 2024 02:35

What do you guys think when you hear this? Honestly I think it's silly. People seem to make things up just to argue.


This topic has 9 comments


Aug 30, 2024 05:03

I'd never heard of this, till this post. So its the idea all abrhamic religions are tied? Isn't that just another phrase, for just acknowledging the link of abrhamic religions ?

I'm not a fan of religion, for many reasons, one being it creates to much divide, & creates the idea of "the other". Divide & rule. I try and be respectful of others beliefs, but I think people would be better off if the practiced spiritually more independently & had more inclusive, community social groups.

I'm more spiritual. I believe staying collective for the betterment of human kind in some ways, but I also like my independence & autonomy, as much as I find people a sorce of joy & also a pain in the arse. Like my threshold for being around people is low, but I do care and give a s**t about people & community, everywhere in the world. I know that might sound like a contradiction.

Maybe I'll trailed off, maybe I'm thinking about this big picture. About divide & what brings people together.

Mercurius Mesmerize

Aug 30, 2024 13:29

There is one religion most people share and willingly bow their head to every day, every where. At home, at work, on the street, on a bus. The people are more devote than that of dedication of any born agains. Their high overlord and one true god... the Internet, and it's Saints and Angels: social media.

It's nothing new though, before the internet people gave praise to the television box. Technically they still do.


Aug 30, 2024 13:50

I call bulls**t! i mean only for me, i try to steer clear of it as much as possible, irony aside as i type here. But IT IS fun watching the flocks on their screens, the sky is peach or even almost purple coloured out, but people are staring at their phones? i mean even f**king walking... and so inconsiderate playing their f**king retarded tik toks so we can all hear because they're cheap pricks who can't afford headphones.

My religion is not having one.

Daddy Gru

Sep 1, 2024 04:29

Isn’t this what both Christians and Muslims want, everyone to adopt their point of view?


Sep 1, 2024 06:00

How about I rephrase.

All the best to everyone who reads this, because I wish nothing terrible on anyone, but I also don't have to put up with people s insecure bitchy bullcrap.

Nope i don't believe in luck. Like I dont believe things are pre-detirmend. To superstitious. There is just timing, & coincidences. My opinion remember it's always just been my opinion & everyone else's, most things are.


Sep 1, 2024 06:03

If all we have is time. Why would I want to spend it on people who got nothing better to do, then to be bitchy. Just tells me there boring, insecure people, & have no awareness & goal to improve themselves for the sake of themselves or others.

Otherwise what's the point of existence, if we're not trying to be better for ourselves & others.


Sep 1, 2024 06:04

You can stop baiting me grumman


Sep 1, 2024 06:05

Whoops wrong thread. Lol


Sep 1, 2024 06:53

Not even possible.


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