
War crimes!

War crimes!

π•žπ“ͺπ“΅π•œπ“²αΊΈα΅ƒΡΆβ‚¬β“›ΕαΆ€β’Άπ“· Created Sep 13, 2024 03:08

What are things YOU consider a war crime, so this is a very SERIOUS post... So to me for instance an utter violation of the Geneva convention is putting the toilet roll backwards.... Also NOT slurping the last of a thick shake and making noise...

Now yours! What annoys the snot out of you that is an utter warcrime... "Please take this post extra cereal" in the words of al gore.


This topic has 23 comments


Sep 13, 2024 03:08

OMG eating f**king pizza with a knife and fork, or burgers!?!!!?!?!?

Daddy Gru

Sep 13, 2024 04:43

Not returning your grocery cart to the designated grocery cart return in the parking lot. The penalty for the first offense of this moral crime should be the shattering of both kneecaps, the second offense warrants death on the spot.


Sep 13, 2024 05:03

0_0 as a kmart worker.... i just had nam flashbacks, or people who find a trolley that is noisy, who then just leave it where ever they decided and get another... Like in front of the doors we all go in and out of...


Sep 13, 2024 06:45

Wearing leggings as pants. I don’t need to see every muscle in your legs and the shape of your genitals.


Sep 13, 2024 06:50

0_0 that isn't a war crime that is higher level crime against the gods... I see some girls walk in at work, and i can see every defining feature of their butts, its almost like they're kinda naked... I'm a boy... won't lie... but... haha.. but, sometimes... NO... JUST NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I mean not telling people what to wear, but come on knickers aren't that expensive.

I feel like some kinda conservative saying that, but sometimes i swear leaving something to ones imagination is uh... better?

Mercurius Mesmerize

Sep 13, 2024 07:10

The creation and further development of Social media, and the people on social media.


Sep 13, 2024 07:31

Leaving the fridge doors open in super markets.
That's is just not ok!


Sep 13, 2024 07:46

Oh gods i made a mistake with post lol, i am giving myself second hand trauma hehehe. Who does that though, oh i'll open the door then walk away....


Sep 13, 2024 07:57

1. Not looking both ways before darting out into an occupied parking lot.

2. Not returning items/products to their original location in stores. (I'm speaking from personal experience.)

3. Being "unaware" while standing within a 10' radius of a loud-ass forklift. (Still speaking from personal experience.

4. Pretending that you're not in the way of a worker who is obviously trying to do his, or her f*cking job. (ONCE AGAIN, PERSONAL EXPERIENCE.)

5. Disrespecting retail workers, because you're a narcissistic, snob-ass prick. (I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO CLARIFY, AGAIN PERSONAL EXPERIENCE(S).


Sep 13, 2024 08:02

Aaaaaaaaand 6:

Leaving half eaten food products/free
samples all over a f*cking store. It's trifling.

(It should be legal to execute anyone who does this.)


Sep 13, 2024 13:57

Gods i need therapy all of these are SO freaking on point

Ranger Pariah

Sep 13, 2024 14:14

In a grocery store, a group of two or more folks talking and simply being RIGHT IN THE FRIGGIN MIDDLE of an aisle and not moving aside for passer-byes to go about their business. I mean, they see the person trying to shop, but they refuse to move.

Neon Bright Star ⭐

Sep 13, 2024 14:17

OMG yes Ranger! I hate that

Also can't believe this hasn't been mentioned but driving slow in the left lane which is the fast lane in the states at least. If the right is passing you you need to get out of the left lane!


Sep 13, 2024 20:55

Taking like half a box of expensive bullets out of the box then leaving said box on the shelf ( wtf it's basically stealing)
Breaking a knife returning it saying it came broken.

Baking less than 20 cookies is the worse offence of all!!


Sep 13, 2024 20:59

Not only leaving the grocery store fridge doors open but taking something from them, changing your mind and putting it back on a warm shelf instead of in a fridge.


Sep 13, 2024 21:37

Listening to tiktoks and playing videos at bus stops and walking around looking down at your phone on public streets... I mean you can afford internet, but can't afford some ear buds? Also how do you WALK down a busy street and pay ANY attention to your surroundings...


Sep 14, 2024 15:45

Walking by a dog and not trying to pet them.
Not announce a big stretch when your cat stretches lol


Sep 14, 2024 16:14

Ah yes the loud music when people could easily use headphones is so annoying. Their music taste is never as good as they think it is


Sep 15, 2024 00:25

Seeing a line at a store and just thinking you can go first... Then when you get called on it by me cause i'm at work, get angry and pretend you didn't see a line... Cause you were "watching a vid" lol


Sep 15, 2024 02:54

And if you’re in America shoot the employee for telling you not to cut the line. But that one is an actual crime lol


Sep 15, 2024 22:41

Wearing strong perfume!!!
It is always horrible and as someone very sensitive and often allergic to it I feel like it's one of those things that many people forget can awoke a serious breathing problem plus it really is just obnoxious.... :/


Sep 16, 2024 08:02

Wearing shoes without socks!! Wtf
The sweaty feeling D:

Stephen Ate All Cookies

Sep 16, 2024 15:18

People who think their opinion on music is the greatest and only acceptable opinion. Those types are insufferable.


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