


Mercurius Mesmerize Created Sep 9, 2024 13:59

I was thinking about whether a persons consciousness comes from the mother or the father, and if they didn't meet would your consciousness still appear in another person that the one parent pairs with. There are traits people show that can be said to come from one side or the other but they are generally just parts of how that bodies brain works, it's starting level attributes, but that isn't consiousness, just brain programming and chemical balancings... it's not you, you.

So I did some investigation and found that no one no where has a clear cut answer on what is or where is or where from is the consciousness. There are many theories, and still no definitive answers.

Why is consciousness so difficult to explain?
Or a question to you... what is your take on the works of what consciousness is and how it came to be? Or any other musings you wish to throw into the pot about it.


This topic has 9 comments

Daddy Gru

Sep 9, 2024 16:13

I’m not sure what this is really asking. Some think consciousness is an emergent property that naturally comes about when there are enough neurons to produce it. Whatever it is, it’s genuinely mysterious and not the sort of thing that gets passed down from one parent or the other but indirectly from both. If you’re asking where a person’s nature comes from, as in how do they become who they are, you answered that when you said it’s a complex combination of genetics and conditioning.

Mercurius Mesmerize

Sep 9, 2024 18:12

I was wondering if anyone else had any thoughts on the whole consciousness thing since not even top minds can fathom it or find it or explain it.

I can see that let's say personality traits can be hand me downs. But really that's like brain programmes on how a person may react from how their human is wired, it's what you've initially got to work with and they do influence your actions, but it isnt the pilot, the mystic sentience thing that thinks and is influenced by things and then thinks on them or puts them into action.

Crowcifiction Resurrection

Sep 9, 2024 18:15

I think, therefore I am - Ironman.

Mercurius Mesmerize

Sep 9, 2024 18:19

If your eyes and ears were lower on your body to where your brain is located would it still seem like the pilot consciousness is still up in your brain or would it seem like your consciousness inhabits the region where your eyes and ears are at?


Sep 11, 2024 02:38

Well, how do we even quantify and measure consciousness anyways? That's a pretty solid first step.

Daddy Gru

Sep 11, 2024 05:17

Sam Harris talks about that a lot. His version of what qualifies as consciousness is that there must be something that it is like to be something in order to say that thing is conscious. Even that is somewhat difficult to get your mind around. Is there something that it is like to be a dog? What about a bird? An ant? For some of these, it might be easy to imagine what it is like to be these creatures because they show outward evidence that they think and don’t just move as a result of stimuli. Other things, it’s harder to comprehend what an existence as that thing might be like. I’m personally not sure this way of looking at it is the best way, since it’s subjective and through the lens of human experience. After all, if consciousness is mysterious enough that we don’t really understand it in ourselves, how can we possibly know what it might be like from the perspective of some other life form?

Daddy Gru

Sep 11, 2024 05:19

File this under “couch thoughts,” i.e., the things I think about while Baby Gru lies passed out on my chest at 2:30 AM and I’m channel surfing to stay awake.


Sep 11, 2024 06:19

Fascinating discussion


Sep 11, 2024 06:31

Well this works for kids doesn't it? You make this "shall we say" smaller version of yourself with someone, and they at first are all about you then later are all about anything that is you. I must admit i love how formally my niece talks "for a 10 year old" and wonder if she will full bogan out "like her mother" But i digress slightly, i mean we're all animals right? certain things seem to follow suit from "wanting to live" and eat and s*x things?

But then that fungus can literally find paths though things to get to another location, yet has no brain per say? I wonder if our "consciousness" could evolve, we were monkies a while back, so we're here evolved into what we are now? what about "does dr evil voice" 1 million years from now...

Look up slime mould... its bloody fun to watch.


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