


Neon Bright Star ⭐ Created Sep 12, 2024 14:06

We have a hurricane headed our way. Makes me wonder why I left Washington. Washington only really has earthquakes and it's rare that they're devastating. Tornados also happen down here. Just a ton of feeling like nature wants you to die


This topic has 9 comments

Neon Bright Star ⭐

Sep 12, 2024 14:07

Have any of you lived through natural disasters? What do you think are the worst?


Sep 12, 2024 15:31

Do bushfires and floods count?

Neon Bright Star ⭐

Sep 12, 2024 15:45

Yes! Bushfires sound scary, are they? Also living in Australia is scary in general. The bugs you guys have are natural disasters themselves.


Sep 12, 2024 16:20

Show the hurricane who is boss! Get bigger and louder. Lol jk hope you are able to stay safe.


Sep 12, 2024 20:42

Yes hurricane Irma ect I'm a survival addict so it wasn't to bad, I got to paddle around in a kayak so for me it was fun


Sep 12, 2024 21:18

A couple two or three hurricanes when I was younger. I grew up in the northeast so, not much devastation. Although, Sandy was a beast.


Sep 13, 2024 01:49

Well i've been though a couple of bushfires, it was a bit surreal, said to my old man, we should leave, slowly watching the fire move down the mountain.. We get to the police stop, being told we were the last people allowed out due to fires on the highway and the like... It was a bit nuts, also several floods?

I feel like tornados are FAR more f**king scary than my experiences though..

Daddy Gru

Sep 13, 2024 04:53

Wildfires here in Colorado’s about all. Not much of a worry if you don’t live in the mountains though.


Sep 14, 2024 06:30

Probably lost houses because of the tornado


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