
Bitchy people

Bitchy people

peripatetic Created Sep 5, 2024 03:17

They say gossip is when your talking for the sake of basically having a bitch,

It's not gossip, when your talking with the goal of helping someone.

How do you deal with gossipy & bitchy people, that make snide comments? & like to undermind you, because of absolutely no reason you know of, but you've watched them gossip & bitch about other people in there lives. It's a behaviour in them.

The mean girls, as you might see it, or covert narcissists behaviour in women in particular, but I know guys arent immune from being bitchy too.

Tell me your thoughts, & how you deal with people like that??


This topic has 9 comments


Sep 5, 2024 04:05

Having been in the sydney scene for a long time, it was an utter constant? BUT i had classical training from a dark childhood and was FAR nastier than any of them. But again trained from the very first days in suffering insult, but with a wit that was as sharp as any scalpel. Tempered with the idea of not being mean to those who don't deserve it. But in a bad way "depending" i would also go straight at the people who loved doing it, oh you're a bully? try me? does it taste sour when its being turned back on you? I don't feel bad either, if you want to put people down, i'm going to enjoy doing it to you...
As i'd tell the kids, why does that person's opinion matter to you? why does mine? if i insult you, its going to hurt no? because i mean something to you? but those people? who are they to you? nothing? no one?

Blegh i am as bad as anyone else, i had my moments, sometimes you follow the crowd because you wish to be left alone. But everyone is the main character in their own story, they just forget they aren't to anyone else.


Sep 5, 2024 04:17

Thanks for sharing malkieaveilian, sometimes arent anything special to me, but they stand in the way of me developing real friendships & I don't like bully's, bullying me or other people, especially when there power mad, attention seeking, & insecure but so unaware of there own bulls**t & never will be. Not self reflective, so everyone else has to suffer.

Yeah I refuse to follow the crowd to take the heat off, me. I'm no arse kisser. I'd rather block or not participate tbh.

Thanks for your perspective malkieaveilian πŸ™‚ I think it helped. I'm hoping for a bit more peace of mind, & a way to understand in a healthy way, & not let it bother me so much.

Imnot perfect either, but it's funny how a lot of bullies seem to think they are, in a delusional way, & people are submissive, or suck up & arse kiss, to let them continue to believe that. It's disappointing.


Sep 5, 2024 04:31

I don't like them either, at work i've "quietly" torn a few minor shreds off some of the kids who like teasing people with issues. And go out of my way to be kind to those people "even in front of" the ones doing a thing.
I think sadly its just some people do a thing, can't help it, or don't want to? can't save everyone. But i think keeping your own soul and doing your thing is important also?


Sep 5, 2024 04:47

Yes absolutely πŸ™‚


Sep 5, 2024 08:41

I guess it depends on the situation.
My end goal is usually to not be affected by others gossip
So if I encounter a person (person A) who trashtalks heavily about another person (person B) I will not base my opinion on person B on what ever was said cuz many times it's either personal quarrel between them or person A is simply trying to undermine people for no reason so while I do encounter humans like this every once in a while I just don't take their opinions on other humans to heart and also don't feed their opinions.
Usually people who talk a lot of trash tend to want followers as if what they said is gospel. And sadly most people want to be part of a mob, so it's not possible to avoid, one can only scoff it of if one self is the "victim" Or decide to take the higher ground when someone tries to "recruit" you and just not care about it hahaha


Sep 5, 2024 10:44

@Mjauw yes thanks I've tried taking the high ground. I think it's best I just cut them off, best I can.


Sep 5, 2024 21:45

Sorry if I dont respond im going on holidays/vacation for 3weeks overseas, to undisclosed location. Woo hooo!

Be well. Later!


Sep 6, 2024 01:43

Sorry to out you like this...

She's going to area 51....


Sep 6, 2024 03:40



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