
Failing at life and loneliness

Failing at life and loneliness

Extrasauce Created Sep 4, 2024 02:40

Everyday I drift off from everyone I know,I just feel it's a lot of folks on here that's like that and connecting would do a lot of good


This topic has 5 comments


Sep 4, 2024 03:43

Apparently people are more lonely than ever.

I think it has to do with a lot of community & institutional break down. Also a very individualistic, selfish, self serving mindsets. I think covid caused a lot of
unnecessary divide, people doing everything digital, trust for your fellow man. At the end of the day we're social animals, we thrived in tribes, clans etc... we were inter-dependent & healthy. People need to get off the internet more, & join social, community groups. Even finding free groups& community spaces. Interact, hobbies, aim to make new friends.


Sep 4, 2024 03:56

I mean I'm very far on the spectrum of introvert. I need very low human interaction & appreciate more quality interactions. I like having supportive friendships & being supportive, then spending huge amounts of time with people. I volunteer in an organisation to help people going through a s**tty time. It helps me get out of my own head, & help community, its social in a goal oriented way.

Mercurius Mesmerize

Sep 4, 2024 06:53

We're all doomed... the world's all out of happy endings.


Sep 4, 2024 07:20

The world needs hospitality
now more than it ever did.

Deleting social media & dating
apps in favor of going out to
meet people is a step in the
right direction, if human
interaction is what you are
searching for.

Small, local shows have given
me a reason not to sit at home,
repeating the same work, eat, sleep

For almost 3 years, I was fine
with that life, until recently. Like, I legitimately
can't tell my days apart anymore. Everyday
feels the same.. Until I'm off work.
And then it resets.

I have Insta, but I don't make
opening it a priority. Not a healthy
thing to consume in large quantities.

Like Peripatetic, I'm also an introvert.
I'm not known for liking people, but I've
found that higher quality interaction(s)
will find you if you surround yourself with
scenes that you are passionate about,
like a concert, or convention.

Won't tell you what to do, but meeting
folks over the internet is not the way.


Sep 4, 2024 09:57

Killing narcs. Agreed I've been going to concerts during the week too. It does help break up the week, & support little live bands. I go with my partner, but I used to just go on my own, when I was single. The good thing is you can choose to interact socially, or you can just listen to the music & sing along with everyone. There's no real obligation to talk if you don't want too. Or you can talk about the bands with someone sitting next to you, inbetween sets.


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