
Vegan BBQ

Vegan BBQ

Mike the mechanic. Created Aug 9, 2024 13:03

I have been roped into an anarchist BBQ in Crystal Palace. I have so far assembled a vegan menu as instructed. I have fizzy drinks by the shed load in the fridge and a selection of Linda McCartney sausages, burgers, sausage rolls, etc etc, and BBQ sauce ,beetroot, corn, and vegan potato salad. I really like cooking at the BBQ and want to get invited to do the veggie BBQ again.

Can anyone think of anything EPIC I could make before noon tomorrow with about £50 that's both vegan and impressive for an anarchist BBQ? I may just do veggie skewers and a little gem salad.

Obviously it's a no drug or alcohol menu.


This topic has 22 comments

Mike the mechanic.

Aug 9, 2024 13:06

Bean and cheese burritos would be good but it would be fiddly amounts of vegan cheese...

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Aug 9, 2024 13:12

Yeah, f**k the government, lets cook some carrots, ANARCHY IN THE UK!

Daddy Gru

Aug 9, 2024 13:28

Who set the rules about no drugs or alcohol? Probably some pig-loving capitalist autocrat.

Neon Bright Star ⭐

Aug 9, 2024 13:50

Dry anarchist BBQ? I thought y'all were against government and laws yet you impose prohibition on yourselves lmao

Neon Bright Star ⭐

Aug 9, 2024 13:51

I jest. Sounds fun though. Why does it need to be vegan?

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Aug 9, 2024 14:09

Because ruels are the essence of Anarchist barbecues Neon, obviously!

Neon Bright Star ⭐

Aug 9, 2024 15:28

This is an antichrist BBQ


Aug 9, 2024 16:12

How terribly PETA of you.

No drugs or alcohol....
Well then how the hell are you going to entertain the house cat?

How about making an epic confession to your PO before noon? Shouldn"t cost you a pence.
What better way impress your alleged vegan anarchist buddies?

Does the UK have an ASPCA equivalent?

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Aug 10, 2024 01:59

No i nthe UK they punch kittens to stop the rain.

Mike the mechanic.

Aug 10, 2024 07:27

Well. It's tomorrow.

I'll take that as a "no".


Neon it's not dry were just not providing alcohol. There will be a meat BBQ and a band and s**t as well it's not all carrots.

And Trish the RSPCA deal with ACTUAL cruelty to animals giving a cat a saucer of Baileys is not a f**king indictible offence. Also Bella should not be subject to online harassment. That's as ignorant as f**k Trish, how dare you? She's a Mum. I shall entertain her by waving at her and stroking her chin if she wants.

No Photo


Aug 10, 2024 11:01

Mike, stroking your parole officers chin is weird as f**k. Also, dry is a term meaning alcohol free. Also also, the RSPCA absolutely consider giving animals alcohol a form of abuse and will act on it. In fact, I could report you for it right now. I might.

God you're stupid.

Mike the mechanic.

Aug 10, 2024 23:53

Since no one knows any recipes

And due to an,aggressive drunken Irish woman. I'm abandoning BBQ. Reasonable night.

Mike the mechanic.

Aug 10, 2024 23:56

I wonder what to do now. I'm still a little shocked some absolutely s**t faced crying woman just started yelling at me who I don't even know talking about bombing her neighbours and how we all have our bad days and weird s**t.

Mercurius Mesmerize

Aug 11, 2024 00:38

Sounds like you've pulled.


Aug 11, 2024 09:57

Mike - beans , French fries , eggplant ,

Mike the mechanic.

Aug 11, 2024 15:43

Beans are always good Anthony. You are a f**king genius. You are starting to act like Kim Yung Un. I'm impressed.

Up Hamas bro.

No Photo


Aug 11, 2024 16:08

I reported Mike to the RSPCA.

That's my good.


Daddy Gru

Aug 11, 2024 16:58

Up Hamas? Lol, the level of ridiculousness, it has to be trolling.


Aug 13, 2024 00:54

Its not very good though, i've not laughed once... even AT this weirdo.

Mercurius Mesmerize

Aug 13, 2024 16:49

Maybe your just not street enough to understand...?

Mercurius Mesmerize

Aug 13, 2024 16:49



Aug 14, 2024 01:50

You down playing my western suburbs street cred bra? lol that was hard to type.


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