
Humans are downgrading

Humans are downgrading

Mjauw Created Aug 19, 2024 15:36

Ok so is it just me or are bullying and disrespect on an upswing with this new generation!?!

So story time,
Off I was bullied when I was a kid, most alt kids are.
But Then I have been able to enjoy life pretty much unbothered in my daily life up untill recently (perhaps 3 years ago or so)

I get harrased and called s**tty things litterally everyday now, and I have not changed, the only things that have changed is the new generation.
Cuz it's mostly kids that are mean.
And boy are they mean, it's not a shy little insult, it is hateful.
And if I'm on a train with them they can continue for 30 min or more.
Wich is... sad.
Like don't you have anything else to occupy your time with on a train ride?

And the fact that it's mostly kids is even more bizzare cuz when I was a kid I would never dream of bullying a complete stranger even one year older than me, let alone 1 or 2 decades older !!

I'm sorry but where is the common sence and respect gone in this new version of humans... they suck....

Ofc im not sad about what kids say, i like how i look. They can cry about it all they want hahah
I'm simply asking if anyone relates to this or if this is a local thing where I live.
Cuz all I know is that people around me (normal as well as alternative) also relate to this being an issue.


This topic has 62 comments

Daddy Gru

Aug 19, 2024 16:38

I think verbal abuse is up because physical violence (short of shooting or stabbing) is down. Like when I was growing up, if you talked shït, you’d have to back it up if the target of your insults took offense. That’s why I never talked shït, I didn’t know how to fight and didn’t feel like having to learn on the fly and get embarrassed in front of everyone. It seems like what these bullies are missing is bullies of their own, the big, strong, dumb kids who used to just beat people up. I personally love it when some little asshole gets mouthy and then ends up violently unconscious on the ground.

Bottom line, if you fück around, you should also have to find out. Make Bullying Great Again.


Aug 19, 2024 16:48

Hmmm not really. I know teachers are saying all over the world, it's getting harder to teach, the newer generations, so a lot arent going into teaching.

I think because there aren't many consquences in schools anymore, in Australia you can't even put a kid in time out anymore. I worked jobs during high school, but my first job out of high school was childcare at a kindergarten & morning & after care at a primary school. I talk to people doing those jobs now, & teachers, & kids have no discipline & get away with a lot more. I'm wondering if that has anything to do with it.


Aug 19, 2024 17:02

Also they're growing up with the internet & the world's been changing at a rapid pace, im not sure parents even know how to keep up, a lot of community institutions have been broken & not replaced with something else, so kids don't have as many real life community role models.

Mercurius Mesmerize

Aug 19, 2024 19:49

Shìtty parenting beget shìtty kids. As such they are puppeted by their internet habits and mob mentalities. They know not how communicate well in person, and aren't taught cause and effect... until they cross the line with the wrong person.


Aug 19, 2024 20:22

Judging by @gru and @merc I should become the wrong person hahah
Who knows
Perhaps a good slap and a threat for the future will do it

And @peri
I have several friends who studied to become teachers and they are horrified, some even had to quit cuz they could not handle the verbal abuse and threats.

And I agree that there are somehow less things to do, places to go for entertainment and less groups to join or perhaps they don't appeal to the new kids... why... probably internet and dopamine dependency.


Its also worth noting that last time it was 2 boys 15 years old and when I used the word "transparent "
They had no clue what that ment....
I found that troubling in it self.

Mike the mechanic.

Aug 19, 2024 22:10

Male bullying great again.

f**king right.

Gaffa tape may not fix stupid but it can muffle the sound well.


Aug 20, 2024 00:29

Internet changed things didn't it? i remember back when in school, for a time i was bullied, and like in a movie, so we're all on a school walking event, he comes up and pours a bottle of juice over my head, as my friends later said it was the most amazing hay maker they ever saw, i hit him once, he went berserk and hit me a dozen times. But after the fact i wasn't bullied by anyone ever again. He smacked the literal crap out of me, but my mother had practiced on me for 10 years before it. So i literally took it and said my mother hits harder. Which is a depressing thing, but also awesome, cause dark copes

But i was left alone... this was all pre internet age, internet was a baby, social media was still in a cradle. Now? we're a generation totally out of touch having no idea of it, you hear all these stories of people, virtually harassing people. Hidden behind a screen. "irony isn't lost upon me"

But even at work, i hear people make fun of how i speak, customers who talk smack as they walk off. And am reminded how some of us are just awful pricks.


Aug 20, 2024 01:03

Hmmm it seems violence is the answer to modern days problems? haha ( joking dont do nothing dumb jail aint fun)


Aug 20, 2024 01:34

I don't think it is, but sadly it feels like some of the people only respond to it.


Aug 20, 2024 03:40

"And the fact that it's mostly kids is even more bizzare cuz when I was a kid I would never dream of bullying a complete stranger even one year older than me, let alone 1 or 2 decades older !!"

Also, as a kid, you weren't the bully, though, if I'm understanding properly? It's not in your nature to deem their actions as "rational", because your belief system is polar opposite.

As a society we are taught to cast moralistic judgement upon those whose behaviors fail to support our own values. Analysis of others is actually an expression of our own needs. Blame, comparisons, diagnoses are all forms of judgement. Simplistically, we have trapped ourselves in a world of "wrongness and rightness" and it mostly boils down to verbiage.

Teens are dopey f**kers. They're supposed to be. Nothing shocking here, but perhaps it's my own surfeited experience or how I grew up galvanizing my view.

Yes, the intrawebs have afforded the up and comers an entitled cloak from behind the screen, but it seems these normalized lines of anonymity are becoming blurred during "IRL" interactions, possibly even subconsciously.

I'm truly sorry you have been subjected to further abuse. Unfortunately, this trend of violent communication and denial of responsibility seems to be gauging the momentum of our impending demise.


Aug 20, 2024 04:16

I'm wondering also, I've heard a few psychologists say, because kids spend more time on devices, & there not outside playing with other kids, having un- monitored play time. Play is how kids process things, re-inacting things, they also learn to resolve conflict in play, kids don't know how to solve issues as a group or individualy, like we use to. My generation had play even after school, we developed our communication skills & learned how to solve conflict, even verbally. Apparently generations with devices, have lost that skill.


Aug 20, 2024 04:21

I don't think violence is the answer. I think we need to look at what's changed, & what has & hasn't worked. I think it's a big picture thing. Yes it's a kids home life that influences them, but it's also there peers, community. Even if a kid has a f**ked up home life, sometimes they have other role models to give them a fighting chance, teachers, peers, community.


Aug 20, 2024 04:26

& since covid & internet & push to indiviulism & less community & community supports, it's created a whole bunch of issues, people are more isolated & without supports more than ever. That influences how we socialise & grow.

You know the saying it takes a village to raise a child, well thats happening far less these days.


Aug 20, 2024 04:29

Sorry for the 4th message lol


Aug 20, 2024 07:40

Last year some teen got racial with me and pulled a knife out when I responded in kind so I booted the little bastard in the face,

good thing his friends were just as stupid as he was because they were recording the whole time and tried to flip the story that I started it but when the cops saw the footage on their phones they let me go and took the kid, this happened in Oakland of all places so if your from California you know how much of a crap hole Oakland is.


Aug 20, 2024 07:51


Yes i have friends who have also been threatened with a knife by tiny humans. It's crazy....
In school and on the street in broad daylight

And holy fakk the hubris tho of those kids to film their own evidence and thinking it could be for their own advantage -___-"
Happends more and more tho it seems with tiktok and the trendy victim mentality.


Aug 20, 2024 08:01


The statement regarding the lines have become blurred when it comes to internet vs irl interaction you do have a point according to a friend of mine.

She worked as a primary school teacher and some kids were extremely violent to eachother, like they tried to stab eachother with scissors..... And when she said
"wtf do you think will happend if they get stabbed and it's lethal!?!"
The kid simply responded with
"they will respawn like in the video games and they have played that game many times and it works all the time"



Aug 20, 2024 13:56


What ever happened to the Swedish lagom theory?

Mayhaps these little scamps are suddenly overwhelmed with their smorgasbord of screen time? Balance being tossed aside like so much Surströmming.

I blame GTA and Mario Cart. Oh, and parental units or something...

Throne off the scent

Aug 20, 2024 15:26

I have noticed hooliganism coming into football more again when going to games. More fights seen to happen outside of stadiums and there seems to be a glamourisation of the ultra culture whereas it was casual culture before. I support a small town provincial team with around 3k to 8k supporters so not a big club. In the last few years we have been on the news for fighting and I have seen 5 or 6 incidents between groups of lads. This is usually a reflection of society more than anything else. I looked up some stats at the weekend about the rise is violent crime and in England was wales its surged in the last 10 years or so. And violence against women is also on the rise..

I dont know whats causing it but its been going on a few years. I could smell it in the air at the football and started to see it. And I also see it more and more out and about. I don't really know whats fueling it all in honesty. Glamourisation of it on social media, lockdown, wider poverty in the UK with less opportunities for young people it could be all sorts.

But anecdotally I noticed a change a few years ago and the stats seem to back that up.


Aug 20, 2024 15:52

Yep unemployment, rise in the cost of living, no real community anymore & supports, individualism mentality. Mental health & psychological issues at its highest during & after the pandemic. I think where seeing lots of changes, as a result of that.

Who said, death of human empathy is one of the earliest signs of a culture about to fall into barbarism.

Throne off the scent

Aug 20, 2024 16:22

Weirdly unemploynent is low in the UK, I think it sits about 4% which is historically low. However I think a large part of the population have been labeled unfit to work so I dont think they get taken into account. Its sitting at 1m more people than pre covid.

In addition wages have not be rising in line with inflation so the country is poorer and we sit with an astronomical debt which was high pre covid but now horrendous.

Out of interest do the Americans on here get worried about the debt? I noticed your markets took a hit just because the interest rates didnt go down. Seemed to be a big shock for something pretty minor.

Daddy Gru

Aug 20, 2024 16:32

The debt seems pretty meaningless when the dollar is still the most powerful currency in the world and will be for the foreseeable future.


Aug 20, 2024 16:41

Throne of bear if uk is anything like Australia tge government fudge those statistics. They count volunteers, as employed, work for social security as employment, casual & part time workers as employees, even though they can barely pay any bills. Statistics are a funny thing.


Aug 20, 2024 16:42

* employment *


Aug 20, 2024 17:50

Ever since Drumpf came along he exposed the true hate and "dumbness" at least here in America because he is one in the same.

“Hate just hides. It doesn’t go away, and when you have somebody in power who breathes oxygen into the hate it comes out from under the rocks."


Aug 20, 2024 17:53

I come from a generation when looking any kind of alternative made you a target for everyone. In my teens I got chased through my local town centre, got abuse from adults on the bus, parents would pull their kids away if they passed me in the street and random idiots on the street sucker punching me. Got a little bit of s**t at school but never really bullied cos I always stood up for myself. Nowadays I just get called Gandalf or Jesus which is quite funny.


Aug 20, 2024 19:19

@AJ23 hahah Gandalf or Jesus those are compliments if any tbh!!
The most powerful men ever hahah
Wich has also happend to me.
(Not being called Gandalf, that would be absurd)
But being called any main character from any famous movie franchise that they think of wich always puzzled me cuz.... these are not insults, they are compliments but they say them in bitchy tone
Like.... thank you?????
Those instances are funny tho so I don't complain. I happily take their aggressive compliments hahah

But also, yes while being alt makes you a target it still strikes me as being increasingly so.
It has not been socially problematic here in a very long time and these past 3 years it has exploded basically.
I never expect to be accepted per se,but this new era of people being outright mean is a new wave and a level up in the 's**ttometer' where I live and it also happend very suddenly so no idea what caused it. All I know is that the people being mean today have an aura of much more hubris than the s**tty people had back in the day, like they view it as their complete right to be mean, where as mean people from my past you could tell they knew they did something wrong.



Aug 20, 2024 22:29


Aug 20, 2024 17:50
Ever since Drumpf came along he exposed the true hate and "dumbness" at least here in America because he is one in the same."

You realize your pet name perpetuates the same ignorance you're preaching against, no?

I'm by no means a MAGA fan, but lowering to grade school name calling makes it difficult to digest anything you post with even a modicum of legitimacy, bruh.

What would the Boss say?


Aug 20, 2024 22:31

^Or Jesus?


Daddy Gru

Aug 20, 2024 22:49

Agreed. The anti-Trump rhetoric can be just as simplistic, stupid, and conspiratorial as the anti-Biden / Harris / pro-Trump shït. And I hate Donald Trump. The level of the critique can and should be better than just “your guy sucks and he’s the root of all evil.”


Aug 20, 2024 23:21

@Pyscho: Drumpf is Trump's real German name. The Boss would agree.

There's no room for hate between citizens of this great country.

I do appreciate you invoking The Boss, you know I love Bruce, hands down. 😉


Aug 21, 2024 00:09

omg this guy is a one hit wonder alright, have you got anything else that isn't... trump? i mean did anything happen BEFORE him? like several hundred years? my gods just ask him out, get a room, get a ruphie and let him diddle your special place you total drone of an NPC.

There is more going on than the SINGLE thing you seem so f**king obsessed about, but wait ORANGE MAN BAD! omfg.... you have a whole governement of awful like the world over. BUT gods damn if you weirdo americans aren't more free to do insane s**t like this...


Aug 21, 2024 03:34

Do you remember, & know of the Sophie Lancaster case in the UK? Her & her boyfriend were beaten for being gothy & creative types. She was beaten to death.

Throne off the scent

Aug 21, 2024 07:13

The USD being the strongest currency does not guarentee wealth equality in the country though GRU. Or living standards in general. Although the US economy is the biggest and the dollar is strong that doesn't mean there isn't other fragilitys in there. A good example is Victorian Britain, biggest economy, sterling was the world currency along with language but there were huge social issues in the UK. The US economy is also not immume to recession (see 2008).

The recent jitter in the market was a weird one for me. I was going to buy some shares in american companys but I wonder if its not the time.

Daddy Gru

Aug 21, 2024 15:04

Oh I know there are still risks and hiccups and many, many flaws. Nothing is perfect, but the US appears set on a more robust and resilient foundation than any other major world player, especially considering the recent and ongoing manufacturing revival.


Aug 21, 2024 17:50

Well, I do have criticisms of the Democrat party including Biden, however, Drumpf is a jerk and people still choose to vote for him because they hate America and Americans who don't fit nicely into their little bigoted world.

Daddy Gru

Aug 22, 2024 00:32

Some Trump supporters are like that, yes. I think it’s a mistake to write them off as all being like that though. The snobbishness on the Dem side doesn’t win over any converts. Just ask Hillary Clinton.


Aug 22, 2024 01:27

Most, if not all are racist, bigoted, ignorant f*cks. Why else would one vote for a rainmaker like him?

Hillary was a bit arrogant, Trump is worse. Anyway, that's that. 😉


Aug 22, 2024 01:33

Based on what exactly? i feel like people "brand" people as a thing with nothing but biased perceptions. They aren't me, ergo they're racist.. This is why i don't do tiktok. I mean i'd almost want to understand your beliefs bar the fact i'd become more stupid for listening to you. DISCLAIMER: This whole conversation is pointless...

I mean i could simply say YOU are an ignorant sheep? and YOU will then say "no i'm not" i mean nothing you're saying is of ANY substance, which i find annoying? I've asked more than once for ANY kinda substance beyond "orange man bad" and you've given nothing. This is the literal representation of the "left" i keep being fed, right isn't much better must admit.

Daddy Gru

Aug 22, 2024 04:31

I have known plenty of Trump supporters who weren’t any more racist than the average person, and certainly no more racist than the average Wokester. The more you bang this racism drum, the more racist your targets actually become. And it’s not because it’s revealing some latent, dormant racism that’s been waiting for the right circumstances to show itself and now that Trump is a thing people feel comfortable expressing it. No, it’s mostly because the more you ask people to constantly think about race and subdivide people into racial categories to assign proper victimhood points, the more people begin to identify with their own race and become tribal about it, especially if they’re constantly attacked. It’s recently fashionable to attack white people for every ill befalling American culture, so it’s frankly no surprise that some white people’s identities are crystallizing around the fact of their race to the same extent black people are promoting their race and skin color as the most important thing about themselves.

This hyper-racialized mentality is a disease that is going to kill us all the more we continue to indulge it.


Aug 22, 2024 04:51

Oh look substance... Shouldn't even let an old boomer libtard fuss me, but gods on some stupid level i wanted to hope he wasn't THAT stupid... But i forget ages doesn't beget wisdom.

Daddy Gru

Aug 22, 2024 05:04

As a lapsed liberal myself, I want liberals to be better than the cultists on the other side. The fact that they continue shooting themselves in the foot while having such soft opposition is frustrating. These political races would not be close if the Left could just represent the sane middle ground where the majority of us live.


Aug 22, 2024 05:11

But that MIDDLE ground... I mean i'm pretty centrist myself, slight left leanings. Part of my problem is i see to much YT trash, and the news is trash, so i DO wonder how much of the online bulls**t is simply just brain melting soap operas, but then people like his stupidness come along and break my own echo chamber of believing "normal" people exist lol.
But i think like so many of us, our faith in politicians is limited, i do forget they're as human and fallible as i am.

But then i forget debate and critical thinking are more dead than the horse i was flogging. But must admit this 2025 thing i hear about sounds terrible, and generally think this is a s**t show. Those conservative people are also in so many cases beyond wack jobs.


Aug 22, 2024 11:24

Gru - I feel sad today gru what should i do

Daddy Gru

Aug 22, 2024 13:47

Well, there are several options, Anthony.

You can talk about it with a person you trust and try to work through it emotionally and psychologically.

You can try not to dwell on the sad things and realize that you’re fortunate relative to many others in the world who are in worse circumstances.

You can try to go do something fun and enjoyable for a little while today to get your mind off the sad things.

You can just sort of sit with your sad thoughts and emotions for a little while and remember that it’s perfectly natural to feel sad sometimes and that constantly try to escape sadness is unhealthy.

You can visit a prostitute, although this will probably not bring any lasting comfort.


Aug 22, 2024 13:54

I crossed that off my bucket list actually and can't be more happy..

Bucket list.

Paid for s*x with super cute tattooed girl... "check"


Aug 22, 2024 14:07

Oh la la malkieaveilian

& also the s*xy magazine in back to the future.

Oh la la
Oh la la



Aug 22, 2024 14:13

Just trying to say every bucket list has a silver lining, the insanity was it was while out with my freaking managers... So we have that? o_o But it was FUN also, just chats then roll in the hay then an embarrassed thanks for your time

But i wonder what we'll actually be in 100 years when idiocracy comes to pass... Or wall e... its going to be one of those.


Aug 22, 2024 14:22

🤭 some of my other guy friends said they did that, & one of them only made too a touch on the leg.💦 If you get what I'm saying. 🤭 imagine paying for that. I'm thinking that would be more awkward in front of a stranger. 🤭


Aug 22, 2024 14:30

Dear lord i hope he got a second chance card for that? I myself said i'd never done a thing before "truth" and i was rather a bit nervy, they thought it was sweet. WHICH made it even worse.

I can mention some of the other things i checked off but i don't wanna be rude...


Aug 22, 2024 14:34

Haha I'm not sure I might ask him next time I see him. I think I was to busy laugh crying,, & feeling embarrassed for him.

Apparently the other one was just drunk & crying, & ask the s*x worker to hold him.

I found it all highly amusing. Hehe


Aug 22, 2024 14:40

A tiny part of me is like dawww... I must admit that kinda sounds nice also. Weird of me to say i KNOW... but... i can't explain as it was... well i could, but i refuse. I mean i'd have to have some disposable income just to blow on such a thing, but i've heard about it happening more than once.
Us men are very curious creatures like that heh.

So who's going to win the US election? i honestly don't know what to think, but i seriously can't see that wack job indian who's black but not woman winning. But then could trump win? 0_)) i mean he's made history, but it would be amusing to also be another grover clevland as it was. I more just hope things get better, like for the UK... we're in a weird time right now.


Aug 22, 2024 14:45

Haha what a change in subject. I haven't been following. I dont like any of them, that's the most likely response.

I don't like any Australian politicians either, & voting compulsory here, well you get $50 fine. I dont think usa citizens have to vote.


Aug 22, 2024 14:49

It isn't a change so much as a two in one dealie, also trying to not derail the topic so much by just throwing in thoughts about it at random, cause never in altrose place history has a topic been derailed and downgraded ever.


Aug 22, 2024 14:56

Yep I can talk in tangents sometimes. I'm going to watch looper, because I haven't seen it in ages, & I watched a interview with Joseph Gordon-Levitt last night.



Aug 22, 2024 15:05

It was a good movie, maybe jumper after for tangent and also cause cool premise. Am i to old to say cool? is it cool to say cool? maybe awesome or radical dude or SWEET what's mine say? DUDE? what's mine say....


Aug 22, 2024 15:23

Based on the mass deportation campaigning on Drumpf's side. Republicans/Trumpers who vote for Trump are racist, as well as bigots.

Don't give me the "I support legal immigration" bulls**t argument, either.

The great replacement theory, c'mon. CRT class and LGBTQ book banning from the Trumper side. Not racist? Not bigoted? All these jerkoffs screaming this are Trump supporters.

Of course you will disagree and call me stupid, so, have at it, keep supporting the Orange bloated old charlatan and good luck.

Daddy Gru

Aug 22, 2024 20:19

The CRT stuff is demonstrably brain cancer though, as is most of the DEI-created racial policy. There are plenty of black academics I could name who agree with me. It’s arguably just as racist to think all people of one race or another are some monolithic bloc that only think, behave, and vote a certain way.


Aug 22, 2024 23:04

It really IS though isn't it, i once said to an intersectional feminist i felt being colour blind was a thing, and she said that is racist of me? I explained my position, saying people are people to me, not their race, i mean i get they ARE differently coloured but they're also my fellow aussies? but also people? she was a bit o_o like oh...
But then some people with their, ya can't be racist to white people... Me: But that is text book racism?


Aug 23, 2024 03:34

Gru - thanks your a genius .

Mercurius Mesmerize

Aug 23, 2024 11:50

Oh no, now he's going to be smug about it all day...


Sep 4, 2024 19:38

Verbal abuse has always been very common sadly. However, the internet makes it worse due to the lack of consequences and the fact that the emotionally unwell are more likely to spend copious amounts of time online spreading their toxicity with a general lack of self awareness. A big part of this is the online disinhibition effect sadly.


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