
New forum rules

New forum rules

Throne off the scent Created Sep 4, 2024 18:29

Since this is site is mainly unmoderated I wander what rules we could out in place if we had a chance.

I would like a button that can be used to turn someone I dont likes profile pic into a giant d**k for one.


This topic has 17 comments


Sep 4, 2024 19:29

Where's the Interlopers hacker when we need them?

Mercurius Mesmerize

Sep 4, 2024 22:28

Free parking.


Sep 5, 2024 02:00

I want a free cookie button to be added
And the giant d*ck idea is hilarious so I second for it.

Neon Bright Star ⭐

Sep 5, 2024 02:18

1. If people make threads about using the chat room, go in the chatroom. Don't leave them hanging.
2. Being back the "most loved" campaign. Every week pick a new forum regular and like and comment all their photos (whether compliments or roasts) to try and put them into the most loved page
3. Don't feed the bad trolls. If a troll is annoying and unfunny, like Davey, just ignore them. Definitely feed the fun trolls
4. Though shall not name drop people's real names on here. Accidents happen but try not to put people's real info on here. No doxxing. We are friends here.

Neon Bright Star ⭐

Sep 5, 2024 02:19

*bring back. f**k autocorrect


Sep 5, 2024 04:14

Uh a referral button

Do you like drama? Does gothrose place make you feel warm and fuzzy? Did the bold and the gothiful just bring you joy? JOIN ALTSCENE! we have goth people, random "libtards" sometimes vampires and a guy who LOVES talking about horses who isn't vaush. We have fun trolls also! we have a cookie machine so you can feed them, and they'll act stupid for YOUR entertainment.



Sep 5, 2024 04:15

Oh that isn't a rule, its a potential feature, so maybe reword it as a rule. You must refer someone TO the forum before you can post or some such. /shrug


Sep 5, 2024 05:35

Hmmm 🤔 maybe something to remind people what bullying looks like psychologically, emotionally & mentally. I believe some people demonstrate these behaviours & arent aware of it, others are totally aware of what there doing, there a lost cause, & there issues are much deeper.

Some dating apps, offer advice on how to have healthy relationships, maybe something like that. Probably asking to much of dinosaur, altscene. Lol

A d**k you reckon thrones? How about something that turns there photo distorted? In some way, or a big arse on there shoulders. Lol


Sep 5, 2024 05:37

I think no one else can see it though, just you, to save on humiliation. If they actually have feelings. Lol


Sep 5, 2024 10:46

Rethinking the button & distorted & d**k face thing. I'd rather not be passive aggressive, I'd rather deal with my emotions & move past it, or have nothing to do with them.


Sep 5, 2024 10:47


Crowcifiction Resurrection

Sep 5, 2024 11:35

Less buts, more butts.


Sep 5, 2024 11:57

That's something my boyfriend would say. 😆

Crowcifiction Resurrection

Sep 5, 2024 13:48

That's quite a chat up line. 😉


Sep 5, 2024 13:51

Haha nice try. It would be, if it was one. It's just legit something he would say. Or write.

I'll let you use it on someone else. Haha

Crowcifiction Resurrection

Sep 5, 2024 14:08

Caw, just rip out my still beating heart why don't ya.


Sep 5, 2024 14:27

Nawww soz! Haha


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