
Deleted users

Deleted users

AJ23 Created Aug 20, 2024 18:01

Been on here a few years now and one thing that really puzzles me is that more often than not when I get a wink it’s always from a deleted user. In fact noticeably more than active users.
Anybody else experiencing this or do they delete their accounts out of the sheer inability to cope with how devilishly handsome I am? πŸ˜‚ (I wish)


This topic has 43 comments

Daddy Gru

Aug 20, 2024 18:40

They’re bots. They wink at you to elicit an interaction whereby they can scam you. They get deleted by the site administrator before they can successfully do so, in many cases.


Aug 20, 2024 18:58

Yes, it does. The "real" girls on here aren't interested in anything else. Of course, there are very few exceptions, I guess.

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Neon Bright Star ⭐

Aug 20, 2024 19:42

I get a lot of generic "hi" messages from deleted users lol. This site is a grave yard of deleted users

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Deleted User

Aug 20, 2024 19:46

yea I've had few starter messages from deleted users it's hard to keep up with who sent the message


Aug 20, 2024 20:14

Ah yes
"Hi how are you"
Is usually a 75% chance they will disappear soon from the site

Like wow the effort and dedication


Aug 20, 2024 22:40


Aug 20, 2024 18:58
Yes, it does. The "real" girls on here aren't interested in anything else. Of course, there are very few exceptions, I guess."

My God do you ever stop complaining? That's super hot.

Just cause they're not looking for a grandzaddy, your attempt in spreading rhetoric is epically creepy.

How does Bruce Springsteen translate to "alternative music" anything dude?

Stop being gross. Or don't, I guess.


Aug 20, 2024 23:31

@Pyscho: You are turning me on by challenging my observations. Although it is an exercise in futility, I do appreciate it. πŸ˜‰β˜ΊοΈπŸ˜˜

Mike the mechanic.

Aug 20, 2024 23:41

Ageism Is not cool and Bruce Springsteen is a rock artist so what do we mean by alt?

I'm thinking it's time to just speak out on this.

It's nice to be important and it's important to be nice.

I think k heartbreakbeat seems liheza genuine and nice man, he probably thinks I'm a c**k because I take getting used to. I am however a nice man as well but I learned to make things happen when otherwise they wouldn't, I suppose I just have a funny way of showing I care.

I think we should respect people a LOT better than going "eww the old dudes old enough to literally be our daddies" and anyone who does it is debasing themselves.

I hope I get to my fifties. It sounds better than the alternative. Childish name calling will not lessen his achievements.

I'm going to leave that at that.


Aug 21, 2024 00:03

Bruce f**king stinkstien? and he's one of those trump hating orange bad man idiots, and also old enough to be most of our daddies and likely was telling goth kids to get off his lawn in the 60's? Yeah... and you defending him? IS he your daddy?
We can smell the "looking for my BTGG" types from a mile away.

Also just cause someone gets "older" doesn't mean they achieved s**t bar getting lucky enough to not die before hand. Respect is earnt not f**king a participation award.

Mike the mechanic.

Aug 21, 2024 00:49

What if he is looking for a BTGG?

You think Dinald Trump isn't bad?

He ain't old enough to be my daddy.

Actually he was basically learning to s**t and stuff In the sixties and it would be the LATE sixties.

I was referring to the fact he has lasted al long primarily. I doubt he achieved nothing in fifty years.

I think I should stop beating around the bush. Try not to judge someone before you are perfect and we are ALL imperfect.

And you speaking of respect? Don't even get me started.

You guys are a bunch of f**king walkers anyway I mean look at you. Oh no I can't you hide away crying about respect reckoning your s**t doesn't stink how old are you buddy is getting old enough to be your dad or are you being a little fast and loose with the term "we" all alone in your bedroom again?


Aug 21, 2024 01:05

Dude, I'M old AF on here but manage to refrain from uninspired bs shα»‹tposting about "duhhhh how come nobody wants this half century dΔ±ck? Oh no takers? You must all be Cheeto loving bots."

The age thing is just a blatent observation. Don't NObody wanna play without pay I imagine. AND maybe he IS a g-zaddy at this point, Idrgaf. Good on you pop pop.

I say "I imagine" cause I'm not fΕ±cking arsed enough to bother trying and crying?

"Oh you're ageist". Da faq?

Don't you have a sheep to intoxicate before another death by cop attempt?
Cats and dogs living together. Mass hysteria!


Aug 21, 2024 01:06

I once had a person call me an internet "tank breed" and i was confused, i replied saying what does that mean? i mean was he implying i live in a tank? that i am a tank driver? he told me i should know what he was saying, like him, much of what you said doesn't make sense to me, like when i was called a nonce, i thought it was another word for an idiot. It was not. And so once again i refer to that fight scene in gangs of new york.

As per the rest, in the words of the ACTUAL king... not stinkstien, uh huh yeah...

BUUUUUTTTTTT for a mere moment.... i'm going to pretend your IQ IS above room temp, all "I" and i feel maybe a few others are asking, is for more than "bad thing bad because bad" i mean its pointless being on here, like reddit, BUT for the LIFE of me some insightful introspective conversation WOULDN'T be bad, ADDing... to the conversation "substance" but not the ones you abuse.

Waits for it


Aug 21, 2024 01:12

He said we're trolls... MEAN! I mean i'm a larrikin, but we all know Aussies are the better version of brits cause we are ACTUALLY funny AND convicts at the same time.

Its MEAN of him to use that leftist trope that if you don't agree with me and or aren't me, then you're a spigot or a homophone! I'm going to go back to my basement and tell me grandmother who stole my ID "modda" omg remember him and wait... is mike modda lite? o_o omg i'm being awful...


Aug 21, 2024 01:18

And i feel lame, but goth and alt if we're going to be THAT specific pedantic w**ker, isn't bruce stinkstien. Its as alt as nickleback is heavy metal... genres are just that. OKies sorry i'm going to shoosh now.

Daddy Gru

Aug 21, 2024 04:39

Confession: Trish is my AltScene crush. The way she can verbally eviscerate a person (always deserved) is so goddamn sΔ“xy.

That said, Trish, I admire and respect you, please don’t hurt me.


Aug 21, 2024 05:17

I'll let it slide.

Guess we know who wins the baby's name game pool! I'm Your sure your wife will appreciate that, it means "noble".

Etymology is cool n stuff 🌬🌳

*Disclaimer, "Cats and dogs living together" I must credit to Bill. That boy's a genius!


Aug 21, 2024 05:18

*I'm sure etc etc


Aug 21, 2024 05:42

My secret crush, that isn't my crush, is the guy I pay to get massages off. I told my boyfriend his my 1st boyfriend cause I met him first. They've even met, & I've told them both that. 🀭 I even got my 1st boyfriend to Massage my second boyfriend. I told my best friend about my massage boyfriend l, & she said she needs to borrow him. πŸ˜†πŸ€ͺ


Aug 21, 2024 05:42

* I mean isn't a secret*


Aug 21, 2024 05:51

Now David the masseuse, is in a bunch of relationships he probably doesn't want to really be in, poor guy. πŸ€ͺ🀭


Aug 21, 2024 06:22

Geez MASSAGEogynistic much? Get it... misogynist... rubbing... I'll show myself out.


Aug 21, 2024 06:29

I might have laughed a little then... also now i'm wanting to be a masseuse. Wait if i am one of those AND i rub one out? does it still count as therapeutic? 0_0


Aug 21, 2024 10:41

Ohhh dumr dat bad, I'm glad you showed yourself out. 😁

Malkieaveilian are you asking me if being a wan**r counts as a massage & therapeutic. ??

I guess it's a massage of a kind. I'm sure some would say it's therapeutic & self care. Lol


Aug 21, 2024 18:01

You are waaaaaay off Pyscho, as many others are in this forum. I can see why members decide to leave this place, however, I enjoy the cannon fodder and critcisms directed at me and/or other members.

It is sometimes clever and makes me chuckle.


Aug 21, 2024 19:31

I care not. Nobody does.

Please to enjoy furthering your own exercise in futility as an inconspicuous creeper.


Aug 21, 2024 23:47

I dunno why gru explaining on his first message seemed s*xy,
........ πŸ˜…


Aug 22, 2024 12:23

Just as I thought how many deleted users

Daddy Gru

Aug 22, 2024 13:52

Who knew that all I had to do to be sΔ“xy was explain mundane things on the internet. If only I had known this sooner!

*shakes fist ruefully at the sky, drops dramatically to knees, extends both arms helplessly heavenward and sobs in grief for all the missed opportunities he had to woo women into torrid love affairs over the course of two decades, wails at God*


Aug 22, 2024 13:57

OI mother f**ker... i'm the whimsical verbose w**ky poet type... Uh... please don't outshine my light o_o


Aug 23, 2024 02:06

Lol piss taker...

I'm particular in ways of the mind 🀣

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Neon Bright Star ⭐

Aug 23, 2024 16:33

Gru, if our respective relationships don't work out and we find ourselves both single, hit me up and explain boring s**t to me

Daddy Gru

Aug 23, 2024 21:13

Oh wow, you like that too huh? This is getting a little weird, ladies πŸ˜…

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Neon Bright Star ⭐

Aug 23, 2024 23:58

I like when dudes have dad energy. I'm a baby and need a father figure I guess πŸ’β€β™€οΈ this is why Walt may only have one child, but he's a parent of two 🀣


Aug 24, 2024 01:14

Creepy, haha. πŸ˜‰


Aug 25, 2024 06:12

^So many choices.....

Takes one to know one.

Pot meet kettle.

Planks in your eyes much?

The list is longer than my end credits....


Aug 25, 2024 09:58

But he added a winkie face at the end... you know he was hoping she'd be all about that?


Aug 31, 2024 01:27

Hahaha I'm glad you agree with me neon..

Although daddy gru maybe a bit much as he's currently a dad πŸ€£πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

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Neon Bright Star ⭐

Sep 1, 2024 13:53

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ daddy Gru..... we should start calling him that.

Daddy Gru

Sep 1, 2024 14:18

I like it πŸ˜‰


Sep 4, 2024 19:25

Wait, we weren't calling him that already?

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Neon Bright Star ⭐

Sep 4, 2024 20:00

That's true, I think I did call him that prior lmao


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