
Personal philosophy

Personal philosophy

peripatetic Created Aug 7, 2024 13:21

Would you say you're more hedonistic, stoic, nihilistic or existential? & what do you think makes you this way? Or why does that appeal to you?


This topic has 58 comments

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Aug 7, 2024 13:37

No i would not, tyvm.


Aug 7, 2024 13:59

Haha that's fine jay, at least you have manners.

Daddy Gru

Aug 7, 2024 14:01

Are those the only choices? I consider myself more pragmatic and utilitarian in my outlook. I admit I have not read enough Sartre to know how one would even apply existentialism to the world (I’m sure Malkie has though). If basic hedonism is seeking pleasure, then yes, I’m a hedonist. Modern stoics usually seem overly proud of their supposed stoicism and have to tell everyone about it, like vegans. I don’t think I check all the boxes for stoicism, but I do have some vague notion of eudaimonia that I think is worth keeping in view. Nihilism is a bizarre concept to me. I’m not sure how or why someone would engage practically with the world if they really believed that nothing really exists or nothing really matters.

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Aug 7, 2024 14:15

The average absurdist can jump 10 times futher than any nihilist.


Aug 7, 2024 14:57

Grumman most definitely not the only choice. Mostly listed some to get a discussion going.

I'm a Armchair philosopher, my understanding is basic to average at best. If you have a basic understanding of the terms. I dont see why you can't participate.

I posted it to discuss, & learn more myself.

@ jay I love some of camus quotes. I need to explore more of absurdism.


Aug 7, 2024 15:13

Full on solipsist.

Altscene is entirely my fault. You're welcome.

Mercurius Mesmerize

Aug 7, 2024 18:50

Are we chasing labels again?


Aug 7, 2024 19:48

Dannnnngggg man... these are words....


Aug 8, 2024 14:16

I can be wordy. 😆 I'm just terrible with punctuation, & sometimes I rush, when I write, & things read a bit jumbled.

I feel I missed something in early education, or perhaps it's my brain. 🤪 so the teachers missed something with my brain. Most institutional learning sucks, for people thats brains work differently anyway.


Aug 8, 2024 14:29

I'm going to respond more to others soon. ^^^ sorry I'm tired. 😴

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Aug 8, 2024 19:39

Not all birds make nests. Some live in the ears of middle class Japanese citizens.


Aug 8, 2024 20:08


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Aug 8, 2024 20:17


Mercurius Mesmerize

Aug 8, 2024 20:23

Eggs are poisonous to gnomes...

No Photo


Aug 8, 2024 20:33

What about nomes?


Aug 8, 2024 22:09

No worries on them words. I just wanted to sat something super stupid to all the smart s**t.


Aug 8, 2024 22:11

And I have a lot of personal philosophical ideas, idk if I'll ever settle on an actual belief system as to where we go when we die, but I'm more nihilistic mentally than anything I'd say. Very little truly matters, and things change on my mood too I suppose.


Aug 9, 2024 02:30

@Grumman I guess it depends on how you define "nothing really matters". I don't think there's any inherent meaning to life -- I think it means whatever one chooses it to mean, by experiencing their own subjective reality. Like, personally, I don't think it matters if there's no inherent meaning, as I get enjoyment from merely experiencing life. Idk, that's a condensed version of my 2 cents regarding nihilism in its most vague definition.

Whether anything really exists or not, depends on definitions also I think. But, I think my consciousness is evidence towards something existing, and there's evidence suggesting consciousness exists outside my own. Don't kniw if I'm making much sense outsidenof my own head, haha. I'm bad at articulating certain things.


Aug 9, 2024 03:11

Ahhh man this would be a fun topic to talk about, but for some reason the OP blocked me and i have no idea why oh well.

No Photo


Aug 9, 2024 09:47

Malkie, if OP blocked you you wouldnt be able to get on this topic... right? I think?


Aug 9, 2024 11:48

I did block you, but I'm not sure why, your unblocked now, yeahhh wait how did you comment then.


Aug 9, 2024 12:08

I know why I blocked you, malkieaveilian, but I'm not going to say, it was temporary. I was irritated, it's my problem, not yours, thats all I'm going to say. Probably a fleeting overreaction.

Daddy Gru

Aug 9, 2024 13:31

WaveForm, I think that’s a reasonable explanation, although it has always seemed to me that most people who claim nihilism do so for less well thought out reasons. I think most of them are just trying to be edgy and want attention.


Aug 9, 2024 13:46

Uh apologies on my part. I usually piss people off some how, promise i'll try not to again. But no harm now water foul? now i feel bad for being that lame creature.

You can as i got in trouble for pointing out a seriously simple thing... log out... and view your history? i mean its REALLY simple, yet i got in trouble for pointing it out once. I mean doesn't ANYONE remember you have a web history? of things you visited? 0_0

But ON topic... positive nihilism, also determinism isn't real. But by saying it... oh dear.


Aug 9, 2024 13:47

Oh lol, then you can log in and go BACK to the thing, and comment on it, everyone bar the person who blocked you can see it lol. Gods now i feel lamer.


Aug 9, 2024 17:44

I consider myself foremost an existentialist, but my interpretation of what that means may differ from some well-known thinkers on the subject. For me, it's actually quite simple, and extremely applicable on a core level towards everyday life. Life revolves around meaning. Meaning, self-actualization, freedom, purpose, and fulfillment. Basically, the pursuit of true happiness is fundamental to a life well lived. Those are the core concepts. It's not really necessary to extensively read the works of philosophers on the subject to understand the value of those things. Those general ideas are the core objective components. What they mean to each individual is subjective, and therefore it's not helpful to try to create an objective checklist of dogmas on what constitutes meaning, because that can vary from person to person.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is somewhat correct, but I don't necessarily view it as a pyramid, because those concepts are not really hierarchical, but mutually reinforcing. It's difficult to attain things higher on the pyramid without enough of the lower needs being met, but a lack of the higher ones can also be detrimental to the lower ones. Many people who feel a lack of love and/or self-actualization in life commit suicide, because in some ways, the importance of those higher needs can supersede the lower ones, and their lack can negatively affect a person's ability (often in the form of willpower) to take care of the lower needs.

That's the existential part. So, your physical needs are met. You have material abundance. And then what? Are you really happy? A person who works two s**t jobs or a stressful, draining high-paying job they hate in order to achieve success by society's standards, such as driving an expensive car and living in an oversized house with a huge lawn single, spending most of their time grinding at their job and maintaining their property is probably not self-actualizing. They have their priorities somewhat skewed, maybe even ass-backwards. They are overdoing the bottom of Maslow's pyramid to an extent that blocks them from going higher. They might be better served with a nice, clean double-wide, a used Honda, a lower paying job they enjoy (or at least easily tolerate with low stress), and enough free time and disposable income to engage in hobbies they enjoy and deeply fulfilling interpersonal relationships.

That's practical existentialism.

I also disagree with the concept that existentialism necessitates moral relativism/complete lack of objective morality. Philosophies, actions, and social structures/societal systems that facilitate the pursuit of meaning, self-actualization, and ultimately happiness/fulfillment for both self and others are objectively good. Those that infringe on them for self, others, or both, are objectively bad.

Hedonism is a term that usually implies the pursuit of short-term gratification and shallow pleasures. Those can be fine as long as they:

1.) Don't waste time, resources, and energy that could be used to pursue deeper fulfillment.

2.) Do not conflict with a person's own sense of integrity and ethics.

3.) And not everyone will agree; do not infringe upon another's pursuit of happiness.


Aug 9, 2024 18:00

I'll add something. A big part of existentialism, meaning, and the pursuit of happiness is being clear on what things in life are a means and what things are an end. This is largely what I mean by "ass-backwards priorities".

Material wealth is a means, not an end. Is it being used as a tool in the pursuit of deeper meaning self-actualization, or are self-actualization and deeper meaning being sacrificed in pursuit of material wealth?

Discipline is a means, not an end. Is it being used as a tool in the pursuit of deeper meaning self-actualization, or are self-actualization and deeper meaning being sacrificed in the cultivation of the idea of discipline as a goal in and of itself?

Those are very practical questions, and many peoples' failure to contemplate them often leads to misery.

No Photo


Aug 9, 2024 18:15

Can we have this in-depth discussion in shorter comments?


Aug 9, 2024 18:17



Aug 10, 2024 00:15

Because there are tricks you can do even if you've blocked someone for them to message and more.

Big dangling hog


Aug 10, 2024 02:44

@Jay agreed, more concise. I got to read, war & peace now. I'm guilty of giving lengthy responses though.


Aug 10, 2024 14:25

Grumman, you are probably right. And ha, thanks. I'm glad my comment made sense outside of my own brain, haha.


Aug 10, 2024 15:17

Heh heh. Dangly parts.


Aug 11, 2024 12:49

trish solipsist I read a little, sounds interesting.

@Grumman I think a lot of people on the internet, translate stoicism & use it, for the incorrect purposes. There's some dude on YouTube that uses stoicism for pick up artistry. His lessons & translations, & use, are absolute nonsense, & if anything seem to be tailored around his own biases, & insecurities. I prefer the example of, Nelson Mandela got himself through 25yrs in prison, using stoicism.

Nihilism is a little uncomfortable

Grumman I often think about life not having much meaning, & it just wouldn't work for me, waveform now I'm in a philosophically mood, that didn't seem so long, but your idea of nihilism actually sounded like it had elements of existentialism, & @Trish's mentioned philosophy.

I'll respond to darkhorse later. I have to process all the things your bringing together, before I respond. I also have to refresh myself on maslows hierachy of needs. It's been awhile 🙃🙂
I can say that I dont subscribe to one type of philosophy. I find that limiting. I prefer to cherry pick, & apply lessons in different scenarios. I'm mostly existential I think too, stoic, hedonistic, a little nihilistic, plus others.


Aug 11, 2024 13:00

@ malkieaveilian don't worry about it. 🙂 I think I blocked a few people, appears I blocked neon. I think I wanted to start blocking everyone from the forum, because I wanted a break, & perhaps I was annoyed, but I got lazy & couldn't find the other forum people to block. Lol

So don't worry about it. I was just sick of people full stop that day. I get like that sometimes. I'm a moody bitch sometimes. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Aug 11, 2024 15:00

I'm taking a break now. I might not respond, but feel free to still talk about this topic with each other.

Mercurius Mesmerize

Aug 11, 2024 18:27

Did you block crow? Because it looks like the system has erased him...


Aug 11, 2024 22:15

I noticed that, nope he isn't blocked.


Aug 12, 2024 18:47

why not be yourself instead of limiting yourself to a label


Aug 12, 2024 21:22



Aug 12, 2024 23:49

To quote me again ^^^^

I can say that I dont subscribe to one type of philosophy. I find that limiting. I prefer to cherry pick, & apply lessons in different scenarios. I'm mostly existential I think too, stoic, hedonistic, a little nihilistic, plus others.

Who said where not being ourselves.

Most concepts & philosophy are just re-hashed ideas & ways of thinking etc... some people think they come up with new ways of thinking, but a lot of ideas, lessons, concepts have already been said & done.

There's so much more to philosophy then just saying be yourself, yes be yourself, but be a better version of yourself. I agree reducing yourself to one is limiting. ^^^^ & that's why I'm also asking the question. I want to know how people view themselves & what philosophy's they use in there daily life.


Aug 13, 2024 00:21

BTW today I'll be blocking people that I think are trouble makers, that I find things more chill, when I dont have to deal with them, because I don't have to, I came here for positive connections, not bitchiness. I dont want to hear anything about it from others. It's my choice, my profile.


Aug 13, 2024 02:32

I don't know what mine is? its many things and nothing? it depends on the day of the week and how smart i'm feeling as per the hour. I wonder what the point of it all is, and my place in it, i think that i am a mere fragment of a moment of a memory. I mean we've got this short time in this current age and wonder how we even came about?

I try to follow the many and varied parts of the books i've read and people i've learnt from, be them greater or lesser depending on how one would view it. Some people speak in simple terms, yet changed my mind on a topic totally. Others can speak eloquently and in such a way you're simply lost for your own words.
I try to follow a path of thinking i know nothing, cause there is always more to learn, i try to not judge and be open to varied opinions, i am called iconoclastic, because i question things far to often for no reason other than wanting to know why.

I act a fool because i've seen so much awful in the world, i'd have you laugh at me as much with me, just to see some cheer. I would as any other mask myself behind it, some people can see clearly, others blinkered by believing in what they do. And i question my everything because i could be wrong, but so want to be right as much as anyone else.

Have i bulls**tted on enough yet? what do you call the philosophy of seeking that which doesn't exist, because you've no idea what it is? has pen already been put to paper on it? i find it annoying that one can say its just something someone else said already, but what if you didn't KNOW that? does your idea lack originality because someone else said it? i know i know, just leading an argument because someone smarter than me can use pretty words to encompass a topic, yet forget those who can't do the same as less.


Aug 13, 2024 02:47

I agree with this more then you probably think. I also believe it's better to think I know nothing.

No I still believe original thought can happen or it can come from another approach, but most, not all is regurgitated. I was more thinking about movies when they say something profound, but it's already been said by an ancient philosopher & reworded.


Aug 13, 2024 02:59

Nods no i find it annoying that a bit of a super philosophy is that you can't have an original thought as someone else already did it, ergo nothing you say counts. Just some people find things and come to conclusions, yet others more well versed come along and point out "oh so and so said that" and you're kinda there going... welp you just ruined that for them didn't you lol.

Had a friend speak to me on a topic, i reiterated it back to her, and she said YEAH exactly what i meant but put SO much better, me, yeah i speak in florid verbose w**kery, yet that is what i got from your words, so i should thank you?


Aug 13, 2024 03:05

Ahhh that's nice, you kind of fed off each other, & learnt stuff. Yeah that's what I'm hoping to get here. 🙂


Aug 13, 2024 03:07

You probably added more then you thought you did. I think your pretty humble & also don't give yourself enough credit malkieaveilian


Aug 13, 2024 03:19

I feel a bit weird being called nice things... But amusingly some call humble, self depreciating, which is its own point of philosophy also.. Some people won't speak if you make yourself to large, fearing their own input isn't of worth. Its a sword edge as it was. Its this idea of trying not to scare the deer in headlights when you've sadly got high beams on lol.


Aug 13, 2024 03:44

Haha I get the idea of not being to large. In high school I was really quiet, but it was for more then a few reasons, one I didn't really understand teenagers, even though I was one myself & two I was probably a bit of a people pleaser, the only time I'd speak up was when someone was being bullied. Always disliked bullies, the obvious ones, & the covert ones. When i got older I wanted to speak up & put more boundaries in place, because I felt I failed to do so, especially with exploitative people, but this also meant I would go to far the other way, since then I think I've been trying to strike the right kind of balance, if that makes sense.


Aug 14, 2024 13:31

@Mercurius Mesmerize what do you mean chasing labels again? Who's chasing labels?

Mercurius Mesmerize

Aug 14, 2024 19:21

Oh sorry I meant chasing pavements...

I'm sure similar conversations have already been had. But I will let the flame touched by the cosmic gloom unnestle. Expect clouds to fall upon thy sun dial.

We are what we are. Yes there are descriptive words to expand on that, but as much as there is for whatever star sign you fall under. Is anyone purely one thing or the other... I know I am often both and neither, all and nothing. One and opposite... and then there is the eyes of legion; How we see ourselves, how others see us, how the known see, how the unknown see, how we see ourselves outside of ourselves, how the younger see us, how the older see us, and then... how we really are. How the unseen within us silently knows but never speaks.

I'm not a fan of humanized reality, a lot of rules people are born into become all we know, way we live, way we think, so much so very pointless. Look at the stars... not enough do. Human living; the great lie, layer upon layer we are bogged down. You can try to fight it but it always comes back around to sow us back into the line. No escaping destined time. People must escape it to disconnect from that which tethers us to the lies that keep our minds trapped. Has anyone ever made a sandwich with grated carrot? The way we live the way we exist. Descriptions of alignments telling us who we are, how we should be, what we should be... we can not be one thing when we have traces of other things. Look at religion, repeat sinners, bending rules to modernise or keep a foot in the door. Calling themselves the one thing, when they fall outside the lines. We are repetitively lost and never to be found all caught up in such a bind, no other species is quite as bound as that of human kind.

We aren't ever who we want to be. But forever we try to belong ourselves to more boxes. Life and living, a box within a box.

Mercurius Mesmerize

Aug 14, 2024 19:22

Well I hope that clears things up...


Aug 14, 2024 20:50

So you wanted me to ask, so you could say all that. Great!

I'm not wanted to put people in boxes. I wanted to provoke discussion on how people see themselves, & weather you realise it, what your actually saying probably has some philosophical basis to it. Lol

I'm always saying label jars, not people. I know labels are over used, but they are identifiers, & we do need a lot of them, we're human, we use words, we use language, we communicate.

Who cares if there's a post similar to this, are you the forum, thread police.


Aug 14, 2024 20:58

To add, if there is a thread similar, it is not in this time and space, with these people. I'm wanting to know about the people im chatting too, essentially I'm trying to get to know people.

Mercurius Mesmerize

Aug 14, 2024 21:04

I barely said a word. But it's not what I say, it's what is said, when I say it.

Mercurius Mesmerize

Aug 14, 2024 21:08

I haven't referenced any other threads... this it what happens when you respond later rather than sooner, the "had to be there" moment moves on.


Aug 14, 2024 21:15

To quote you

I'm sure similar conversations have already been had.

Did you mean in general, overall? Or here on this forum, another thread?


Aug 14, 2024 21:23

It doesn't matter mercurius. I find your communication style wordy, very indirect, & full of sayings, almost cryptic, riddle like, read between the lines, but moving on.


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