
Blocked list

Blocked list

Throne off the scent Created Aug 22, 2024 15:39

How many are on your list? I checked mine today to see if I had blocked anyone ages ago and forgotten but theres none.

You can find it under "help" then "blocked user" in the main menu.


This topic has 48 comments


Aug 22, 2024 15:42

I know where to bloody find it, and right now its at 0 lol... o_o

Throne off the scent

Aug 22, 2024 15:45

You are a vetern on this site though Malk🤣🤣..

Gotta helpsie the newbs


Aug 22, 2024 17:48

If I don't like someone, I'll
usually just ignore them.

Blocking someone just because I
don't like them feels cowardly, imo.

Mercurius Mesmerize

Aug 22, 2024 19:48

If you block yourself does reality collapse?

Daddy Gru

Aug 22, 2024 20:00

Currently it’s at 4. One is a neo-Nazi idiot, one is Dazzle Skog who is a Swedish idiot, one is Gadget who is a long winded idiot, and one is some dumbass whose username is “Free 🇵🇸” and I brook no Free Palestine idiots.

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Neon Bright Star ⭐

Aug 22, 2024 23:50

I have three blocked users. All dudes, none from the forum.


Aug 23, 2024 02:27

Blocking 🚫 is for nerds, yoga and schizophrenia.

I'll pass.


Aug 23, 2024 03:37

Id have users who blocked me i think their racist

Throne off the scent

Aug 23, 2024 11:42

Who are the racists Ant?

Mercurius Mesmerize

Aug 23, 2024 11:48

Usually people who compete is running events.


Aug 23, 2024 13:46

He must think i'm racist? AM I RACIST!?!?!? lol

Daddy Gru

Aug 23, 2024 13:54

Everyone is racist to someone these days. I’ve stopped caring about that word.


Aug 23, 2024 14:10

Valid... man screw intellectuals.... STUPID POWER!


Aug 23, 2024 15:02

Oh I like the block button. I use it to give people time out too.

It's not a coward mood, it's im not wasting my life reading your bulls**t, Move. Lol


Aug 23, 2024 15:04



Aug 23, 2024 15:34

@Gru telling like it is.

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Neon Bright Star ⭐

Aug 23, 2024 19:45

@Narcs Gru is always the voice of reason


Aug 24, 2024 21:36

Thrones- the ones who blocked my profile


Aug 25, 2024 06:08

^Duh, Thrones. Pay attention!

Fůck anyone who disses you Ant. You're one of the most real ones on this god forsaken site.

Daddy Gru

Aug 25, 2024 22:16

Agreed. Anthony is a treasure.


Aug 26, 2024 00:22

I feel like the spammers and fakers get deleted pretty quick on here, so not much need to block. I've only found 1 or 2 weirdos so far, but if you ignore em, things tend to work out.

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Neon Bright Star ⭐

Aug 26, 2024 01:31

Anthony is like mascot of altscene


Aug 26, 2024 01:37

I got a handful on block but you have to be pretty crazy to be on that list. I usually just ignore it but there are some on here that cross that line.


Aug 26, 2024 05:24

I blocked woman Malkie, but other than that, no one. This is also a new profile, plus, I feel like I can tolerate bulls**tters on the internet these days.


Aug 26, 2024 07:34

Um wah? lol

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Neon Bright Star ⭐

Aug 26, 2024 14:07

I think he means peripatetic


Aug 26, 2024 15:03

Oh lol. "walks off"


Aug 26, 2024 16:20

Me? Dumr hasn't blocked me. Unless he did in the past. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Anyway I have bigger things to deal with right now.

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Neon Bright Star ⭐

Aug 26, 2024 17:37

Oh, I figured it was you because you're also an Aussie lol


Aug 27, 2024 00:51

What dose it even mean to be racist now days? People have been trying to redefine it so it can only insult white people.

Mercurius Mesmerize

Aug 27, 2024 11:06

Did you just say WHITE people!? ...and what exactly do you mean by... people?


Aug 27, 2024 14:26

My manager was a NZ lad, he used to say to walk up, and just straight up say "its cause i'm brown isn't it" and i would say yes that IS a problem but it will be all white... We used to be VERY racist to each other, i'd point out how i'm white about everything and he'd laugh. I mean that was the best racism i ever dealt with.


Aug 30, 2024 02:19

I meant lame woman Malkie, not cool woman Malkie. Lol.

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Neon Bright Star ⭐

Aug 30, 2024 03:04

Which one is lame woman Malkie? Lol


Aug 30, 2024 03:15

Thanks Dumr I know you meant im cool. 🤪🙂 right back at you! Not sure about the malkie part.

Maybe where all being,
John malkieaveilian. (Malkovich) my lame arse joke! 🤪


Aug 30, 2024 03:17

As for the other comment. Claws come out on table nine.

Some people never graduate high school emotionally. 🤪


Aug 30, 2024 04:08

I hadn't thought of that one, well might have but totally forgot.. so yay i'll be meeting john Malkibitch soon.


Aug 30, 2024 04:15

Hehehe 🤭


Aug 30, 2024 16:44

0 blocked. 0 racist. 0 Malkies.


Aug 30, 2024 20:35

So is not blocking people these days, some kind of weird flex.

Like people saying I survive on 3hrs sleep a night. When later it's established these people are idiots & will be seeing the ling term effects of being sleep deprived. People are so weird & have to much to prove. Lol


Aug 30, 2024 20:43

Well done guys your online super badarse's. 🤪 🤦🏻‍♀️ so tough im in awe. Lol


Aug 30, 2024 23:09

3rd & final message I just blocked some other users. This post inspired that. I'm sick of there s**tty comments.

I think im done here. I'm not really getting anything from this. Not anything I dont already know, or experienced or heard. Best of luck to you. Not that I believe in luck.

Daddy Gru

Sep 1, 2024 04:27

Don’t believe in luck? That’s weird. Much of what happens to a person in their lifetime cannot possibly be attributed to anything BUT luck, either good or bad.


Sep 1, 2024 06:06

How about I rephrase.

All the best to everyone who reads this, because I wish nothing terrible on anyone, but I also don't have to put up with people s insecure bitchy bullcrap.

Nope i don't believe in luck. Like I dont believe things are pre-detirmend. To superstitious. There is just timing, & coincidences. My opinion remember it's always just been my opinion & everyone else's, most things are.


Sep 1, 2024 06:06

If all we have is time. Why would I want to spend it on people who got nothing better to do, then to be bitchy. Just tells me there boring, insecure people, & have no awareness & goal to improve themselves for the sake of themselves or others.

Otherwise what's the point of existence, if we're not trying to be better for ourselves & others.

You can stop bating Mr Grumman


Sep 1, 2024 06:07


Mercurius Mesmerize

Sep 1, 2024 11:18

But isn't luck just another word for chance aka coincidence and timing? Therefore the opposite would surely be predetermined scripting. I'm just throwing that out there if anyone wants to point out a third path I haven't touched on...

Daddy Gru

Sep 1, 2024 13:27

I’m not baiting you, I’m responding to you.


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