


Johnnie Fiend Created Aug 21, 2024 22:00

This is not a dating site this is just a rebranded MySpace

Alt scene is just one big popularity contest full of mindless sheep that really don't have their own opinion just join the bandwagon. Don't joke ,don't have a sense of humor because you will just be blocked or everyone would jump on you because forbid you should be different or try to be funny
Everyone's trying to cancel humor and definitely freedom of speech.
Just remember actual amendments, and what this country is really supposed to be all about


This topic has 34 comments


Aug 21, 2024 23:09

Dude no one is trying to get rid of your speech here. Just be polite and don't be a creep, a lot of guys on here are down right pervs or just disrespectful. try to smile and say hello

Mercurius Mesmerize

Aug 21, 2024 23:12

Which country are you talking about?


Aug 21, 2024 23:44

Welcome to the Internet

Daddy Gru

Aug 22, 2024 00:34

Sounds like a rando who’s been lurking for a while and just worked up the courage to finally post. Umm, welcome, I guess.


Aug 22, 2024 01:23

No rest for the weary in the wonderful world of


Aug 22, 2024 01:25

So who is the most popular?
How did you come to the conclusion no one here has an opinion that isn't a mindless sheep one "references please"
I think i'm f**king funny and an utter idiot... Are you ignoring me?
What is "cancel" humour?
This website isn't "merica" isn't free speech that we can just talk s**t to each other "reddit"
I am Australian, ergo your amendments don't apply to me.


Aug 22, 2024 01:27

Please actually reply to this and not just leave it with your mic drop, i AM a bit curious as to what your reasoning is before i go back to my idiocy. Also i am not on reddit, but DO want to be both a discord and reddit mod, because i'd then be Beluga style fedora tipping. Wait is my humour dated? WAIT... if its being dated, why am I single... OH DEAR GODS I'M A SHEEP.

Daddy Gru

Aug 22, 2024 04:21

No one is trying to cancel anything, but if you act like a dumbass, you’re going to hear about it. Any decent forum in the real world or the virtual world should be this way.


Aug 22, 2024 05:03

Which c**try? 😁 there's people from all different c**trys here. 😆 we were all born from different c**trys. 😆

Is this mike, who are you? Any a wringer that's who, if we're so sheep like then contribute, & shake things up. I'm here to understand other point of views, so challenge me politely.

Stop whinning, participate, & be specific instead of making broad comments.


Aug 22, 2024 05:05

Whinger, whinner, complainer, but no specific feedback.

Everyone says sheep these days btw. Maybe your the lemming. Lol


Aug 22, 2024 05:14

Oh i read that wrong cause cancel humour, but i mean we NEED it back, when was the last comedy you saw? i rewatch 2000's ones cause that is all we have left.
Then the rando gay guy comes out with his GAHY comedy that no one watches and says we're bad for not watching it. I mean make it funny? I'm aussie, we'd laugh!? it just needs to be funny.


Aug 22, 2024 06:23

Where not Will Smith's, no one's slapping anyone.

Admittedly I like different humour, one being lewd or crude humour. My friends get that. A random might take me as being sexist, or perverted, or I'm some how flirting with them. I have another girlfriend that has a perverted sense of humour, & she's anything but in real life. She married her high school sweetheart, she has two kids, a cat & im pretty sure there vanilla af! Anyway people can interpret things incorrectly. I get what your saying to some degree.

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Deleted User

Aug 22, 2024 06:48

unfortunately yes this isn't very successful dating app


Aug 22, 2024 07:03

Well the successful people aren't here now are they? lol


Aug 22, 2024 08:42

This is more than I know of!

Where do I join this popularity contest, do I need to sign up somewhere?
And can i win anything like a prize or a gift card?

What do I do if my country does not have the freedom of speech amendment?

If I try to be funny, how can I expect people to jump on me? Like in what way?
Jump up and down?
Like a frog?
In a s3xual way?


Aug 22, 2024 10:53

Its been successful for me, sort of, before I met my current partner. I've dated lots of internationals on here.

They were meaningful to me, & I still care about them. Even of some of them didn't end well. I learnt a lot about myself. I also suck at long distance relationships . I think that's success of a kind. Haha


Aug 22, 2024 11:06


On a serious note I have to agree.
I think it's expected for it to be very uncertain odds of success on any dating site,like it is all just a matter of personal mindset and dedication but also luck. No one can guarantee that you find someone on whatever site you sign up for. And ofc the most sane thing to do is to just enjoy the time and connections built regardless of if they turn out romantic or platonic or sexual.
And I fully think that your stories are a prime example of success, you found new people but more so found yourself in the process. That's a win win and new knowledge for future reference

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Deleted User

Aug 22, 2024 12:33

oh no I was more talking of this place having people who already in established relationships this place. How is that that for dating?

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Deleted User

Aug 22, 2024 12:43

this is the place instead telling your wife or husband they still mean world. And they go tell someone else , that they want a new future with.
Some people have different perspectives here ! my experiences here ! why I've never anyone. I can't anymore! there's no truth in people I've talked too.


Aug 22, 2024 12:53

Eaxactly! Thanks Mjauw 🙂

Daddy Gru

Aug 22, 2024 13:38

Who was that deleted user?

Mercurius Mesmerize

Aug 22, 2024 13:50

Penelope pitstop.


Aug 22, 2024 13:52

The one you originally thought was a catfish. The one that complained about dudes messaging her, even though she said she was gay.

Daddy Gru

Aug 22, 2024 13:53

Ohhhh right. What a shame, she will be missed.


Aug 22, 2024 13:55

Mjauw you get a banana sticker. I HOPE you get the joke.

Who left?


Aug 22, 2024 20:34

This site only really works as a rebranded MySpace. The dating aspect of the site is really creepy for the most part and the sites not regulated well enough to date safely.


Aug 22, 2024 23:05

A fair call, but this also is but a microcosm

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Neon Bright Star ⭐

Aug 22, 2024 23:45

I feel like some shade is being thrown regarding people in relationships while on here lmao


Aug 23, 2024 00:21

OF COURSE the person who recently got into one herself comes running out to point this out Wait, why are you holding a bat... I NEED MY KNEE CAPS!!!! But secretly i'm all like, i wish i was gru or neon... then i'd be smart and fondle my own boobs because i have them.


Aug 23, 2024 02:05

You thought it was me for a second didn't you gru 🤣

Daddy Gru

Aug 23, 2024 04:11

I thought there was a possibility, yes 😅


Aug 23, 2024 14:23

Ah the ol’ ‘freedom of speech’ gambit.
Freedom of speech is about being able to criticise those in power without fear of retribution, it has nothing to do with being an obnoxious d**k to people you don’t like because they’re gay or immigrants or whatever dim witted prejudice you hold.
As for ‘murica! It’s called the ‘WORLD WIDE WEB’ clue is in the name. We don’t give a flying monkey fart about your amendments. Play nice or go sulk in a ditch.

Daddy Gru

Aug 23, 2024 16:32

Most people complaining about free speech have no idea what they’re talking about. I’ve been interested enough in it the past couple years to donate $20 or something trivial to FIRE (Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression). It’s interesting seeing the cases they have pursued and taken to court, but they frequently have something to do with freedom of expression on campus. I encourage anyone who cares about freedom of speech to actually look into it and see where it’s actually being threatened today.


Aug 24, 2024 01:22

Read your post and all I heard was Mayor Quimby's illegitimate baby from the Simpsons saying "err uh waahhh"


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