


Greatness Created Aug 21, 2024 09:34

There’s a fascinating concept in modern psychology known as "locus of control," which essentially refers to whether you believe your life outcomes are predominantly determined by your own actions ("internal locus") or by outside factors beyond your control ("external locus"). Research suggests that individuals with an internal locus tend to be more optimistic, motivated, and confident—qualities that I've always admired in you. The question then becomes: How can we cultivate a more internal locus of control? Through consistent self-reflection, active decision-making, and a willingness to embrace change, I believe we can all move towards greater autonomy and personal empowerment


This topic has 3 comments

Daddy Gru

Aug 21, 2024 14:58

This reads like something copy-pasted from somewhere else, but I’ll bite. I think it’s a combination of both internal and external factors. In the Western industrialized world, people have the luxury of deluding themselves into believing that their success could ever be entirely internally driven. In places where circumstances aren’t quite as rosy, the feeling of being at the mercy of powerful external influences is probably much more common. I’d love to see some of these allegedly self-made types try to “pull themselves up by their bootstraps” in sub-Saharan Africa.

Mercurius Mesmerize

Aug 21, 2024 16:42

Externals don't delude themselves that they are in control of everything.

You want to know where optimism gets people?... eaten by crocodiles.


Aug 21, 2024 16:55

While us un-optimistic eat the crocodiles and alligators > (yes ive eaten alligator and its good)


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