

32 - Straight

New York, United States

Jun 9, 2024 04:18

Hi my name is Cameron.

Just a Huge Marky Chavez Fan....

I enjoy working out, which I recently started doing again...

Mainly work out, during the spring, and summer, but just bumm it out, during the fall, and winter.....

I'm a fitness nutt again, I

Music is life, most the time, you'll find me in my apartment, listening to music, and doing whatever, rather if it's practicing different vocalist ranges, and tones, or just enjoying the music......

I'm an expiremental vocalist....

I don't think I'm the best out there, but definitely not the worst either, I've been told good things, by a few different people, soo must be doing something right, right???

I cook too, not microwave garbage either, I use fresh vegetables, chop them up, put them on a plate, and cut my meat, and put that on a plate aswell, and that's usually two, main ingredients in my food, rather if it's soup, or breakfast foods, or asian food, or beef stroganouff, or another pasta dish, or something....

I can actually cook a very decent, restaurant quality, pan fried steak....

I enjoy studying martial arts, and practicing aswell, rather if it's karatedo, taekwondo, ukranian snap boxing, judo, ju jujitsu, or systema....

I've been focusing on, learning how to use, a Japanese wetstone, lately......

I like very few people, I don't like most, and I avoid as much human interaction as possible...

And as always, Be Wary Of The Shinsengumi Factions....

And yess, I do speak some Japanese, I've been learning off and on, for awhile now......



Age: 19 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 37 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 23 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 37 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 19 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 32 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 34 / straight

New York
United States

Black Goat

Age: 39 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 39 / straight

New York
United States

n.y.c. punk

Age: 54 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 23 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 19 / straight

New York
United States