Stand up on the prow, Noble barque I steer, Steady course to the haven, Hew many foe-men, Hew many foe-men"
Góðan dag!
Where are all the shield maidens seeking viking raiders? lol

I'm pretty laid back guy. Once I get comfortable enough with someone I'm pretty goofy and I love to laugh, it's the best medicine. I do know when to be serious and get down to business though. I'm a very honest guy, and I believe in being honorable as much as I can.
I enjoy a good deep conversation. I like hearing different points of view.
I enjoy simple fun stuff. Hanging with friends and having a few drinks. The occasional party or dinner night out. Movies. Video games including oldschool stuff like super nintendo. Wine, Cider, Mead tasting trips. Shooting range. Indoor gardening projects. I LOVE hiking. Camping. Bowling (for fun, not the best lol), Game nights with friends, either board games, card games or video games, all work lol. Throwing a frisbee around. Pitching some horse shoes. Bonfires. Jacuzzi parties lol. Netflix show binge nights with wine and a friend or two. Spending time with family and playing with my nieces and nephews.
I much more prefer a small group of close friends and family to a large group of people I only know slightly.
I'm a strictly social drinker by the way. Which sucks when you have a wine on the rack you've been meaning to try but no company at the time lol.
Pet peeve of mine would be people that are looking at their phone while i'm trying to talk to them or we are supposed to be watching a movie or something together...ugh I hate that.
The world doesn't get easier...we get stronger.