

48 - Bi

New York, United States

Sep 6, 2024 14:41

I met the "Love of My Life HERE❣️WE got Married...almost 6 years ago,
I'm goin thru an XTREMELY Hard Time of Life, and I moved from Everything I Knew in America to freakin Belgium,freakin Europe for Him bc We can't seem to get Him into America bc He overstayed while I was in the ICU w a 50/50. 🥺 No one has any Empathy anymore,but I still DO.Always.
I Love Him Dearly and He Worships Mee,but I am Friendless here & not knowing the language at all doesn't help...I despise Europe, I'm a New Yorker,itz just waay too boring & different & the people arnt very Lively or Open🥺 I Truly NEED a Great Friend..I'm an 80s Girl,New Wave is MY THANG.I 💖 Front242 🥰
I am Honest,Loving,Empathetic & Caring & a great Listener.I Love LOVE , Jesus Christ Our Savior & my Son Jaelan & Hubby JanJan.& Chinese Food🍜😛And I'm a Gamer,I especially Love Retro games like Super Mario 2&3,Worldrunner,Gradius,Elevator Action,Willow,,Shadowgate,Altered Beast,Zelda RPGs etc.& Survival Horror, Silent
Hilll/Resident Evil,etc..I have 2 Pussums(myword for Kitties,Jokey & Darla😻and I want a Miniature long haired cow,and my dream is to go Whale watching one day.Im a Total Taurus...I enjoy the simple comforts of Life...i judge ur Heart,not Looks..I dont make rash judgements as I Know what this World can do to Us.We all have our vices,i only ask for Honesty... I absolutely despise Liars,there's No need...I'm very open,honest,caring & a great secret keeper & shoulder to lean on.I really need a Belgian/European Buddy...I'm Stricktly here for Friendship🥰
I smoke cbd,& cigarettes unfortunately but I Luv mee sum gummies,and benzos.Sum Fav movies are BARBARELLA, Splash,the Never Ending Story,the Last Unicorn,Mad Max,Event Horizon, Dementia 13,NOTLD,HAMMER MOVIES & Anything w Vincent Price. And I Luv BRITCOMS..Father Ted,TLOG,ARE u LOCAL? The aYoung Ones,ATHF!!!😛👅The Lord's of SYNTH(Adult Swim,Tim&Eric
I have to state that I disappear sumtimes bc I am terminally ill,been on Dialysis for 18 looong Years's Haunting Mee.MY Spirit is still soo Alive although my body has failed mee😿Please say Hello❣️


Ashley A.

Age: 30 / bi

New York
United States


Age: 38 / bi

New York
United States


Age: 72 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 29 / straight

New York
United States

Read my bio first!!!

Age: 30 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 28 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 33 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 27 / bi

New York
United States


Age: 32 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 45 / bi

New York
United States


Age: 25 / straight

New York
United States


Age: 22 / bi

New York
United States