

32 - Straight

California, United States

May 13, 2012 12:03

Alright, I decided to re-do my profile and get into a little more depth.
Take the time to read it please before you msg me. It'd make things a lot better.

So, My name is Derricka, pronounced Dare/ih/kuh.
And yes, that's my real name. I was named after my Father.
Just a little fun fact, we almost have the same name.
His: Derrick Lynn Wilson Mine: Derricka Lynn Wilson.
Pretty cool, right? Yeah, not that much.
I know you're thinking "What is she mixed with??"
Well, I'm Black, Mexican, Indian, Portuguese, and German.
I was born in Long Beach California.
But moved to this s**t town Stockton when I was 11.
I hate this town, it sucks, but it has brought me to meet amazing people,
and unfortunately a lot of heart ache, but that's for another story...
I go to School and I study Fine Arts, and Photography.
I one day hope to be a professional photographer or to be a make-up artist.

About me, personality wise:
I am the type of person who will try their very best to make you laugh and smile.
I'm here to listen, and what not, and give advice. I actually don't mind it.
I'm known to be extrememly weird, and scary but you'll learn to love it.
I am pretty mature for my age, and I like that. I like to be smart in the things I do. And not make stupid choices. Creativity plays a big role in my life. I am a very artistic person, and I take pride in it. I like dark creepy Macrabe art, and as well as landscape. I believe there is a time and a place for everything, and I know when to work, and I know when to play. I can be the most nicest person you will ever speak to, but if you do or say something to piss me off, then I'm not so nice. And I don't like to be mean, but I have a low tollerance for bulls**t and games. I am very stubborn, and I don't give up easily. When I am with someone, I stay faithful and devoted to them, and I would expect the same. I give 100% and I want the same back. I get along with guys more than girls, and that's because I generally hate most girls and what they're about, and what they portray. Sorry, just the truth. I don't smoke, or do drugs. I drink once and a while.

Looking for in a Guy: (Please, pay attention)
Someone who I can be myself around, and who dosen't expect me to play the helpless one in the releationship. I want someone who I can have a decent conversation with.
I like to laugh, a lot. So, you have to be funny, or else we won't get along. Same music interests as me, but some different. The same with interests in Genereal, but some different as well, it makes for better conversation. I like long term relationships, I'm not looking for something that's just not gonna go anywhere.
I want something real, and I want someone who I can love, and be open with. Being respectful is HUGE in my book, and cooking is a bonus. I love a man that can cook. Like I mentioned before, I give 100% and I expect the same, not 50/50. I need someone who can handle me, and what comes with being with me. And can take pride in calling me theirs.

A few other things to know:
I love eyes, and I love to draw them.
I hate rap.
I'm not a gamer, or a fan of anime. (Sorry guys)
I love 80's music.
Music is important to me.
EBM/Industrial/Metal/Rock are my favorite genres.
I speak German, French, and Fluent Sarcasm.
I appreciate the little things in life.
LOVE LOVE LOVE Piercings and Tattoos.
I can be *****, yet very romantic.
I hate avenged sevenfold, Black veil brides, and all the bands like them.
Screamo is stupid in my opinion.

If you managed to read ALL of this, and are still interested.
I like to make new friends and just have nice conversations.
But yeah, don't be afraid to msg me. I don't bite unless you ask. ;]



Age: 34 / bi

United States


Age: 44 / straight

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Age: 41 / straight

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Age: 41 / straight

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Age: 28 / straight

United States