Lately I've been well into Neofolk/Viking Metal, whatever it might be called .Bagpipes, violins, drums and guitar make me happy. I also enjoy industrial, and I sneak in some blues and classical from time to time. I also love sort of voodoo/pagan drum music..whatever one might call that. If it would sound well in the middle of the forest around a big bonfire, I'm all for it. I totally need a concert buddy

I think about abstract ideas, and try to understand the mysterious parts of life. I find it very fascinating. I can be sort of morbid at times but like I said, those mysterious things of the unknown just really, really fascinate me. I've been told that I have "stoner thoughts" despite being stone cold sober, I'm going to go ahead and take that as a compliment. I get into weird conversations, which is pretty fun.
If you're cool I will give you a message back, I'm really laid back and down to earth. I don't judge, and I like honest, genuine people.
I wish this thing would let you be more specific as far as where people live- I live all the way in the johnson tip of Florida, just outside of the Keys, if that helps anyone lol.