(I spend a lot of my time crafting wire and gemstone jewellery, trees of life, and other related pagan shiny things! I crochet, I bake, I swear, and I love nature

I love to meet new people, but I do have some anxiety issues in the real world (as opposed to the online World!!) So if you see me out and about, be gentle

I love to experience new things. I love tattoos, piercings, long-haired guys, boobs, and clubbing

My music tastes vary completely, depending on my mood and what's going on in my life :3 but I like it heavy and rhythmic, something I can dance to is perfect. I love metal, folk, punk, ska, indie, and a bit of 90's pop... what can I say, it's a deadly secret (until now!). I love most 80's music as well, and my Spotify starred list tends to baffle most of my friends due to the wide variety of music I love!
I'm pretty outgoing when I'm with people that I know, but it can take me a bit of time to get to know people, as I find it hard to open up sometimes. Guess I'm still a bit tender and afraid of getting hurt. Get me in the right frame of mind though, and I won't be able to keep quiet

I love nothing better than to cuddle up with a film or book ^_^;; and to daydream to my hearts content. I also should warn you that I love to change my hair a lot, so it's always unpredictable. I love reading about the occult, magic, energy and chakras, and meditate regularly. I can't live without being around nature, so it's a bonus I live right smack bang in the centre of an island, full of lovely country walks, forests and never too far from the sea! Perfect.
Anything you wanna know, drop me a message. I don't always bite ;0 I'm down to earth, fun loving and just want to be happy, like most other people I guess. If you message me with someone like "hey" I'm not likely to reply.... give me something to work with/from! I'm not wanting your life story, just a brief hello and what's going on in that little bubble that is your world

It might take me a while to pluck up the courage to reply, as my anxiety is running circles around me at the moment!

And if you've read this far... well done!!!! ^_^