This part always feels so damn self absorbed.
Live and work in London doing video editing stuff, it's fun. I listen to all sorts of music, but heavily in to stoner/desert rock and pre WW2 trad jazz at the moment. I'm also one of those people that buys vinyl and gets drunk and starts blabbering on about how much better it sounds than digital recordings, I get on my own t*ts when I do this.
Play bass, guitar and drums, but don't have any time to play in a band at the moment because I work so much, which sucks, but I guess it's part of being an adult and having responsibilities and all that boring crap - I'm not ready to be an adult, I'm only 31.
I have a liking of 80's and early 90's films and the usual going to gigs and pubs and rock bars and drinking with lovely people, just like every other person on this site.
Here are some lists.
Things that make me happy;
rock music,
awesome riffs,
red wine,
Game of Thrones,
ale and beer,
roast dinner,
Fallout 3,
The Wire,
grape soda,
vinyl records,
dressing like a redneck,
the countryside,
occult literature,
the fact that Blue Cheer in my bands list refuses to behave and place it's self in alphabetical order, that's pretty rock and roll.
Things that make me sad;
Peanuts & peanut butter,
angry dogs,
a lack of manners,
cheesy clubs,
s**t tv,
getting up early,
not having long hair,
night buses,
the general public,
not having enough time to play in a band.