Lets see
A lot of you reading this already know me probably already have you`re mind set a certain way
and then I deffo gotta say something about people who read and don`t look at pictures or look at pictures and don`t read profiles lol
anyway I`m not so keen on touch screens and apps and such .... maybe I need someone to do that
Since I was a kid its always been very easy for me to end up spending way too much time on a computer and I`m talking pre internet..... and then when the internet was actually useless.....
anyway even when I was a kid touch screens seemed impossible to me, but ya know.... I look forward to the next leap in typing tech
So I grew up in London and spend summers in spain and cyprus
There`s a fair few skills I have
I`m a good cook.... I can do technical work and I live a pretty alternative life style trying to make a leap towards being more than semi nomadic or find a "home" ...a partner always sounds nice but....
people are tricky and picky and so on
I guess just ask me what ever ..... but yeah I mean to me this is a website.... maybe its an app on a device or smartphone to you...... but yeah..... I have a phone it`s in my pocket .... I`m kinda funny if someones not too far away I`d sooner meet them or atleast talk on the phone...,, I mean I don`t mind video call`s and all that.... I just don`t carry a smartphone
Oh also.... if you do know how to use a smartphone and do want to assist me... I do get upto some interesting things I think
maybe not full on movie worthy stuff .... but deffo not average normal stuff.... Tho I gotta say I`m working towards a private detective / late night ufo tv show level of amazement nowadays !!!!
Anyway freaks, aliens and even really tall or short people feel free to send me a message, I got a few social media and stuff but don`t always get on them much