

60 - Straight

California, United States

Dec 22, 2018 13:19

Greetings. I am His Assholiness. Here's my playlist. It's a start ?

Hey wanna skip all the long winded bulls**t ? ok , cliff notes version , I like punk rock n roll chicks. Big curves are a plus but i been with a all shapes and sizes. Havin somebody to talk with and laugh with is the major thing. Has a very dark sense of humor , so if ya can't hang with a dead baby joke ... out the door, to the left, one cross a piece. I am retired / disabled and live in my own house up on a mountain tween bako and LaLa. I have a hearse (the hearsemobile) a vw bug (cycobug) a chopper I call Lucifer and a few other bikes ...i am 53 and not motivated to do much anymore. I lives with a cat I refuse to name (been with me since a small kitten , 13 now) ... I like my playstion 3 and would like to go to wasteland weekend , an occasional show , maybe disneyweird , batsday might be fun ? bout the only place i could imagine putting up with f**king tsa to go see is iceland ...I been around , traveled, had a punk rock n roll band , already helped raise a family , ima fat beat up old f**ker, f**k it. Lettuce sea, I hate trump , religion and the ignorant f**ks who glaze right past the bad points of each ... I like guns ... I hate haters ...if you want to be one of the non-conformists , all you have to do is dress like us and listen to the same music we do ...f**k off now

(and now for the long winded diatribe version ... somebody please tell this asshole to shut the f**k up)

Being popular on Facebook is like sitting at the cool table in the cafeteria at a mental hospital. (f**k facebook)

... bottom line we need more cancer, better aids and bigger ovens. Cancel the kitchen scraps for beggars and orphans, no more merciful beheading's and call off (insert annoying holiday here) !!! (feeling a bit pissy are we ?)

In case anyone is wondering, NO , I'm not an atheist. There about as annoying as god damn theists. f**king know it all's. I feel everything is subjective. So basically , nobody knows anything for sure because they are not privileged to that knowledge. So there might be a "god' that exists in some form / way or another , might not. I lean towards not.

Love is a neurochemical con-job
A neurochemical is an organic molecule, such as serotonin, dopamine, or nerve growth factor, that participates in neural activity. So if gawd is love. is gawd a neurochemical con-job as well ? atheism - theism - pantheism , supposedly, we are / support, one of the 3. Personally, I do not accept the illusion of truth here , which is to say , I am open minded and can accept the potential of any of these , so to me , it is the height of arrogance to presume the truth about something as subjective as "god" , however, I can also accept that some draw comfort from "knowing" so by all means

God exists is true if and only if , God exists. We do not know that God exists , therefore concluding that God exists , as a fact , because something can't be derived from nothing is irrelevant. The only fact here is this , the Universe may or may not have had a starting point , therefore any speculation on the subject that is not testable should be followed by the admission that it is only a possible explanation. We may never know for sure the way the Universe works. The antiquated belief that an omnipotent being or existential anomaly or anything for that matter had a "hand" in the creation of the universe relies on the not testable theory that the universe in fact had a starting point. Maybe it did, maybe it didn't. The concept of the big bang does not prove the existence of god. The concept of the big bang does not prove the Universe had a starting point. The concept of the big bang provided "man" with compartmentalized linear thinking that was beneficial to a localized environment but that has now been disrupted by a world that has become exponential and global. Perhaps the time will come that we drop linear thinking in terms of the Universe in favor of exponential thinking which may provide the ability to hurdle past ancient wonders like big bangs and god in favor of new wonders like inter-dimensional travel and multi-universes ?

My feeling ... the Universe, just doesn't give a s**t. It is not fair / unfair , it never was , it doesn't have to be , so why bother ? It just "IS." Now perhaps the Universe and "god" for lack of a better term are one in the same but let's assume for a moment for the sake of "discussion" that there is no god, just the Universe and us. So the Universe, doesn't give a s**t and I admire that but then again ... what if the Universe / Earth have ego's , like us ? Could it be that the Earth for example get's "Butt Hurt" and throws tectonic fit's accordingly , just to get back at "man" for perceived infractions such as , all the time's the land was polluted in the name of progress for example ? Do we at last find out that the Earth has a thin skin and does not appreciate having it irritated with chemical c**ktails created by it's offspring ? I wonder if the Oceans throw down with hurricanes / typhoons in protest of all the damn plastic we so carelessly constipate the water and all that dwell within , not to mention our new accomplishment , radiating the sea ... oops, apparently I went and mentioned "it ?" Now "if" the Earth has an ego , can one / we imagine what astronomic chaos ensues as a result of the Universes ego ? Holy Crap !! What's going on "out" there ? Is the Universe pissed at us ? Is there something we could do or probably "NOT" do ? Blowing up stars and planets and vacuuming things up with black holes and all because the Universe is pissed about the way we treat "their" offspring, Earth. Something to think about ? Then again ... the Universe probably just doesn't give a s**t and if the Universe doesn't give a s**t and "if" there is a "god" , perhaps "god" doesn't give a s**t either ? That would explain a lot , wouldn't it ?

On a personal note: I'm very concerned about pollution , especially now with nuclear radiation being so involved with the ocean and then again all the plastic choking the ocean as well. I would appreciate pollution in general being a higher priority on land and sea. That and a cleaner energy program for sure. I would also like to see central banking and the "federal" reserve dealt with. With the reserve an audit at the very least and an audit for the entire governmental (heavy on the mental) bureaucracy, it's time. Lobbying needs to be better regulated. Our nations physical infrastructure needs to be dealt with, it has been largely ignored. If you want to get nationalistic , a series of tariffs would not only help protect workers of the world from slave labor tactics but also create good paying jobs right here in amerka. One of the major hurdles is the powers that be are sacrificing americans quality of life and nationalism in favor of a global economy Et al. So start with one thing perhaps and go from there : )
I would also care to see battered women and children, as well as the mentally disabled and homeless receive much more attention.

I don't have anything at stake in this madhouse of politics and bankers and corporations that actually run this planet. I am a very interested observer tho, just sitting back and enjoying the show, for all it's worth , eating metaphorical popcorn all the way. I wouldn't change a thing, I really don't have any regrets, I'm satisfied with the time period I live in and believe it or not, all rants and complaining aside, relatively content mentally and even tho I'm falling apart physically, it's just a minor inconvenience really and actually on a positive note, gives me an excuse to get off my ass and get out of the house.

Wisdom demonstrates the ability to make good decisions - Good decision making comes from experience - Experience is gained from poor judgement - Wisdom is a sign of poor judgement - His Assholiness

this is the part where I shut the f**k up but i can assure you it is a temporary "condition" / "opportunity"

Times up ! So , it's been real .... boring .... sew eye been makin a song list and tons of pics missing from bands , so I put a ton up and i just wanted to say to each of you associated with those acts by virtue of "liking" them but only the ones with the wherewithal to do an image search on google for a suitable pic and then move it here.....yeah, you guys are a bunch of lazy c**ts and I for sure am not excluding the "males" , how could i , they are basically the only one's here !

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