I am a musician and sound engineer, so music is a big part of my life. I'm also an artist, which I occasionally get paid for but not often enough.
I love campy 60’s and 70’s horror films like Hammer and Giallo, I also love Jodorowsky and Werner Herzog. I’m always looking out for wired b-moves and art films I haven’t seen yet.
I love learning about stuff, as a sort of hobby, especially subjects like science, philosophy, psychology, anthropology and symbolism in art, the occult and Tarot. I have a mild obsession with Aleister Crowley, C. G. Jung, Alan Moore, H.P. Lovecraft, Robert Anton Wilson, Genesis P. Orridge and Terence McKenna.
I like going to museums, galleries and clubs and travailing when I can afford it. I’m a vegan and very left wing, but hopefully not too preachy about it. (But no racists, brexiteers or Nazis please!)