

38 - Straight

West Midlands, United Kingdom

Jun 24, 2016 22:08

Rather than bore you with my life story here are ten random things you probably didn't want to know about me but are about to.

1. When asked as a child what I wanted to be when I grew up my answer would always be The Undertaker... Probably explains a lot.

2. I drink way to many cups of tea and eat way too many carrots.

3. If needed I can run for 24 hours off 3 hours sleep.

4. I can mostly be found walking the canals listening to music.

5. Every CD, DVD or video game I own is kept in alphabetical order.

6. I have a fear of sunflowers... Feel free to ask about that one.

7. I set my alarm 1 hour before I need to get up so I can lie in bed and think about things.

8. If I could own any animal as a pet it would be a fox.

9. My favourite colour is blood red.

10. Alice in Chains is my favourite band of all time.



Age: 35 / straight

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 39 / straight

West Midlands
United Kingdom

David Burgoyne

Age: 31 / straight

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 53 / straight

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 44 / bi

West Midlands
United Kingdom

Violet Peridot

Age: 33 / straight

West Midlands
United Kingdom

Scuffed in Stourbridge

Age: 32 / straight

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 32 / straight

West Midlands
United Kingdom

Furious George

Age: 46 / bi

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 50 / straight

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 36 / straight

West Midlands
United Kingdom


Age: 34 / straight

West Midlands
United Kingdom