

42 - Straight

Middlesex, United Kingdom

Oct 4, 2024 20:56

Tattooed, curvy geek. I love a good geek chat but don't have as much time as I used to as I am also a single Mum but luckily I have managed to raise a mini geek whose first word was 'Batman' and makes me proud everyday with his own geekiness.

My geekiness mainly lies in shows like Happy!, all the Marvel shows, Game of Thrones and many others including the loved and never forgotten Buffy, BG, Firefly. Also a day spent watching Southpark is always appreciated!
I love to laugh, have an odd sense of humour (think Jim Jefferies/Bill Hicks) and drink, smoke and swear like a sailor.
I've recently completed primary school teacher training which was interesting so looking forward to getting paid for it. To have a hand in molding the minds of our future is too great an opportunity to pass up. Think of how many geeks I can nurture! Mwahahahahahahahaha!!!

A few things I don't do..
- Heavy drug use. The odd doob is cool but excess is just silly at my age.........f**k! I'm getting old :/
- Dumb people or super smart patronising people. I know, kinda weird and possibly hypocritical but someone with common sense and tact is always better.
- Stinky people. Come on now...make an effort! A bar of soap and a tooth brush is all I ask.
- Racists, homophobes and general haters. No thanks! Oh, and animal-phobes. How can anyone hate a kitten or puppy??
- Also f**kboys. I'm looking for a relationship or at least something that could blossom. One stop f**ks are not for me any more.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnddddddd probably a ton of other stuff but hey, I'm a female. It's what we do
Thanks for looking

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