Loves storms,rains,snow and laughter..
Into nature,animals,music,movies,....
Most times I rarely say much ,people would say that's a good thing you know being female and we have like ten personalities

When I am tired I can do the odd waffle on about anything without it being relevant ,no wait ,that might be just normal hmm
Bit quirky ,loads mad ,eccentric but not a crazy cat lady ,yet ,spare me

Disgusting sense of humour but once it crawls back out of the gutter ,I am pretty much a clown
I can be sarcastic in a fun way
I do not like to hurt peoples feelings
I am far to soft and squishy
Dress sense? erm ,I wear what fits at any one time ,depends on moods ,time ,place ,universe etc
What don't I do ?...I do not brush my hair everyday ,I'm daring ( am fos

Definitely not one trout pout would you ever see ,you wish that ,then go buy a fish ,there are far more fun things to do with your mouth other than turn it into a swollen rectum and flash pictures of it

I go off with the fairies ...
Am not here for anything, I just am here
And that is the only seriousness you will get out of me