I adore colourful hair and have played with all sorts of combos for a long time. It makes me quite happy. I get to paint my hair like an artist paints a canvas. I'm typically pretty friendly and enjoy meeting new friends. A lot of people feel comfortable around me, though I'm kind of an intense person - not everyone's cup of tea (coffee? hah) And I don't mind. I enjoy how different we all are.
I'm not afraid of mistakes. As Neil Gaiman put it, "make lots of glorious, amazing mistakes... because you're Doing Something." I try not to regret experiences more than analyze and move on.
So what do I do, you wonder? I'm a video editor and very passionate about it. I grew up watching movies and going to conventions (star trek, sci-fi, etc) but never thought I'd ever be able to help create! I've edited features, short films, even the insane 48 hour contests! plus all the usual everyday fare like broadcast spots & promos. I love watching other people's stories... thus I enjoy films of all kinds. ^__^ I like tv shows like Game of Thrones & Walking Dead.
I listen to music every day! It's a huge part of my life... I couldn't even begin to list them all!

My mind is constantly running, thinking, imagining, and playing around with ideas. When I have free time, I like to game on Steam or MMO's, watch movies and anime, have adventures, write scripts or read books, take photos, draw, or do crafts. I like to bike and have taken up strength training. It relieves A LOT of stress. I'm not very often feeling bored. There's SO much to go try, do, fail, have fun at. I really try to push what I'm capable of.
With that, what're you waiting for?! I would love to talk.
PS: If you're just bored & want to be entertained, I think there is a circus nearby? ;D ----> that way.