

39 - Straight

Greater Manchester, United Kingdom

May 15, 2024 00:31

Hi there, I'm Ben, I'm looking for someone with similar tastes and interests!

I'd describe myself as open-minded, and willing to try new things I Love metal/rock/industrial etc and have a bit of a nerdy side, I'm into sci-fi, fantasy, and anime. I'm into anything retro/80's/early 90's like my Megadrive and Saga Saturn, give me a controller from anything post-PS1 and I will look at you all confused lol!

I also enjoy a bit of DnD, Warhammer and playing guitar in my spare time 😁

I build PCs for a living so if you have any IT issues I'm your man lol

I'm Open to the possibility of it leading to something more long-term if that's where things take us!

I'm a big supporter of gender and sexual equality regardless of orientation, preference or relationship type, people should be able to love who they want regardless of "social norms" or conformity.

Yeah, thats probably all I've got to say, if in doubt, message me or something...



Age: 39 / straight

Greater Manchester
United Kingdom

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Greater Manchester
United Kingdom


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United Kingdom


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United Kingdom


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Greater Manchester
United Kingdom


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United Kingdom


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Greater Manchester
United Kingdom


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Greater Manchester
United Kingdom


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Greater Manchester
United Kingdom

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Greater Manchester
United Kingdom

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United Kingdom


Age: 38 / straight

Greater Manchester
United Kingdom