34 - Bi
Georgia, United States
Nov 5, 2011 06:28
All credit for the banner go to battybabe13
I am an ice bitch. Lets get that straight. If you're going to be a total asshole, perv, or just be an ignorant, s**t starting douche, prepare for the biggest s**t storm ever. I WILL shut your ego down faster than your d**k can get limp. Don't ask for my MSN, it doesn't exist. No I don't cyber. The only s*x you'd be getting from me is if you joined any of the roleplay cults I'm in. I'll know If you didn't read my profile. Any questions answered on here, I'll point your happy ass back to square one.
Don't label me.
Now that we got that out of the way... Let me introduce myself. My name is not really important, since I kinda hate it, nor am I new. You may call me Bri-Chan. I am teaching myself guitar, Japanese, Finnish and furthering my knowledge of basic French. I want to be a linguist when I'm older. Foreign languages really are cool, and I aspire to know at least 15 fluently before my death. I sing, dance, and want to do cosplay, but well... what can you do? I can't sew or have the funds for it now.
I have a very deep fascination and probably growing affection for gore. Weird science, different bodily dysfunctions, diseases, and anything involving blood and misshapen/ protruding body parts will always grab my attention. The site Best Gore is like... My favorite site ever. I'm always looking up different diseases and stuff. It's just cool. Gore is the only thing that makes me cringe and want to see more of at the same time. I love bloody, scary movies, and will see a horror film before some stupid ass chick flick.
This is just a fair warning....
For those of you who are smart:
I will NOT, under ANY circumstances, tolerate dudes perving me. Things that will get you publicly humiliated and blocked IMMEDIATELY are:
-calling me "babe, sweetie, baby, honey, dear" etc (I'm not your boo or any of those s**t affectionate names. I don't even f**king know you!)
-asking for n*des (I'm not a *****, go to a p**n site if you want to see t*ts.)
-asking for my phone number (What the hell bro? We just met, so for-f**king-get it)
-randomly adding me ESPECIALLY if we haven't talked (that should explain itself), and anything else I deem pervish or annoying.
I also have have a pet peeve with grammar and spelling. I would appreciate it if you would type and spell to the best of your ability. If you have a disorder, I'll understand. If you're doing it because you have the disease "Lazyf**keritis" I'll just stop talking to you. It annoys me. Seriously.
A few things some should know: I'm a moody person, but I can't help it. I have a few disorders that cause it. You don't like it, tough s**t. I do tend to bitch people out one day, then be fine the next. Seriously, I don't mean to. If I do it to you and you're my friend, it just means I'm comfortable enough with you. Be proud
Normally, I'll just take out my anger/ frustration on myself or some stranger. I am a struggling recovering cutter/ self- injurer (I feel proud when I can get through a month without doing it), and I proudly display my scars. They tell stories of battles that I managed to overcome. If you want to know more about how my brain and mind work, feel free to ask
I don't mind telling if you're truly interested.
I guess that's all. Don't be shy to talk with me. I'm really not as bad as I seem
Bet you wont click this
What do I like?
Fire, my wife Shan-Chan, blood, Japanese culture, music, and clothing style, gore, music, reading, writing, drawing, pain, Charmed, Supernatural, Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, internet, Emily the Strange, the colors black and magenta together, Lolita fashion, cosplay, role-playing, tattoos, piercings, the color black, my own mind, what other people are thinking, Foamy, Gir, pancakes, chocolate, waffles, cupcakes, and a few other things I can't seem to remember
My Obsession For Now
What do I hate?
Random adds, dudes who think it's cool to try and get some online pussy; it's not asshole.... pervs, Jersey Shore (I mean come on... Oompah f**king loompahs.) "playahs" rap, hip-hop, R&B, country, bluegrass, jazz, comtemporary, gospel (that slow stuff, certain songs are ok), pop, Rebecca Black, Jenna Rose, Justin Bieber, annoying family members, people who start drama, people who make fun of my cutting, people who yell just because they don't understand, homophobes, MOTHERf**kING FEET!!!, racists, the "n" word, annoying people, facebook attention *****s (the ones who post pics of them cutting because it's "cool") and people who act like cutting is f**king cool.
My Earcandy?
Mini Moni, Celtic Woman, Morning Musume, Berryz Koubou, Guardians4, Buono!, Perfume, Shugo Chara Egg, 7Nin Matsuri, 10Nin Matsuri, Odoru 11, Breaking Benjamin, Evanescence, Drowning Pool, System of a Down, Vocaloid Series, Foamy the Squirrel's songs, Jon Lajoie, Utada Hikaru, Vitamin String Quartet, Taliesin Orchestra, Follow Your Failure, The Lonely Island, Adiemus, Antoine Dodson, eScala, Blessthefall, Skillet, August Rush, I Set My Friends On Fire/ Calvary Kids, Millionaires (only some though), Scene Kidz, R.E.M, Raintime, brokeNCYDE, Forever The Sickest Kids, Shinedown, Linkin Park, Cinema Bizarre, Hollywood Undead, Static X, My American Heart, and Bullet For My Valentine just to name a few.
All credit for the banner go to battybabe13
I am an ice bitch. Lets get that straight. If you're going to be a total asshole, perv, or just be an ignorant, s**t starting douche, prepare for the biggest s**t storm ever. I WILL shut your ego down faster than your d**k can get limp. Don't ask for my MSN, it doesn't exist. No I don't cyber. The only s*x you'd be getting from me is if you joined any of the roleplay cults I'm in. I'll know If you didn't read my profile. Any questions answered on here, I'll point your happy ass back to square one.
Don't label me.
Now that we got that out of the way... Let me introduce myself. My name is not really important, since I kinda hate it, nor am I new. You may call me Bri-Chan. I am teaching myself guitar, Japanese, Finnish and furthering my knowledge of basic French. I want to be a linguist when I'm older. Foreign languages really are cool, and I aspire to know at least 15 fluently before my death. I sing, dance, and want to do cosplay, but well... what can you do? I can't sew or have the funds for it now.
I have a very deep fascination and probably growing affection for gore. Weird science, different bodily dysfunctions, diseases, and anything involving blood and misshapen/ protruding body parts will always grab my attention. The site Best Gore is like... My favorite site ever. I'm always looking up different diseases and stuff. It's just cool. Gore is the only thing that makes me cringe and want to see more of at the same time. I love bloody, scary movies, and will see a horror film before some stupid ass chick flick.
This is just a fair warning....
For those of you who are smart:
I will NOT, under ANY circumstances, tolerate dudes perving me. Things that will get you publicly humiliated and blocked IMMEDIATELY are:
-calling me "babe, sweetie, baby, honey, dear" etc (I'm not your boo or any of those s**t affectionate names. I don't even f**king know you!)
-asking for n*des (I'm not a *****, go to a p**n site if you want to see t*ts.)
-asking for my phone number (What the hell bro? We just met, so for-f**king-get it)
-randomly adding me ESPECIALLY if we haven't talked (that should explain itself), and anything else I deem pervish or annoying.
I also have have a pet peeve with grammar and spelling. I would appreciate it if you would type and spell to the best of your ability. If you have a disorder, I'll understand. If you're doing it because you have the disease "Lazyf**keritis" I'll just stop talking to you. It annoys me. Seriously.
A few things some should know: I'm a moody person, but I can't help it. I have a few disorders that cause it. You don't like it, tough s**t. I do tend to bitch people out one day, then be fine the next. Seriously, I don't mean to. If I do it to you and you're my friend, it just means I'm comfortable enough with you. Be proud
Normally, I'll just take out my anger/ frustration on myself or some stranger. I am a struggling recovering cutter/ self- injurer (I feel proud when I can get through a month without doing it), and I proudly display my scars. They tell stories of battles that I managed to overcome. If you want to know more about how my brain and mind work, feel free to ask
I don't mind telling if you're truly interested.
I guess that's all. Don't be shy to talk with me. I'm really not as bad as I seem
Bet you wont click this
What do I like?
Fire, my wife Shan-Chan, blood, Japanese culture, music, and clothing style, gore, music, reading, writing, drawing, pain, Charmed, Supernatural, Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, internet, Emily the Strange, the colors black and magenta together, Lolita fashion, cosplay, role-playing, tattoos, piercings, the color black, my own mind, what other people are thinking, Foamy, Gir, pancakes, chocolate, waffles, cupcakes, and a few other things I can't seem to remember
My Obsession For Now
What do I hate?
Random adds, dudes who think it's cool to try and get some online pussy; it's not asshole.... pervs, Jersey Shore (I mean come on... Oompah f**king loompahs.) "playahs" rap, hip-hop, R&B, country, bluegrass, jazz, comtemporary, gospel (that slow stuff, certain songs are ok), pop, Rebecca Black, Jenna Rose, Justin Bieber, annoying family members, people who start drama, people who make fun of my cutting, people who yell just because they don't understand, homophobes, MOTHERf**kING FEET!!!, racists, the "n" word, annoying people, facebook attention *****s (the ones who post pics of them cutting because it's "cool") and people who act like cutting is f**king cool.
My Earcandy?
Mini Moni, Celtic Woman, Morning Musume, Berryz Koubou, Guardians4, Buono!, Perfume, Shugo Chara Egg, 7Nin Matsuri, 10Nin Matsuri, Odoru 11, Breaking Benjamin, Evanescence, Drowning Pool, System of a Down, Vocaloid Series, Foamy the Squirrel's songs, Jon Lajoie, Utada Hikaru, Vitamin String Quartet, Taliesin Orchestra, Follow Your Failure, The Lonely Island, Adiemus, Antoine Dodson, eScala, Blessthefall, Skillet, August Rush, I Set My Friends On Fire/ Calvary Kids, Millionaires (only some though), Scene Kidz, R.E.M, Raintime, brokeNCYDE, Forever The Sickest Kids, Shinedown, Linkin Park, Cinema Bizarre, Hollywood Undead, Static X, My American Heart, and Bullet For My Valentine just to name a few.
Age: 25 / bi
United States
Age: 84 / bi
United States
Age: 27 / bi
United States
Age: 21 / bi
United States
Age: 28 / straight
United States
Age: 37 / gay
United States
Age: 104 / straight
United States
Age: 27 / bi
United States
Age: 19 / bi
United States
Punk Princess
Age: 26 / bi
United States
Age: 20 / bi
United States
Age: 18 / straight
United States