u see ma as i kind caring person u see a kid that wont back down from a fight u see how i act an u see how i reacted u see me the me i keep inside the pain i feel the trouble the hardships
u see me smile i fake my smile all day
u see a kid but all i see is a freak a freak whos mom left when he was 5 how he gave up on her god an life now i sit in my roim all alown waiting for death to comefrom tge fames words of crossdade take this hurt away
go back to yesterday i say im sorry in a 1000 ways i can
t put this bottle down as i watch this world fade away into the night all i see is a freak but what u see is a kid crying in the rain life f**king sucks i hate being used lied to thrown away for some one new cheated on led ok tricked all i want is to be loved when i get up set i can have menral vraje siwns if been abused mentale abushed years ago a a nother thing years ago im alown no wants a freak like me yes im broken i have instukshibs an tgey say aseelmble reqared p.s i love candel light dinners in a grave yard under the stars watching a horror film an cuddleing with the person i love an going on picnics in the grave yard takeing long walks in the pale moon light and playing in the rain an mud cakes lol oh and hit me up i wont bite much