KIK: Annilexia
Name's Annilexia Mae, and I am a single mother to twin baby girls. My ethnicity would be Vietnamese, Irish, German, Scottish, and another type of Asian on my father's side (likely to be Japanese). I am 20 years old, though my soul is ages ahead of your time. In a nutshell, I'm a very eclectic person. My mannerisms will either annoy you, offend you, or make you want me to be your best friend. Around me, there is no such thing as politically correct. I break your taboos by simply walking past. Nothing stifles me, nothing makes me lose poise. You won't impress me by relaying your drunken sexual adventures, or pretending you like some bands that I'd like. Want to really impress me? Say something unique, and leave me captivated.
I like to model whenever I'm able to. In addition, I'm currently trying to get back onto the college path. What I hope to achieve with my life is to have happiness, satisfaction, and success. I've been told I have talents with creativity, such as: editing, photography, writing, and poetry. I have philosophical moments as well, to which people have said that I have a similar mindset of a well-educated person in their 30s. I love almost any type of books, music genres, and food (excluding spicy, bitter, and extreme sour). My favorite bands would be The Medic Droid and The Vanity Light. Eminem is my favorite rapper. My favorite anime would probably be Death Note. I love horror- blood and gore galore, but I dislike suspense moments because of my paranoia. Comedy is always welcome.
The most common fear that takes over my brain: that I will be setback and find myself even more challenged (an example- finding a potential life partner), because I have kids now. People will judge and/or avoid me, based on their knowledge that I am a young parent, that I come with extra "baggage". I know, I know... The "right one" or the "true friends" will stand by me, no matter what, regardless if I created spawns or not. Sometimes, it still feels a little hopeless.