Looking for Miss Right. Keep meeting Miss WRONG or Miss Nobody! Miss WRONG is usually mental and Miss Nobody is never around! I'm a very romantic sod! Bring flowers home from work et al! Love the old pub of course with a good jukebox (im old & decrepit) and a game of pool! I'm a photographer by trade so I'm always shooting, usually pylons, wastelands and urban decay but mixing this with fashion is my major! Love documentary film and pretty much most other film genres EXCEPT ROM COMS and Jane Austin, doily wearing nonsense (sound of me choking)! I'm always a wide-o, is that how you spell it? Cracking the jokes and cheering everybody up, usually cause its the way I say it! I don't mind so long as the person in front of me is happy and laughing I'll do anything to keep them in that state
Photography(Fashion & Urban Decayed/landscape/War
Alternative Rock/Electronica
David Lynch Films
The hum of a fan heater
Cold climates
My Litre mug for Tea
Anything by Charlie Brooker
Twin Peaks