
Site model name is Rikki Rawr ^_^ I'm very friendly so please don't hesitate to message me or talk to me, i literally talk to just about everyone! heh I'm a very affectionate person, i hug everyone and love to cuddle. :3 For the most part i try to stay positive and always keep a smile on my face.

Music is really important to me, i may not sing the best or play an instrument but music keeps me as sane as possible and has kept me from having emotional breakdowns. I love animals

especially cats and dogs ^_^ Also just a warning, i hate guys who are overly confident, it annoys me for some reason i can't explain, i usually stop replying back to guys who come off c**ky, like don't get me wrong, confidence is good to have but when it's to the point that you think you're gods gift to females, that's when i wanna punch you in the face. haha i tend to flirt with EVERYONE when i'm single, it's just how i am, i am overly nice to the point it comes off flirty...when i'm trying to flirt though heh you will know, me intentionally flirting is very obvious