I love getting out there and having experiences, who needs 'things' if is a toss up between a weekend away or a shopping trip I know which I'd choose!, when you're all pruney you won't be thinking 'ooo I should have bought more sofas or handbags or whatever other stuff'...though hey I also don't live in a tent as a hermit!, got to have contradictions!
I also like butterflies, the colour purple, the beach , chopper bikes, tattoos, coffee, strawberries, mojitos, sunshine strong enough to multiply the freckles on my arms, daytrips, rollercoasters, cooking, films, marmite, hairy men chests, big bubble baths, the smell of coconut and vanilla, .....
I love hairy men..., like the fuzz!, but if not blessed in that department I'm not prejudiced!

Feel free to say hi!