

42 - Straight

Reykjavik, Iceland

Aug 12, 2024 00:06

A Brit trapped in the land of Fire and Ice..... occasionally I make it back to the UK for a week or so.

Love all types of metal but particularly Doom Metal, Viking Metal, Gothic Metal, Post Metal.

Fantasy nerd. LOTR and Game of Thrones in particular. Also loved the Viking series.

Sci Fi can also be cool.

I also love history. I can pretty much find aspects of any period of history interesting but what fascinates me the most is Norse history and mythology (obviously how I ended up living where I am now), Celtic Britain, Anglo Saxon England, Greek mythology and history, ancient Egypt, the Roman Empire. British Victorian history can also be fascinating for many reasons.

I have a BA in English Literature but have never used it. I am self employed but involved with something completely different.

Not into partying these days (getting a bit old for it) and much prefer a good hike somewhere beautiful followed by a cosy night in. I grew up in a big city in the UK but now live in a small rural place on the edge of the world! It has it's good points and bad points (the weather can be brutal!) but more good than bad.

I enjoy the quiet life more than ever before and would choose a chilled museum or walk in the forest rather than a crowded bar.

I live in a pretty isolated place so it would be nice to network and make friends on here whom have similar interests, even if just to have a chat now and again when time allows.



Age: 43 / straight



Age: 43 / straight
